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Arco Unit Generator Reference

Roger B. Dannenberg


Unit generators are "named" by small integers. It is up to the client to select the integer. (Normally, you would expect an API to provide an "allocate" function that returns the name of a new object, but since Arco is an asynchronous process, we want to avoid synchronous calls or functions that return values wherever possible.)

O2 Addresses

O2 messages to Arco address classes and methods rather than objects. You might expect something like /arco/25/set_freq to set the frequency of object with ID 25, but this design would require us to install multiple new addresses in the O2 address space each time we create an object. Instead, we write /arco/sine/set_freq <id> <chan> <freq>. Note that the object ID is now a parameter. This can be resolved to a Ugen by simple table lookup.

Naming Conventions

O2 addresses generally have the form /arco/<class>/<method> and methods often include the forms:

  • new creates a new instance of the class. Parameters are the ID, the number of output channels, and an integer ID for each input.
  • set_<input> for setting an input to a constant value (the input value is a float). The input must be a constant.
  • repl_<input> for setting an input to the output of another object (the input "value" is an integer ID for another object).

Creating and Updating a Ugen

To create a Ugen (see also the next subsection , "Serpent"):

/arco/fmosc/new ID chans input1 input2 ...

where inputs are ID's for other UGens.

To release a Ugen, free the ID, but the ugen is actually deleted only when all references to it are deleted. When a Ugen is deleted, its references are also deleted, which may cause other Ugens to be deleted.

/arco/free ID

To change a parameter, there are two possibilities. A constant (a Ugen of class Const) can be updated with a new value. A constant can have multiple channels (so it can be seen as a vector of floats), so the update includes a channel. You can update a constant directly using:

/arco/const/set ID chan float

But you can also free the Const Ugen after it has been assigned as the input to some other Ugen. Since the refcount is greater than 1, releasing the ID does not delete the constant, and some Ugen holds the reference. But every Ugen has commands to follow the reference to the Const object and set a value:

/arco/fmosc/set_freq ID chan float

This message only works if the current input is a Const and is recommended because the client can free its direct reference to the Const object. Also, it seems more direct to set an input parameter of the ugen as opposed to an output parameter of a Const.

As a further convenience and matter of style, the client can allocate fixed Arco ID numbers for Const construction. When you want a "c-rate" (i.e. Const) input, send /arco/const/new using the fixed ID, use /arco/const/set to set the value(s), and then use this Const as a parameter for a new Ugen. Immediately send /arco/free to free the Const. Since the const is still referenced by the new Ugen, you can use messages like /arco/fmosc/set_freq to change the Const value, so you really do not need to retain a direct reference to the Const, and now you can reuse the fixed ID number for the next Const parameter you need. Since Ugens can have multiple parameters, you should reserve a handful of Const IDs. We use 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

In summary, the pattern for starting Ugens with one or more Const inputs is:

  1. Create Const objects for each Const parameter using fixed Arco ID numbers.
  2. Set the initial values of the Const objects.
  3. Pass the objects as parameters to the newly created Ugen.
  4. Free all the Const objects (from their IDs).
  5. If you need to change an input value, do it through one of the Ugen's set_ methods.

This procedure also insures a separate Const for each parameter. If a Const is shared by other ugens, setting the input of one of those ugens changes the input of other ugens. In that case, it is better to treat the Const object as a shared variable with its own ID and set the Const object directly using that ID.

If the current input is A-rate (audio) or B-rate (block rate), you can replace the input (and also unref the current one) by using a replace command:

/arco/fmosc/repl_freq ID freqID

where freqID is the ID of the replacement input.


In Serpent, use the class name, in lower case, as a constructor function. The result is an object that is an instance of a subclass of Ugen that serves to represent Arco unit generators. E.g. fmosc(pitch, fmod, env) creates an instance of Fmosc. With few exceptions, you work with these Ugen objects and should never make direct access to Arco unit generator IDs. To modify an input, use set(name, value) where name is a symbol (symbol literals use single quotes), e.g. 'freq' and value is a number, an array of numbers (multi-channel constants) or a Ugen. For many unit generators, there are also special methods such as set_dur(dur) that modify unit generator parameters that are not input signals. See Section "General Methods" below for more.

More Details

In the case of /arco/<class>/new, if the input is a "constant" (as opposed to audio-rate or block-rate signal, "constant-rate" signals represent float values that can be set by messages, so in effect, they are piece-wise constant signals), you must create a constant object with /arco/const/new or /arco/const/newf messages and then pass the ID of the constant object as the input to the new object.

In the case of /arco/<class>/set_<input>, if the input is a constant, then the constant value is actually stored in another object of class Const. To perform set_<input>, the object will follow a pointer to the Const object and modify it. In principle, a single Const object can provide constant input values to multiple objects, so set_<input> could potentially change the value sent to multiple inputs. Whether this is a feature or a bug depends on what model you prefer: Is a piece-wise constant signal a real signal that can fan out to multiple objects, or is it just a property of a single unit generator? In the current Serpent library, we initialize objects with inputs that can be other unit generator objects or simple floats. In the case of floats, we make a hidden unique Const object for the unit generator, so this follows the "property of a single ugen" model. But you can also create a Const object and share it among multiple unit generators.

If a unit generator name ends with a star (*), it has two forms: output at audio rate and output at block rate. The unit generator is described in its audio rate form, but by appending b, you get the block rate form. E.g. /arco/mult/new creates an audio-rate unit generator and /arco/multb/new creates a block-rate unit generator. There are some restrictions on types, but in general, the only restriction is that you cannot set an input to a block-rate unit generator to an audio-rate signal. Unless otherwise noted, inputs to an audio-rate unit generator can be any mix of audio-rate, block-rate, and "constant-rate" (class Const) signals.

General Methods

These are common methods for unit generator objects in Serpent:

Mix the output of ugen into the overall audio output. If ugen is already playing no action is taken.


Remove ugen from the audio output mix. This will also stop computing ugen unless some other ugen is still using its output. The opposite of play. If ugen is not already playing, no action is taken, and a warning is printed. status is an optional integer parameter because "atend" actions always pass a status. For greater control, you can access the status by overriding mute in a Ugen subclass, make a decision based on the status, and invoke super.mute()).

Run ugen. Use this method instead of play when ugen does not produce any output, e.g. see recplay (when recording), trig, vu, etc. If if ugen is already running, no action is taken, and if quiet is false (the default), a warning is printed .


Stop running ugen in the audio processing loop. The opposite of run. If ugen is not running, no actions is taken, and if quiet is false (the default), a warning is printed.

ugen.fade(dur [, mode = FADE_SMOOTH])

Fade the output of ugen to zero. dur is the fade time. This method inserts a fader between ugen and the audio output, so it does not affect other uses, such as connecting ugen to a mixer (see mix()). The mode can be FADE_LINEAR, FADE_EXPONENTIAL, FADE_LOWPASS, or FADE_SMOOTH. (See fader ugen for details). Initially, ugen should be playing (connected to audiot output.) When the fade completes, the ugen is disconnected so it can be freed.

ugen.fade_in(dur [, mode = FADE_SMOOTH] [,term = true])

Similer to but the ugen is faded in. During or after the fade-in, ugen.fade can be called to fade out and disconnect the ugen from audio_output. For mode, see ugen.fade and fader. If term is true, the fader will be bypassed and deleted after the fade-in completes. After that, you can still call ugen.fade and it will create a new fader.


