TAPIR [1] is a C++ implementation of the Adaptive Belief Tree (ABT) algorithm [2]. ABT is an online POMDP solver capable of adapting to modifications to the POMDP model without the need to reconstruct the policy from scratch. For continuous action spaces, TAPIR also includes an implementation of General Pattern Search in Adaptive Belief Trees (GPS-ABT) [3].
[1] D. Klimenko and J. Song and. H. Kurniawati. TAPIR: A Software Toolkit for Approximating and Adapting POMDP Solutions Online. Proc. Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2014. http://robotics.itee.uq.edu.au/~hannakur/dokuwiki/papers/acra14_tapir.pdf
[2] H. Kurniawati and V. Yadav. An Online POMDP Solver for Uncertainty Planning in Dynamic Environment. Proc. Int. Symp. on Robotics Research. 2013. http://robotics.itee.uq.edu.au/~hannakur/dokuwiki/papers/isrr13_abt.pdf
[3] K. Seiler and H. Kurniawati and S.P.N. Singh. An Online and Approximate Solver for POMDPs with Continuous Action Space. Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2015. http://robotics.itee.uq.edu.au/~hannakur/dokuwiki/papers/icra15_ctsActPomdp.pdf
For bug reports and suggestions, please email [email protected]
For the latest news, please visit the TAPIR website.
- Main developers:
- Dimitri Klimenko (core toolkit)
- Konstantin Seiler (continuous action spaces)
- Joshua Song (ROS + VREP interface)
Operating systems: Linux.
Building and running the C++ source code requires:
- GNU C++ compiler (>= 4.8) or equivalent
- libspatialindex (>= 1.7.0) Debian/Ubuntu package name: "libspatialindex-dev"
Ubuntu 12.04 NOTE:
Ubuntu 12.04 by default ships with g++ 4.6. One option is to replace g++ 4.6 with g++ 4.8. Otherwise, to have both g++ 4.8 and g++ 4.6:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-4.8
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 60
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.6 40
Here, 4.8 priority is set to 60, higher than 4.6. To swap to 4.6 use:
sudo update-alternatives --config g++
Go to the Quick Start README for a quick-start guide to setting up and running TAPIR.
The core solver code is located in src/solver, while several example problems are given in src/problems:
- Tag - see here for a problem description.
- RockSample - see here for a problem description.
Here's a quick overview of the contents of this package, by directory structure:
- README.md - the Quick Start Guide
- Makefile - used to change most of the core settings used in building the code.
- .make - contains template Makefile code which is included by the Makefiles in many of the subdirectories. This is the core of the build system, which is described in the Build System README.
- problems - contains problem-specific configuration settings,
and is also the default output directory for all of the problem executables.
- RockSample - contains configuration settings for RockSample. This is also the default place for the generated executables for RockSample to go to.
- Tag - contains configuration settings for Tag; the generated executables for Tag will go here.
- docs - contains this overview README, as well as Doxygen settings
in order to generate HTML documentation.
- html - the output directory for HTML documentation
- src - the source directory
- solver - the core ABT solver source code
- options - contains code for parsing configuration options.
Most of the work is done by two libraries included in the code:
- TCLAP - see http://tclap.sourceforge.net/ for more details.
- inih - see https://code.google.com/p/inih/ for more details.
- problems - contains the code for all of the example
- shared - contains shared code used by many problems
- RockSample - contains code for the RockSample POMDP.
- Tag - contains code for the Tag POMDP.
Some of the files and directories are specifically used for the ROS interface, and hence are not needed if you are not using TAPIR with ROS. These are:
- CMakelists.txt - This allows TAPIR to be used as a ROS package - it is not used by the standard build system for TAPIR.
- launch - This contains launch files to be used by ROS, in order to conveniently launch specific scenarios.
- msg - Describes ROS messages, which are published by ROS nodes; this allows a simple publish-subscribe model for one-way communication.
- srv - Describes ROS services, which allow communication with a request-reply model.
- .ros-scripts - Some scripts for extra convenience in working with ROS.
This project uses a custom GNU Make build system, which is documented in further detail in this README; the dependencies are cleanly managed and make can easily be run in parallel, i.e.
make -jN
where N is the number of threads you want to use; 8 is good for many CPUs. The code should build OK without any special configuration, but if need be the core build settings can be changed via the root Makefile.
To build the core solver, simply use the command
make solver
This will build the solver as a static library in builds/release/libtapir.a. Alternatively, the solver can also be built as a shared library - use the command
make solver CFG=shared
and a shared library file will be output to builds/shared/libtapir.so
The supplied code also comes with several example problems, as mentioned previously. To build the code with all of the example problems, simply use the command
make all
Alternatively, you can build only a specific problem by specifying that problem as a target. For example,
make tag -j4 CFG=shared
would use 4 threads to compile; that command would build the solver as a shared library, and also build the Tag problem to dynamically link against the shared library file. Alternatively, you can also compile a problem by running make from within that problem's source directory, e.g.
cd src/problems/tag
Different build configurations are available via the "CFG" variable in the Makefile, which can be set from the command line; for example, debugging output can be generated by using
make CFG=debug
or by setting
in the root Makefile. Each configuration sends intermediate compilation outputs into a different directory, which will be "builds/$(CFG)". This makes it easy to switch between different builds, as the "make" command simply needs to copy the previously-made executables from the relevant build directory.
For additional documentation on the build system, see the build system README.
First of all, the solver can be used for your own purposes in library form; simply build it as either a static or dynamic library (as per the previous section) and then link against it.
If you want to run the example problems, you should first compile those problems, as per the previous section. Each problem should generate two core executables - "solve" for initial offline policy generation, and "simulate" for online simulation. After building, these executables are placed into the directory "problems", with a subdirectory for each individual problem.
Each problem will have its own setings, which can be configured in one of two ways - via command line parameters, or via configuration files. Any parameters passed via command line will override the settings in the file. For a quick summary of the command-line parameters available, run the executable with an argument of "--help" for the usage information. More advanced settings are available via config files; default versions of the configuration files are located in the directory "problems" - for example, see the default Tag configuration The actual settings that are available in each config file are defined by subclasses of the base [Options] class, e.g. [TagOptions] specifies all of the options that can be configured for Tag.
See the guide on implementing a new model for details.