diff --git a/provision/README.md b/provision/README.md
index 08a00a0c5cadc1..430fd8a462d330 100644
--- a/provision/README.md
+++ b/provision/README.md
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ file defines the well-known (default) parameters used by the automatic provision
| -g, --generate | optional | flag | Auto-generate test certificates |
| -r, --csr | optional | flag | CSR mode: When true, instructs the GFW to generate the private key, and issue a CSR. |
| -gf, --gen_fw | optional | dec/hex | Path to the Generator Firmware image. |
-| -pg, --prod_fw | optional | dec/hex | Path to the Production Firmware image. |
+| -pf, --prod_fw | optional | dec/hex | Path to the Production Firmware image. |
| -ct, --cert_tool | optional | string | Path to the chip-cert tool. Defaults to `../out/tools/chip-cert` |
| -jl, --pylink_lib | optional | string | Path to the PyLink library. |
| -sn, --serial_number | optional | string | Serial Number. |
@@ -159,28 +159,29 @@ file defines the well-known (default) parameters used by the automatic provision
| -pn, --product_name | optional | string | Product name (Max 32 char). |
| -pl, --product_label | optional | string | Product label. |
| -pu, --product_url | optional | string | Product URL. |
-| -pn, --part_number | optional | dec/hex | Device Part Number (Max 32 char). |
+| -pm, --part_number | optional | dec/hex | Device Part Number (Max 32 char). |
| -hv, --hw_version | optional | dec/hex | The hardware version value (Max 2 bytes). |
| -hs, --hw_version_str | optional | string | The hardware version string (Max 64 char). |
| -md, --manufacturing_date | optional | string | Manufacturing date. |
-| -ui, --unique_id | optional5 | hex string | A 128 bits hex string unique id (without 0x). |
+| -ui, --unique_id | optional5 | hex string | A 128 bits hex string unique id (without 0x). |
| -sd, --discriminator | optional2 | dec/hex | BLE pairing discriminator. e.g: 3840 or 0xF00. (12-bit) |
| -sp, --spake2p_passcode | required | dec/hex | Session passcode used to generate the SPAKE2+ verifier. |
| -si, --spake2p_iterations | required | dec/hex | Iteration count used to generate the SPAKE2+ verifier. |
| -ss, --spake2p_salt | required | string6 | Salt used to generate the SPAKE2+ verifier. |
| -sv, --spake2p_verifier | optional | string6 | Pre-generated SPAKE2+ verifier. |
| -sy, --setup_payload | optional | string6 | Setup Payload. |
-| -cf, --commissioning_flow | optional | dec/hex | Commissioning Flow 0=Standard, 1=User Action, 2=Custom. |
-| -rf, --rendezvous_flags | optional | dec/hex | Rendez-vous flag: 1=SoftAP, 2=BLE 4=OnNetwork (Can be combined). |
+| -sf, --commissioning_flow | optional | dec/hex | Commissioning Flow 0=Standard, 1=User Action, 2=Custom. |
+| -sr, --rendezvous_flags | optional | dec/hex | Rendez-vous flag: 1=SoftAP, 2=BLE 4=OnNetwork (Can be combined). |
| -fi, --firmware_info | optional | string | Firmware Information |
| -cd, --certification | required | string | Path to the Certification Declaration (CD) file. |
| -cc, --cd_cert | optional | string | Certification Declaration Signing Cert |
| -ck, --cd_key | optional | string | Certification Declaration Signing Key |
-| -ac, --paa_cert | required | string | Path to the PAI certificate. |
-| -ak, --paa_key | optional3 | string | Path to the PAI certificate. |
+| -ac, --paa_cert | required | string | Path to the PAA certificate. |
+| -ak, --paa_key | optional3 | string | Path to the PAA private-key. |
| -ic, --pai_cert | required | string | Path to the PAI certificate. |
-| -dc, --dac_cert | optional3 | string | Path to the PAI certificate. |
-| -dk, --dac_key | optional3 | dec/hex | Path to the PAI private-key. |
+| -ik, --pai_key | required | string | Path to the PAI private-key. |
+| -dc, --dac_cert | optional3 | string | Path to the DAC certificate. |
+| -dk, --dac_key | optional3 | dec/hex | Path to the DAC private-key. |
| -di, --key_id | required | dec/hex | Attestation Key ID. |
| -dp, --key_pass | optional3 | string | Password for the key file. |
| -dx, --pkcs12 | optional3 | string | Path to the PKCS#12 attestation certificates file. Formerly --att_certs. |
diff --git a/provision/modules/parameters.yaml b/provision/modules/parameters.yaml
index 9ec0e08e129897..c3a399bd990acf 100644
--- a/provision/modules/parameters.yaml
+++ b/provision/modules/parameters.yaml
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ instance_info:
- id: 0x0153
desc: 'Manufacturing Date'
name: 'manufacturing_date'
- short: 'hm'
+ short: 'md'
type: 'date'
max: 10