Unit generators have named inputs. E.g. the allpass ugen has inputs named 'input', 'dur', and 'fb'. You can retrieve the input with this method. Note that for c-rate (Const) inputs, this method will return the Const object, not the constant value(s).

ugen.set(name, value, [chan], [quiet])

Set the input to ugen named by name to value. If value is a number and the current input is a Const (e.g., it was initialized by passing a number to the constructor), then the Const is updated by writing value to the channel specified by chan. If value is an array of numbers and the current input is a Const, then chan is ignored and multiple channels, starting with 0, are updated in the named input. If a number or array of numbers is specified and the curren tinput is not constant or there is a mismatch in channels, then a new Const object is constructed to replace the current input. Note that if chan is zero and a Const object exists, then only one channel is updated, but if a Const must be created with one channel, the "mono" constant will apply to all channels. This could lead to surprising behavior. Therefore, if channel is unspecified, the Const will be replaced if necessary so that the input is single-channel, and if channel is specified, either ugen must be single channel and chan is 0, or a multi-channel Const must already exist. Otherwise, no action is taken and, if quiet is false (the default), a warning is printed. Therefore, the case to avoid is providing a numberical value and specifying a channel when the current value is not a Const'.

ugen.atend(action, [target, mask])

When this unit generator ends, action will be sent to this or, if provided, to target, a different unit generator. Allowed actions are currently MUTE (equal to 'mute'), and FINISH (equal to 'finish'). The 'mute' method is implemented by Ugen (see above), but 'finish' is only implemented in Instrument where it invokes synth.is_finished(this) if the instrument was created by a Synth. When an action occurs, Arco sends a status argument, which is sent as a parameter to ugen or target. E.g. mute is defined as def mute(optional status): .... The status parameter indicates the source of the action (but not the source's Arco ID), whether the source has terminated, an error flag, and an exception flag. See the unit generator descriptions for details.

The optional mask parameter is a filter to limit messages to certain status values. E.g. to receive only a termination notifications, use ACTION_TERM as mask. To receive notification when an envelope end (decays to zero and there are no more breakpoints), use ACTION_END. The default mask is ACTION_END | ACTION_TERM, and note that a status can have multiple bits set, e.g. ACTION_ERROR | ACTION_END | ACTION_TERM is returned by recplay when there is an error.


Sets the CAN_TERMINATE flag true and sets tail_blocks to a count corresponding to tail seconds (unless the TERMINATING flag is already true). When this unit generator ends, it will set TERMINATING and after running for tail_blocks more blocks, it will set its TERMINATED flag. CAN_TERMINATE is the default for most unit generators so that TERMINATED will propagate from input signals to consumers. CAN_TERMINATE is not the default for signal generators such as pwl, pwe and recplay (when playing), so if you want them to terminate, call ugen.term.

You can typically mark only the determining unit generator such as an envelope by calling its .term method in order to cause an entire sound to terminate. When an input to a Sum or Mix terminates, the input is automatically removed, so the typical application of .term is to indicate that when an envelope completes, it will set its terminate flag (after the indicated delay), and ugens that read from it will propagate the terminate flag to a mix or sum ugen, which in response, will remove the input. This will decrement a reference count, propagating back "up" to free an entire tree of ugens if there are no other references. But there are other references when there are "shadow" objects on the control side, as described in the next paragraph.

Cleaning up on the control side

Let's assume you have created a tree of ugens that produce output from some ugen we call output. This output is typically inserted into a mixer or sum ugen along with other sounds. By default, the mixer or sum has a list of inputs (on both Arco and Serpent sides). In the Arco server, the tree might terminate and be automatically removed from the mixer or sum. This will reduce the output ugen reference count, but there is still (normally) an object with a reference on the control (Serpent) side, so no ugens are deleted yet.

The mixer or sum sends ACTION_REM with the id of the removed ugen (if a signal ugen and gain ugen are both removed, only the id for the signal ugen is sent. (The message to the Serpent side is /actl/act, where actl is a controller address set up by /arco/open.) The action should have the effect of removing the reference from the mixer or sum object to the output object. This allows the entire ugen object tree to be garbage collected. As garbage collection removes references, the Arco ugens receive deref messages and decrement their reference counts. This will free the Arco ugens.

In addition to the possibility of releasing a tree of unit generators, any atend action is performed, sending a status code when TERMINATED becomes set, so you can use ugen.atend(FINISH, target) to run the .finish(status) method of any object upon the termination of ugen. (See atend() for more details.)

/arco/term id dur - set the CAN_TERMINATE flag in a ugen. Most ugens can either terminate as the result of state changes (e.g. an envelope reaches the end) or


Sets the UGENTRACE flag of a unit generator. When the flag is set, the unit generator description is printed. When the unit generator is freed, the description is printed again. The main application is to confirm that unit generators are properly freed. Unit generators may log other information to assist with debugging and testing tasks.

Unit Generators and Messages

In each section, Serpent constructor and methods are listed in bold followed by O2 message formats.


allpass(input, dur, fb, maxdur [, chans])

/arco/allpass/new id chans input dur fb maxdur - Create a new allpass unit generator with audio input and output. All channels have the same maximum duration (maxdur), but each channel can have a different delay (dur) and feedback (fb). id is the object id. This is based on delay, but uses an allpass filter design where every frequency has the same gain. If the desired control parameters are frequency (in Hz) and decay time (T60, in seconds), set dur to 1 / hz and set fb (feedback) to exp(-6.9087 * dur / decay_time)

/arco/allpass/max id dur - Reallocates delay memory for a maximum duration of dur.

/arco/allpass/repl_input id input_id - Set input to object with id input_id.

/arco/allpass/repl_dur id dur_id - Set duration input to object with id dur_id.

/arco/allpass/set_dur id chan dur - Set duration to a float value dur.

/arco/allpass/repl_fb id fb_id - Set feedback to object with id fb_id.

/arco/allpass/set_fb id chan fb - Set feedback to float value fb.


BLEND_45 = 2

blend(x1, x2, b [, chans] [, mode], [gain = 1], [init_b = 0.5])
blendb(x1, x2, b [, chans] [, mode], [gain = 1])

Computes a "blend" of x1 and x2 where b <= 0 selects x1 and b >= 1 selects x2. This is generalized to transition or blend from x1 to x2 when b takes on intermediate values from 0 to 1. Gain defaults to 1. For blend (audio rate output), x1 and x2 will be upsampled if they are not audio rate, so there is no optimization for block rate x1 or x2. For blendb, as usual, x1 and x2 will be downsampled if they are not block rate. In both blend and blendb, if the blend parameter is audio rate, it is downsampled to block rate.

The mode defaults to BLEND_LINEAR, which implements linear blend:

output = gain * (x1 * (1 - b) + x2 * b)

BLEND_POWER implements a constant power law:

output = gain * (x1 * cos(b * PI/2) + x2 * sin(b * PI/2))

BLEND_45 implements a compromize between the two:

output = gain * (x1 * sqrt((1 - b) * cos(b * PI/2)) + x2 * sqrt(b * sin(b * PI/2)))

The init_b parameter provides an initial value to prevent a rapid change to the first sample of b.

The gain parameter is provided for convenience, but note that gain cannot be a signal input. It is not smoothed. Combine this with another ugen if you need continuous or click-free gain adjustment.


.set('input', ugen)

The chorddetect ugen classifies chords from the input audio. For every 4096 samples, the ugen calculates a chromagram and identifies the most likely chord. A message of type string "ssifii" is sent to reply_addr, with values being:

  • root_note_str: root note of the detected chord using flats exclusively, e.g. "Db" but not "C#"
  • quality: quality of the chord as one of: {"Min", "Maj", "Sus", "Dom", "Dim 5th", "Aug 5th", "Half-Dim"}.
  • interval: interval of the chord, e.g. 7
  • confidence: confidence of the detection based on a softmax and entropy algorithm. See softmaxEntropyConfidence in ChordDetector.h for more details.
  • root_note_int: the root note as an integer ranging from C = 0 to B = 12
  • pitches: an integer with with ith bits set for each pitch i in the chord, e.g. A minor is 1<<0 + 1<<4 + 1<<9 = 529 = 0x211

The first three values are meant to be used for convenient display. Thus, if confidence is lower than the threshold of 0.0005, chorddetect will send "None", "None", 0 for these values. The last three values will always represent the detected chord even if confidence is low.

