The code is expected to conform to Black and PEP8, and include type annotations. Tools are provided for linting and reformatting.
Checks if the code is correctly formatted, and that type annotations are in place.
$ make lint
Formats code using black, autoflake and isort.
$ make reformat
- Try to use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")
- Limit the first line to 72 characters or less
- Docstrings should be written ins Google Style
- Sphinx docs should use reStructuredText
aiosnow uses Poetry for working with the project. Guides for its installation procedure is described over at python-poetry/poetry.
With poetry installed, run make
in the project root for a list of available commands.
Creates a virtual environment and installs dependencies in .poetry/
$ make install
Updates dependencies in .poetry/
$ make update
Activates the virtual environment.
$ make shell
Runs tests.
$ make test
Removes cache and bytecode files.
$ make clean
Uploads aiosnow to PyPI.
$ make publish