If the input has multiple channels, chorddetect only uses the first channel and prints a warning message.

Note that the input ugen must be set for detection to work.

/arco/chorddetect/new id reply_addr - Creates a new chorddetect ugen

/arco/chorddetect/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to object with id input_id.


const(x, [chans])  // x is number or array
.set(x)            // x is number or array
.set_chan(chan, x) // x is number

/arco/const/new id chans - Create a c-rate output ugen. This behaves like a b-rate ugen except that the real_run method returns immediately. The output is set by messages and represents a piece-wise constant signal.

/arco/const/newn id x0 x1 x2 ... - Similar to new, but the number of channels depends on the number of floats, which become initial values. At least one float (channel) is required.

/arco/const/set id chan value - Set the output indexed by chan to value.

/arco/const/setn id x0 x1 x2 ... - Set output channels to x0 through xn-1. Extra values are ignored.


delay(input, dur, fb, maxdur [, chans])

/arco/delay/new id chans input dur fb maxdur - Create a new feedback delay generator with audio input and output. All channels have the same maximum duration (maxdur), but each channel can have a different delay (dur) and feedback (fb). id is the object id.

/arco/delay/max id dur - Reallocates delay memory for a maximum duration of dur.

/arco/delay/repl_dur id dur_id - Set input to object with id input_id.

/arco/delay/repl_dur id dur_id - Set duration input to object with id dur_id.

/arco/delay/set_dur id chan dur - Set duration to a float value dur.

/arco/delay/repl_fb id fb_id - Set feedback to object with id fb_id.

/arco/delay/set_fb id chan fb - Set feedback to float value fb.


dnsampleb(input, mode [, chans])

/arco/dnsampleb/new id chans input mode - Create a new dnsampleb unit generator with audio input and block-rate output. Mode controls the downsampling algorithm: Modes are BASIC = 0, AVG = 1, PEAK = 2, RMS = 3, POWER = 4, LOWPASS500 = 5, LOWPASS100 = 6.

  • BASIC means take one out of every 32 (block-length) samples.
  • AVG means take the average value of each block of 32 samples.
  • PEAK menas take the peak of the absolute values of each block.
  • RMS means take the RMS of each block.
  • POWER means take the mean of the squares in each block.
  • LOWPASS500 means apply a first order filter with 500 Hz cutoff to the audio and then take the final filter value after each block.
  • LOWPASS100 is similar, but use a 100 Hz cutoff frequency.

/arco/dnsampleb/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to object with id input_id.

/arco/dnsampleb/cutoff id cutoff - Set the cutoff frequency to an alternate value after selecting mode LOWPASS500 or LOWPASS100.

/arco/dnsampleb/mode id mode - Change the mode.


dualslewb(input, [, attack] [, release] [, current] [, chans]
          [, attack_linear = true] [, release_linear = true])
          -- defaults are attack = 0.02, release = 0.02,
             current = true, chans = 1; note that attack_linear
             and release_linear are keyword parameters.
.set_attack(attack [, attack_linear]) -- defaults to true
.set_release(attack [, release_linear]) -- defaults to true

/arco/dualslewb/new id chans input attack release current attack_linear release_linear - create a slew-rate limiter that smooths the input by limiting the slope. There are separate parameters for upward and downward slopes, specified by attack (time in seconds) and release (time in seconds). The limiter can also use exponential curves, in which case, attack and release are times needed to slew from 0 to 1. (A bias of 0.01 is used so that exponential curves can decay all the way to zero.) Control the shape (linear or non-linear) with the parameters attack_linear and release_linear, which are 1 for linear and 0 for exponential. Any negative input is considered to be zero and output is strictly non-negative. The initial output value is given by current. Note that the parameters attack, release, attack_linear, and release_linear are not signals and apply to all channels in multi-channel instances.

/arco/dualslewb/set_attack id attack attack_linear - Change the attack and attack_linear control parameters.

/arco/dualslewb/set_release id release release_linear - Change the release and release_linear control parameters.


fader(input, current [, dur] [, goal] [, chans])
.set_current(val [,chan]) // val can be an array of numbers
.set_dur(dur)  // if not set, default is 0.1 seconds
.set_mode(mode)  // starts fade with latest parameters
.set_goal(goal [, chan])  // goal can be an array of numbers
// omitting chan sends to all channels

Fader is used as a smoothly varying gain control. See also Smooth.

When a fade ends and all goals and outputs are zero, and if termination is enabled, then after the tail delay (if any), ACTION_EVENT | ACTION_END | ACTION_TERM is sent. If goals are not zero, some output will be non-zero and ACTION_EVENT is sent. Note that fader does not test all outputs for zero unless CAN_TERMINATE is set, so you will never get ACTION_EVENT | ACTION_END without ACTION_TERM.

As always, an action message is only sent if action_id is set and status & mask is non-zero.

/arco/fader/new id chans input current - Create an envelope-controlled multiplier. The initial gain is current (replicated if there are more than one channel).

/arco/fader/cur id chan val - Set the current gain for the given channel (chan) to val (float). Setting a gain terminates any envelope in progress on that channel, which "freezes" the current value on other channels.

/arco/fader/dur id dur - Set the fade duration (for all channels) to dur.

/arco/fader/mode id mode - Set the mode to mode and start the fade. The mode is either 0 (FADE_LINEAR, linear), 1 (FADE_EXPONENTIAL, exponential), 2 (FADE_LOWPASS, relaxation), or 3 (FADE_SMOOTH, raised cosine), where exponential has a bias of 0.01, and relaxation uses a first-order low-pass filter that converges 99% in dur. Raised cosine is an "S" curve with a half period cosine shape.

/arco/fader/goal id chan goal - Set the goal for channel chan to goal. This has no effect on the current fade if any, and takes effect when /arco/fader/mode is sent.


feedback(input, from, gain [, chans])

/arco/feedback/new id chans input from gain - Create a cycle in the graph of unit generators. Output from the unit generator specified by from (an id for another ugen) will be scaled by gain and mixed with input to form the output. The signal from from will be delayed by one block (default size is 32 samples) because up-to-date output from from may depend on our output, creating a circular dependency.

The detailed operation is this: A buffer is initialized to zero. To compute output from this feedback ugen, both input and gain, but not from, are updated so they hold current values. The buffer is scaled by gain and added to the input (input) to form the output. Then, from is updated to hold current values (it may in fact depend directly or indirectly on our output, which is now up-to-date). The output of from is copied to our buffer to prepare for the next block computation.

IMPORTANT: If from depends directly or indirectly on the output of this feedback object, a cycle is created, and Arco will be unable to free any unit generators participating in the cycle. You can break the cycle by replacing from. For example, before deleting this feedback unit generator, you should probably replace from (see the repl_from description below) with the built-in zero unit generator, which does not depend on anything. Not that "freeing" or "deleting" a unit generator simply removes any reference to it from a table that translates ids to unit generators. This reduces the reference count on the unit generator, but the memory is not freed unless the reference count goes to zero, which cannot happen if there is a cycle.

/arco/feedback/repl_input id input_id - Set input to the object with id input_id.

/arco/feedback/repl_from id from - Set the source of the feedback (called "from") to the object with id from. This is especially useful for setting from to the zero ugen, thus breaking any cycles, before freeing the feedback ugen. (See "IMPORTANT" paragraph above.)

/arco/feedback/repl_gain id gain - Set gain signal to the object with id gain.

/arco/feedback/set_gain id chan gain - Set the gain for the given channel (chan) to a the float value gain.


fileplay(filename, [chans], [start], [end], [cycle], [mix], [expand])

Used to stream audio files from disk, fileplay uses a paired object running in another thread to prefetch audio data into buffers. If prefetching cannot keep up, output is filled with zeros until the next buffer is available. There is currently no notification when the first buffer is ready, but the playback does not start until a /arco/fileplay/play message is sent. To detect when playback is finished, a message is sent to /actl/act with the action id provided earlier in /arco/act. The action status values are:

  • ACTION_END (playback finished normally),
  • ACTION_ERROR (failure to start reading file)
  • ACTION_EXCEPT (message to set the action id received, but the playback has stopped) fileplay does not currently terminate.

/arco/fileplay/new id chans filename start end cycle mix expand - Create an audiofile player with chans output channels, reading from filename, starting at offset start (float in seconds), reading until offset end (float in seconds), repeating an endless loop if cycle (Boolean) is true, with audiofile channels mixed down to chans channels in round-robin fashion when the file has more than chans files (if mix (Boolean) is true) and omitting any channels above chans if mix is false, and expanding input channels round-robin fashion to chans output channels if the number of file channels is less than chans (if expand is true), and padding channels with zero if the file has fewer than chans channels. If end is zero, reading will end at the end of the file.

/arco/fileplay/play id play_flag - Starts or stops playback according to playflag (Boolean). Play will pause if necessary to wait for a block of samples to be read from the file.


filerec(filename, input [, chans])

The filerec unit generator writes its input to a file. /arco/act can be used to request messages to /actl/act (in Serpent this is done using the .atend(action) method). An action message is sent with the following status:

  • ACTION_EVENT (file open for write, ready to record)
  • ACTION_ERROR (file open failed, cannot write)

/arco/filerec/new id chans filename input - Create an audiofile writer that writes chans channels to filename. The source of audio is input.

/arco/filerec/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to the object with id input_id.

/arco/filerec/rec id record - Start recording (when record, a Boolean) is true. Stop recording when record is false. Recording can only be started and then stopped, in that order. To record again, create a new unit generator.


.control_change(chan, num, val)
.channel_pressure(chan, val)
.key_pressure(chan, key, val)
.noteoff(chan, key)
.noteon(chan, key, vel)
.pitch_bend(chan, bend)
.pitch_sens(chan, val)
.program_change(chan, program)

Fluidsynth is a popular open-source sample-based synthesizer. flsyn is a unit generator that uses the Fluidsynth engine to produce samples. This is a MIDI synthesizer, so you control it by sending Arco messages that correspond to MIDI messages.

Note: On macOS, Fluidsynth requires a dynamic library, glib-2.0, so the resulting Arco application using flsyn is not complete or executable without also providing the library. On the developer's machine, this is


Linking with the static version of this library results in some undefined functions, so using the .dylib version is currently the only option.

/arco/flsyn/new id path - Create a unit generator based on Fluidsynth. path (a string) is a file path to a sample library.

/arco/flsyn/off id chan - Performs a MIDI all-off operation on the given channel. (chan is int32).

/arco/flsyn/cc id chan num val - Performs a MIDI control change operation using channel chan, controller number num, and value val, all int32.

/arco/flsyn/cp id chan val - Performs a MIDI channel pressure (aftertouch) operation using channel chan and value val, both int32.

/arco/flsyn/kp id chan key val - Performs a MIDI key pressure (polyphonic aftertouch) operation using channel chan, key number key, and value val, all int32.

/arco/flsyn/noteoff id chan key - Performs a MIDI note off operation on channel chan and key number key, both int32. Note that there is no velocity parameter.

/arco/flsyn/noteon id chan key vel - Performs a MIDI note on operation on channel chan with key number key and velocity vel.

/arco/flsyn/pbend id chan val - Performs a MIDI pitch bend operation on channel chan, an int32. The pitch bend is specified by a float from -1 to +1. To get to the 14-bit pitch bend value, multiply val by 2^13, round to the nearest integer, add 2^13, and clip the value to the range -(2^13) through (2^13)-1.

/arco/flsyn/psens id chan val - Set MIDI pitch bend sensitivity for channel chan (int32). The val (int32) is the number of semitones of the full-scale pitch bend. (The total pitch bend range is from -val to +val.)

/arco/flsyn/prog id chan program - Performs a MIDI program change operation using channel chan and program number program (both int32).


granstream(input, polyphony, dur, enable [, chans])
.set_ratio(low, high)
.set_graindur(lowdur, highdur)
.set_env(attack, release)

/arco/granstream/new id chans input polyphony dur enable - Create a new granular synthesis from input audio unit generator with the given id number and chans channels. The input is initially given by input and each output channel will be the sum of polyphony independently generated grain sequences. Grains are taken from recent input with a buffer length of dur seconds, and grains are produced when enable (Boolean) is true. Each grain is written to a different output channel. An optional feedback mechanism sums all output channels, applies a delay, and mixes the delay with the first input channel. The density of grains is already proportional to the number of channels, so feeding back to all channels would introduce much more feedback than feeding back to one input channel.

The algorithm is as follows: A set of polyphony grain generators is allocated for each channel. Grain generators follow a sequence of states: Pick a random delay based on density. Also pick a resampling ratio and a duration. After the delay, pick a starting point in the buffer of previous input samples. Read the grain starting at this point. Linearly ramp the grain envelope from 0.0 up to 1.0 over the attack time. Hold the envelope at 1 for a duration based on the grain duration. Then linearly ramp from 1.0 back to 0.0 over the release time. This complete one cycle of states. The cycle repeats indefinitely. Note that each grain is produced with different random numbers, so there is no synchronization among them or between channels. Each grain generator writes a grain to an output channel that is selected in round-robin fashion, thus grains are more-or-less randomly distributed across all output channels evenly. If feedback is non-zero (the default is zero), output is delayed and mixed with input channel 1 (only).

/arco/granstream/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to the ugen with id input_id.

/arco/granstream/dur id dur - Set the length of the buffer from which grains are taken to dur (float) in seconds. Current buffer samples are retained, and if dur increases, then the unknown samples (older than the original value of dur) are set to zero.

/arco/granstream/gain id gain - Set the gain, a scale factor applied to each grain. If gain is set less than or equal to zero, enable it is equivalent to setting enable to false. The granstream must be both enabled and have a gain greater than zero to produce any grains.

/arco/granstream/polyphony id polyphony - Set the number of grain generators per channel to polyphony (integer).

/arco/granstream/ratio id low high - Set the range of pitch shift applied to grains to (low, high). Grains are pitch shifted by resampling with linear interpolation. The low and high values are ratios where 1.0 means no resampling, less than one implies downward pitch shifting, and greater than one implies upward pitch shifting. For each grain, a ratio is randomly selected from a uniform distribution over the given range. Ratio cannot be negative.

/arco/grainstream/graindur id lowdur highdur - Set the range of grain durations to (lowdur, highdur). For each grain, a duration is randomly selected from a uniform distribution over the given range.

/arco/granstream/density id density - Set the expected grain density to the float value density. Density is the number of grains expected to be playing at any given moment on any channel. (Note that the apparent density is not proportional to the number of channels, so density within a given channel goes down as the number of channels goes up.)

/arco/granstream/env id attack release - Set the attack and release times for grains (times are in seconds).

/arco/granstream/enable id enable - Enable or disable the generation of grains using the boolean value enable. When grains are not enabled, any currently running grains (not in the delay state) are allowed to complete and ramp smoothly to zero, so output can continue for up to the maximum grain duration after enable is set to false.

/arco/granstream/delay id delay - Set the feedback delay duration to delay (float, in seconds). Initially, delay is 0 and feedback is disabled. If feedback is set to a value greater than zero while delay is zero, delay will be set to 1 sec. Once delay becomes non-zero, the minimum delay will be the block length (typically 0.7 msec).

/arco/granstream/feedback id feedback - Set the feedback attenuation to feedback (float). When density is greater than 1, the attentuation is feedback / density so that dense grains to not overwhelm the output. Feedback goes through a compressor/limiter before being scaled by feedback. Feedback changes take effect immediately, but when feedback is zero, only silence is added to the delay buffer, so when feedback is changed from zero to non-zero, you may have to wait for the feedback delay time before any feedback appears. You can avoid this by setting feedback to -90dB or at least 0.00003 instead of zero. This keeps the feedback delay buffer full and ready to provide feedback, but attenuates feedback to be almost inaudible.

math, mathb

math, mathb(op, x1, x2, [x2_init = 0] [, chans])
mult, multb(x1, x2 [, chans])
add, addb(x1, x2 [, chans])
sub[, subb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_div, ugen_divb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_max, ugen_maxb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_min, ugen_minb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_clip, ugen_clibb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_less, ugen_lessb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_greater, ugen_greaterb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_soft_clip, ugen_soft_clipb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_powi, ugen_powib(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_rand, ugen_randb(x1, x2 [, chans])
sample_hold, sample_holdb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_quantize, ugen_quantizeb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_rli, ugen_rlib(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_hzdiff, ugen_hzdiffb(x1, x2 [, chans])
ugen_tan, ugen_tanb(x1, x2, [, chans])
ugen_atan, ugen_atanb(x1, x2, [, chans])
ugen_sin, ugen_sinb(x1, x2, [, chans])
ugen_cos, ugen_cosb(x1, x2, [, chans])

The math function and unit generator is a general binary operation used to implement a variety of functions. Although each operation is implemented with class Math or Mathb, there are separate functions for each operator.

The mult function also takes an x2_init keyword parameter, in which case a Multx is created (see multx below).

If the operation is MATH_OP_RLI, the initial value is normally 0, but this value can be randomized to the range -x2 to +x2 by passing x2 to .rliset(x2). This should only be done immediately after the ugen is initialized and before it delivers any samples.

/arco/math/new id chans op x1 x2 - Create a new unit generator to perform a binary operation. The value of op can be:

  • MATH_OP_MUL = 0, for multiply,
  • MATH_OP_ADD = 1, for addition,
  • MATH_OP_SUB = 2, for subtraction,
  • MATH_OP_DIV = 3, for division. When |x2| < 0.01, x1 is divided by either 0.01 or -0.01, based on the sign of x2. This avoids division by zero. Although 0.01 is arbitrary, you can get the effect of different thresholds; for a threshold T, scale x1 by 0.01 / T, run it through ugen_div and then scale the output by T / 0.01,
  • MATH_OP_MAX = 4, for the maximum value of the two signals,
  • MATH_OP_MIN = 5, for the minimum value of the two signals,
  • MATH_OP_CLP = 6, to clip x1 to the magnitude of x2. In detail, if x1 > max(x2, 0), output max(x2, 0). If x1 < -max(x2, 0), output min(-x2, 0). Otherwise, output x1. Note that when x2 is zero or negative, the output is zero,
  • MATH_OP_POW = 7, to raise x1 to the power x2. If x1 is negative, the output is zero even if the exponent is zero. Note that when raising a negative power, the output goes to infinity as the input (x1) goes to zero,
  • MATH_OP_LT = 8, for less-than, outputs 1 if x1 < x2, otherwise zero,
  • MATH_OP_GT = 9, for greater-than, outputs 1 if x1 > x2, otherwise zero,
  • MATH_OP_SCP = 10, for soft clipping, applies a cubic polynomial f(x1) for x1 in the range -x2 to +x2 when x2 is positive. Outside the range -x2 to +x2, the output is -x2 for negative input and +x2 for positive input, thus the signal is clipped to the magnitude of x2. The slope (first derivative) of f(x1) is continuous, varying from 3/2 at x1 = 0 to zero at |x1| = x2, thus there is a gain of 3/2 at low levels of x1. When x2 is negative, the output is zero.
  • MATH_OP_PWI = 11, for raising x1 to an integer power round(x2). A b-rate or c-rate x2 is not interpolated,
  • MATH_OP_RND = 12, outputs a random number with uniform distribution between x1 and x2,
  • MATH_OP_SH = 13, is a "sample and hold" operation that samples x1 at each positive zero crossing of x2. x1 and x2 are not interpolated,
  • MATH_OP_QNT = 14, performs quantization on x1. The number of quantization levels is given by x2 * 2^16, where x2 is between 0 and 1. If the number of levels is 1 or less, zero is output. No dithering is performed, but of course dithering noise can be added upstream to x1,
  • MATH_OP_RLI = 15, performs random linear interpolation. x1 is the breakpoint frequency in Hz, and x2 is the amplitude. The RLI function computes a random number from -x2 to +x2 every 1/x1 seconds. The output is a linear interpolation between these points. Changes in amplitude and frequency take effect at the next breakpoint so that the output is continuous, and periods are rounded to the nearest sample (audio-rate) or block length (block-rate). The initial breakpoint is 0 unless .rliset is called (/arco/math/rliset).
  • MATH_OP_HZDIFF = 16, computes the difference in Hz when x2 (in steps) is added to x1, e.g. compute the depth of modulation in Hz to obtain a modulation of x2 steps. (Note that if you modulate Hz by +delta and -delta, the magnitude of the increase in steps will be less than the magnitude of the decrease in steps.) step values: step_to_hz(x2) - step_to_hz(x1).
  • MATH_OP_TAN = 17, computes the tangent of x1 * x2.
  • MATH_OP_ATAN2 = 17, computes atan2(x1, x2).
  • MATH_OP_SIN = 17, computes the sine of x1 * x2.
  • MATH_OP_COS = 17, computes the cosine of x1 * x2.

/arco/math/set_x1 id chan x1 - Set channel chan of input to float value x1.

/arco/math/repl_x1 id x1_id - Set input x2 to object with id x1_id.

/arco/math/set_x2 id chan x2 - Set channel chan of input to float value x2.

/arco/math/repl_x2 id x2_id - Set input x2 to object with id x2_id.

/arco/math/rliset id x2 - Set the initial outputs to be random between -x2 and +x2 (x2 is a float).

The mathb messages begin with /arco/mathb and output is b-rate.


mix([chans], wrap = true)
.ins(name, ugen, gain [, dur] [, mode] [, at_end = fnsym])
    // name is a symbol
.rem(name, [, dur] [, mode])
.set_gain(name, gain [, chan])

Mix accepts any number of inputs. Each input has a name and an associated gain, which must be b-rate or c-rate. You can change the gain at any time. To change the input signal, insert a new input and gain using the same name.

On insert, you can optionally fade in the gain from 0 using the mode of 0 (FADE_LINEAR, linear), 1 (FADE_EXPONENTIAL, exponential), 2 (FADE_LOWPASS, relaxation) or 3 (FADE_SMOOTH, raised cosine) as in fader. To avoid fade in, you can set dur to 0. The default mode is FADE_SMOOTH (raised cosine).

From the Serpent API, optional at_end can be SIGNAL (value is 'signal') meaning that if ugen is an Instrument with a member named 'envelope', then an action is attached to the envelope so that when it ends, this ugen is removed from the mix. Alternatively, at_end can be GAIN (value is 'gain') meaning that if gain is a Ugen, then an action is attached to the gain so that when it ends, this ugen is removed from the mix.

On remove, you can optionally fade out the gain to 0 using the same modes as fading in by setting dur to non-zero. The default mode is FADE_SMOOTH (raised cosine).

Multiple channels are handled as follows: First, each mixer input consists of both an input signal and a gain. If both are single channel, we say the input is single channel. If one is n-channel and the other (either input signal or gain) is single or n-channel, we say the input is n-channel. The input signal and gain are not permitted to have multiple channels that do not match, e.g. n-channel and m-channel where n > 1, m > 1, and n != m. Attempts to insert mismatched Ugens will have no effect other than printing a warning.

A single channel input signal will be duplicated n times if the gain has n channels, and a single gain channel will be duplicated n times if the input signal has n channels, forming n audio channels as the input signal. These n channels are added to mixer output channels starting at channel 0 and, if wrap is non-zero and n is greater than the number of output channels, input channel i is added to output channel i mod m, where m is the number of output channels, i.e. inputs channels are "wrapped." If wrap is zero, extra input channels are dropped.

Note that the number of channels in any given input does not need to match the number of mixer output channels. Also note that a single input channel is never expanded to the number of mixer channels. E.g., mono input is routed to stereo left (only). To place a mono channel in the middle of a stereo field, use a 2-channel gain, which could be as simple as a Const Ugen with values [0.7, 0.7].

When an input signal or an input gain terminates or if input is "removed" by rem and any fade-out completes, the input is removed and ACTION_REM is sent. If the last input is removed and CAN_TERMINATE is set, the mix ugen terminates and ACTION_EVENT | ACTION_END | ACTION_TERM is sent.

/arco/mix/new id chans wrap - Create a new mixer with chans output channels. The mixer will "wrap" extra channels if wrap (integer) is non-zero.

/arco/mix/ins id name input gain dur mode - Insert an input to the mixer. The name must not match the name of another input, or the existing input will be replaced. If dur is non-zero, the gain will fade in from zero according to mode (see above).

/arco/mix/rem id name dur mode - Remove an input matching name from the mixer. If dur is non-zero, the gain will fade out to zero according to mode (see above).

/arco/repl_gain id name gain_id - Set the gain for input name to object with id gain_id.

/arco/set_gain id name chan gain - Set the gain for input name on channel chan to the float value gain.


mult(x1, x2, init = x2_init [, chans])

Multx is an audio-rate only unit generator intended mainly to multiply an audio-rate input by a block-rate envelope that starts at a non-zero value. Consider the problem of smoothly attenuating a signal that is already running. One way is to create a multiplier (Mult) that multiplies the signal by an envelope that decays from one to zero. Assuming the signal is an input to some other unit generator, we can replace it by the newly created multiplier. This will then start to compute the envelope, reducing the signal to zero. However, if the envelope has block rate, the Mult must upsample the envelope to audio rate. Upsampling linearly interpolates from the previous sample to the current sample. In Mult, the previous sample is initalized to zero, so the upsampled envelope will begin with a block that ramps from zero to nearly one, creating a momentary but drastic attenuation of the audio input. In Multx, the initial value can be specified as 1.0, eliminating the glitch. See the implementation of fade() in Ugen (in arco.srp).

/arco/multx/new id chans x1 x2 x2_init - Create a new multiplier. The previous value of x2, used to upsample b-rate input to a-rate, is initialized to x2_init. See above for the rationale.

/arco/multx/repl_x1 id x1_id - Set input x1 to object with id x1_id.

/arco/multx/set_x1 id chan x1 - Set channel chan of input to float value x1.

/arco/multx/repl_x2 id x2_id - Set input x2 to object with id x2_id.

/arco/multx/set_x2 id chan x2 - Set channel chan of input to float value x2.


olapitchshift(input, ratio, xfade, windur [, chans])

/arco/olaps/new id chans input ratio xfade windur - Create a new overlap-add pitch shifter with id given by id, chans channels, and input with id input, a pitch shift ratio of ratio, a cross-fade time of xfade, and a window size of windur. The algorithm constructs grains from the input of duration windur and resampled by ratio using linear interpolation, and which overlap by xfade, with linear interpolation of signals during the cross-fade time. When ratio is greater than 1, pitch is scaled upward by ratio, and pitch is shifted downward when ratio is less than one. All channels are processed synchronously with the same window timing and pitch shift amount.

/arco/olaps/ratio id ratio - Set the pitch shift ratio to ratio (float).

/arco/olaps/xfade id xfade - Set the cross-fade time to xfade (float).

/arco/olaps/windur id windur - Set the window duration to windur (float).

/arco/granstream/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to the ugen with id input_id.


probe(input, reply_addr)
.probe(period, frames, chan, nchans, stride)
.thrsh(threshold, direction, max_wait)

A probe is used to send samples from the audio server to an O2 service. In particular, the oscilloscope display uses probe to obtain samples to display.

/arco/probe/new id input_id reply_address - create a probe with the given id, initially with input from input_id and send samples to reply_address. Note that chans is not specified, but see below about how channels are handled.

/arco/probe/repl_input id input_id - replace input.

/arco/probe/probe id period frames chan nchans stride repeats - probes the input signal, sending samples to the reply_address given in the new message. When a probe message is received, any previous operation is terminated and the object is reinitialized to respond immediately to this probe request.

  • id indicates the probe to update.
  • period is the period in seconds (type float) from one probe to the next, i.e., the hop size. Send -1 for a one-shot probe. For any period >= 0, periods are measured relative to the first frame of a message, but actual period is at least frames * stride (no overlapping frames) rounded up to the nearest block, and if thresholding is enabled, the search for a threshold begins after the period has elapsed.
  • frames is the number of frames collected (roughly) each period. The limit for frames * nchans is 64, but see repeats below. If frames * nchan > 64, frames is reset to 64 / nchans (which is unfortunately 0 if nchans > 64!)
  • chan is the first channel to collect. If chan is out of range for the input, 0 is used.
  • nchans is the number of contiguous channels to collect. If the given range is outside the available channels, nchans is reduced as much as needed. E.g. chan = 0 and nchans = 999 will probe all channels (or up to 999 of them).
  • stride is normally 1, but you can downsample the signal by collecting every stride frames with stride > 1. If stride < 1, 1 is used. Long strides are possible and generate printed warnings.
  • repeats gives the number of times to collect and send frames * nchans samples. E.g., to capture 512 successive samples from one channel, set frames = 64, repeats = 8. If repeats < 1, 1 is used.

/arco/probe/thresh id threshold direction max_wait - To wait for a threshold crossing (e.g. for an oscilloscope), set threshold to the threshold value, and direction to 1 for positive and -1 for negative direction, or 0 for no threshold detection (collect immediately). Then send /arco/probe/probe as above. Use max_wait to control how long to wait for a zero crossing:

  wait until threshold    zero         non-zero
  wait up to max_wait     non-zero     non-zero
  do not wait             *            zero

/arco/probe/stop id - Stop collecting samples and send an empty message. When an empty (no floats) message arrives, the probe has been reset.

To get periodic snapshots, set period to seconds; period will be quantized to blocks, and period may not be uniform if threshold detection is enabled.

The O2 messages consists of the probe id (int32) followed by float samples (up to 64 of them).


pv(input, ratio, fftsize, hopsize, points, mode [, chans])

The pv unit generator uses a phase vocoder to implement time stretching and pitch shifting. Time stretching is a standard function of the phase vocoder. Pitch shifting is obtained by stretching the signal (which changes the duration but not the pitch) and then resampling to undo the time stretch (which does change the pitch), resulting in pitch shift without stretch.

You cannot stretch sounds that are computed in real time since there is no place to store samples that arrive faster than needed, and of course you cannot read samples from the future if you want to play a sound faster than real time. However, you can obtain samples from recplay or playfile to stretch pre-recorded sounds. For this to work, it is imperative that the only consumer of samples is a pv unit generator.

/arco/pv/new id chans input ratio fftsize hopsize points mode - Create a phase vocoder unit generator with chans channels and input input. All channels use the same control parameters so processing is synchronous across all channels. Pitch is shifted by ratio (use a ratio greater than 1.0 to shift higher). The fftsize should be a power of 2. 2048 is a good choice. The hopsize refers to the overlap (in samples) and should normally be fftsize / 8. The smallest ratio is 3 * hopsize / fftsize so smaller hop sizes may be needed for extreme downward pitch shifts. Resampling uses sinc interpolation over points samples. The mode is 0 for normal, 1 for a phase computation that attempts to reduce phase artifacts by preserving the phase relationships between peaks and nearby bins, and 2 invokes a "robot voice" mode that assigns fixed phases and creates a constant pitch (controlled by the hopsize) vocoder-like effect. (Thanks to M.C.Sharma for this idea.)

/arco/pv/stretch id stretch - Sets the stretch factor, which is 1.0 by default. Time stretching can only work with non-real-time input provided by fileplay or recplay unit generators. Both pitch shifting and time stretching can be applied together.

arco/pv/ratio id ratio - Sets the pitch shift in terms of frequency ratio. Greater than 1 means raise the pitch.

arco/pv/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to the object with id input_id.

pwe, pweb

pwe(d0, y0, d1, y1, ..., [init=0], [start=true] [lin=false])
    -- d0 through dn are specified in seconds relative to start
.set_points(d0, y0, d1, y1, ...)

These envelope generators generate approximately exponential curves between positive breakpoints specified by duration, value pairs. To avoid the problem of zero (exponential decays never actually reach zero), all breakpoint values are increased by 0.01. The exponential interpolation occurs between these biased breakpoints. Then, 0.01 is subtracted to obtain the output. This allows envelopes to decay all the way to zero, but for very small breakpoint values, the curves are close to linear. Unlike pwl and pwlb, breakpoints cannot be less than zero, so that when bias is added, the exponential curves interpolate between values greater than zero.

The starting value can be given by the init keyword, allowing for, e.g., an exponential fade from 1 to 0.

Note that the default for start is true in the Seprent API. When false, the output will remain at the initial value until the .start() method is called.

If lin is specified, the value is passed to .linear_attack(lin) (before starting).

pwe and pweb support action messages (see ugen.atend()). An action message (/actl/act) is sent whenever the pwe reaches the last breakpoint. If the ugen has terminated, then after the tail delay (if any), the status ACTION_EVENT | ACTION_END | ACTION_TERM is sent. If the ugen is not enabled to terminate, then if the value at the last breakpoint is zero, then ACTION_EVENT | ACTION_END is sent. If the last breakpoint is not zero, then just ACTION_EVENT is send.

A common use case is to create an envelope that ends on a positive value representing a "sustain" portion of a sound. To end the sound, .set_points() is called with and ending segment that ramps down to zero and ends the pwe. If .term() was applied, then the pwe will terminate, setting its TERMINATE flag, and downstream, a mixer ugen might remove the ugen from the mix when it terminates. In this case, there will be at least two actions: the first will be ACTION_EVENT when the first segment ends and the "sustain" begins. The second will be ACTION_EVENT | ACTION_END (or'd with ACTION_TERM if it is enabled to terminate) when the pwe ramps to zero. The user probably is only interested in the second case, but note that the .atend() method, used to direct an ending action to some unit generator, by default filters for ACTION_END | ACTION_TERM, so the first ACTION_EVENT status will be ignored. (You can still get notification for ACTION_EVENT by providing a custom bit mask to .atend(), but in that case you might want to check for status & ACTION_END when your action handler gets a status.

/arco/pwe/new id - Create a new piece-wise linear generator with audio output. id is the object id. Envelope does not start until start or decay is sent.

/arco/pwe/env id d0 y0 d1 y1 ... dn-1 [yn-1] - set the envelope or function shape for object with id. All remaining parameters are floats, alternating segment durations (in samples) and segment final values. The envelope starts at the current output value and ends at yn-1 (defaults to 0). (Note that the Serpent api specifies di as durations in seconds, while the O2 message specifies di in samples. Both are durations between one breakpoint and the next.)

/arco/pwe/start id - starts object with id.

/arco/pwe/stop id - stops the envelope at the current value. A new envelope can be optionally specified. Next, the envelope can be started (with start), which will follow the current envelope breakpoints, starting with the current value. Alternatively, decay can be used to fade to zero (without replacing the current envelope). You can also use set to change the envelope output value discontinuously.

/arco/pwe/linatk id lin - lin is a Boolean ("B" typecode in O2) and indicates whether the first segment of the envelope should be linear instead of exponential. Linear onsets have a different and often more natural sound.

/arco/pwe/decay id dur - decay from the current value of object with id to zero in dur (int32) blocks.

/arco/pwe/set id y - sets current output value to y (float). If the unit generator is in the middle of an envelope, this will create a discontinuity and may result in strange output because the output will continue to increase or decrease exponentially from y.

If the case of pweb, output is b-rate, and all messages are the same except the address begins with /arco/pweb/.

pwl, pwlb

pwl(d0, y0, d1, y1, ..., [init=0], [start=true])
.set\_points(d0, y0, d1, y1, ...)

An envelope that linearly interpolates between breakpoints.

pwl and pwlb support action messages (see ugen.atend()). An action message (/actl/act) is sent whenever the pwl reaches the last breakpoint. See the discussion under pwe. pwl acts the same.

/arco/pwl/new id - Create a new piece-wise linear generator with audio output. id is the object id.

/arco/pwl/env id d0 y0 d1 y1 ... dn-1 [yn-1] - set the envelope or function shape for object with id. All remaining parameters are floats, alternating segment durations (in samples) and segment final values. The envelope starts at the current output value and ends at yn-1 (defaults to 0). (In the Serpent functions, durations are in seconds.)

/arco/pwl/start id - starts object with id.

/arco/pwl/stop id - stops the envelope at the current value. A new envelope can be optionally specified. Next, the envelope can be started (with start), which will follow the current envelope breakpoints, starting with the current value. Alternatively, decay can be used to fade to zero (without replacing the current envelope). You can also use set to change the envelope output value discontinuously.

/arco/pwl/decay id dur - decay from the current value of object with id to zero in dur samples. (Or seconds in the Serpent method.)

/arco/pwl/set id y - sets current output value to y (float). If the unit generator is in the middle of an envelope, this will create a discontinuity and may result in strange output because the output may continue to increase or decrease from y.

If the case of pwlb, output is b-rate, and all messages are the same except the address begins with /arco/pwlb/.


recplay(input, [chans], [gain], [fade_time], [loop])

recplay is a unit generator that can record sound and play it back. It applies a smooth envelope when the playback starts and stops, and it can automatically loop the recorded sound. You can get an action notification by setting an action id with /arco/act (see the Ugen .atend(action) method.) The action status values are:

  • ACTION_END (playback has stopped; this message will be delayed if the ugen can terminate and has a non-zero "tail" duration.
  • ACTION_END | ACTION_ERROR (playback stopped suddenly without completing a fadeout, perhaps because a speed change caused samples to be exhausted before a fadeout could be accomplished)

In all of these cases, the ACTION_TERM_MASK (bit 0) is also set if the recplay has terminated.

/arco/recplay/new id chans input_id gain_id fade loop - Create a recplay ugen. chans is the number of channels recorded and played (the channels are all synchronous). gain_id is normally a c-rate ugen. Each channel has independent gain, but gain must be c-rate or b-rate (not audio), and b-rate gain is not interpolated. The intention is to implement efficient adjustable gains that remain fixed. Use a mixer or multiplier for amplitude modulation. fade is the fade time (a float, applies to all channels). The fade is a raised cosine curve and is applied to both the beginning and ending of the recorded signal during playback. loop is a boolean. When loop is true, playback restarts immediately when the end of the recording is reached while playing.

/arco/recplay/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to the object with id input_id.

/arco/recplay/repl_gain id gain_id - Set the gain to the object with id gain_id.

/arco/recplay/set_gain id chan gain - Set the gain of channel chan to gain (a float). The gain input must be a const ugen.

/arco/recplay/speed id speed - Set the playback speed to (float) speed. The same speed applies to all channels. Samples are linearly interpolated, and speed is a relative value, nominally 1.0.

/arco/recplay/rec id record - Start or stop recording. record is a boolean value (true to start). When you start to record, any previous samples recorded are deleted.

/arco/recplay/start id start_time - Start playback from time offset start_time (a float), which is relative to the start of recording.

/arco/recplay/stop id - Stop playback. Playback continues until the fade-out completes. (Note that the fade-out may have already started if the end of recording is near.)

/arco/recplay/borrow id lender_id - A single recording can be played by multiple recplay ugens at the same time. To do this, use one recplay to make the recording. Then, "borrow" the recording by sending this message to another recplay object. The borrower should not record anything, but it can play the recording. Reference counting is used so that recordings are only freed when no recplay has a reference.


reson(input, center, q [, chans])

/arco/reson/new id chans center bandwidth - Create a new reson filter with center frequency and bandwidth control inputs, audio input and audio output.

/arco/reson/repl_center id center_id - Set center frequency to object with id center_id.

/arco/reson/set_center id chan center - Set center frequency of channel chan to float value center.

/arco/reson/repl_bandwidth id bandwidth_id - Set bandwidth to object with id bandwidth_id.

/arco/reson/set_bandwidth id chan bandwidth - Set bandwidth of channel chan to float value bandwidth.


.ins(input, src, dst [, src, dst]*)  // route from src to dst channel
.rem(input, src, dst [, src, dst]*)  // remove routes from src to dst
.reminput(input)  // remove all routes from this input

A route is similar to sum, but it provides a sort of patch bay to route input chnanels to output channels. The inputs can have an arbitrary number of channels and each channel has fan-out and can be connected to any number of output channels. Output channels have fan-in and can be the sum of any number of inputs.

Implementation: For each output channel, there is a list of sources, each of which points to a sample buffer. The list is never empty, and if there are no designated inputs, the list has one input that points to the output of the system Zero ugen. There is also a list of inputs (not including Zero).

If an input terminates, it is removed entirely.

/arco/route/new id chans - Create a new route ugen with the given number of channels.

/arco/route/ins id input src0 dst0 src1 dst1 ... - Set new routing info. Routes are specified in pairs of source channel (a channel of input and destination channel (a channel of the output). Routes to non-existing channels are ignored. The same input can be passed multiple times, e.g. to connect different channels to different outputs. Duplicate routes (same input, source and destination) are ignored.

/arco/route/rem id input src0 dst0 src1 dst1 ... - Remove routes.

/arco/route/reminput id input - Remove all routes from all channels of input.

sine, sineb

sine(freq, amp [, chans])

/arco/sine/new id chans freq amp - Create a new sine oscillator.

/arco/sine/repl_freq id freq_id' - Set frequency to object with id freq_id`.

/arco/sine/set_freq id chan freq - Set frequency of channel chan to float value freq.

/arco/sine/repl_amp id amp_id' - Set amplitude to object with id freq_id`.

/arco/sine/set_amp id chan amp - Set amplitude of channel chan to float value amp.

The sineb unit generator addresses begin with /arco/sineb and the output is b-rate.


smoothb(x, [cutoff = 10], [chans])
.set(x)             // x is a number or an array
.set_chan(chan, x)  // x is a number

Smooth is similar to Const, but updates are smoothed with a simple filter to avoid abrupt step functions. See also Fader.

/arco/smoothb/new id chans cutoff - Create a b-rate ugen. This behaves like const except that the output values are low-pass filtered with a first-order IIR filter (exponential smoothing). cutoff is the cutoff frequency of the filter.

/arco/smoothb/newn id cutoff x0 x1 x2 ... - Similar to new, but the number of channels depends on the number of floats, which become initial values. At least one float (channel) is required.

/arco/smoothb/set id chan value - Set the output indexed by chan to value. (Value is actually the filter input, so the output will converge to value smoothly.)

/arco/smoothb/setn id x0 x1 x2 ... - Set output channels to x0 through xn-1. Extra values are ignored. Each output channel is smoothed as in set.

/arco/smoothb/cutoff id cutoff - set the cuoff frequency of the filter (same cutoff for all channels).


.set('input', ugen)

Calculates the spectral centroid every 1024 samples and sends it to reply_addr as a float.

/arco/spectralcentroid/new id reply_addr - Creates a new spectralcentroid ugen

/arco/spectralcentroid/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to object

with id input_id.


spectralrolloff(reply_addr, threshold)
.set('input', ugen)

Calculates the spectral rolloff, which is the frequency below which a specified percentage (threshold) of the total spectral energy is contained. The threshold should be a float between 0 and 1, representing a percentage. Calculations occur every 1024 samples, and spectralrolloff sends the result as a float to reply_addr.

/arco/spectralrolloff/new id reply_addr - Creates a new spectralrolloff ugen

/arco/spectralrolloff/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to object with id input_id.


stdistr(n, [, width] [, gain])
.ins(i, ugen)

A stereo panner for multiple inputs. Inputs 0 through n-1 are panned from 0.5-width/2 to 0.5+width/2 where 0 means full left, 1 means full right, and width is variable from 0 (all center) to 1 (full distribution from full left to full right). width and gain default to 1.

/arco/stdistr/new id n width - Creates a new stdistr ugen

/arco/stdistr/ins id i input_id - Set or replace input i to be input_id

/arco/stdistr/rem id i - Remove an input

`/arco/stdistr/repl_width id width - Replace width with a new ugen

`/arco/stdistr/set_width id width - Set width to a float value width

`/arco/stdistr/gain id gain - Set gain to float value gain

sum, sumb

sum([chans], wrap = true)

/arco/sum/new id chans wrap -- Create a new sum unit generator. If wrap is zero, extra input channels are deleted. Otherwise, input channels are "wrapped" around output channels as in mix. If there is one input channel, it is added to the first output channel only, not duplicated to all output channels.

/arco/sum/ins id ugen_id -- Insert unit generator with id ugen_id into this adder. If ugen_id is already being added, this message is ignored.

/arco/sum/rem id ugen_id -- Remove unit generator with id ugen_id from this adder.

/arco/sum/set_gain id gain -- Set an overall gain applied to the sum of inputs. Changes to gain are smoothed.

tableosc, tableoscb

tableosc(freq, amp [, chans] [, phase = 0])
.set('freq', freq)
.set('amp', amp)
.create_tas(index, tlen, ampspec)
.create_tcs(index, teln, spec)
.create_ttd(index, samps)

/arco/tableosc/new id chans freq amp phase -- Create a new tableosc table-lookup oscillator. freq and amp are unit generator ids. The table is specified separately (see the create methods for details). Phase is a float in degrees.

/arco/tableosc/select id index -- Select a waveform by index. (See create methods to create wavefoms.)

/arco/tableosc/repl_freq id freq_id -- Replace the frequency control input with another unit generator.

/arco/tableosc/set_freq id chan freq -- Set the frequency constant to a floating point value. Only the specifid channel is changed.

/arco/tableosc/repl_amp id freq_id -- Replace the amplitude control input with another unit generator.

/arco/tableosc/set_amp id chan amp -- Set the amplitude constant to a floating point value. Only the specified channel is changed.

/arco/tableosc/sel in index -- select table at index.

/arco/tableosc/borrow id lender -- Use tables from lender (another tableosc).

/arco/tableosc/createtas id index tlen ampspec -- specify wavetable at the given index to have length tlen. Ampspec is a vector of floats (typecode "vf") representing harmonic amplitudes for harmonics 1, 2, 3, etc. ("tas" is for table amplitude spectrum.) The phase of each harmonic is computed from Schroeder's formula: φ(n) = π * n * (n - 1) / N, which is a heuristic to reduce the peak amplitude or crest factor (CR).

/arco/tableosc/createtcs id index tlen spec -- specify wavetable at the given index to have length tlen. Spec is a vector of floats (typecode "vf" ) containing alternating amplitude and phase (in radians) for harmonics 1, 2, 3, etc. ("tcs" is for table complex spectrum.)

/arco/tableosc/createttd id index samps -- specify wavetable at the given index to be samps, a vector of floats (typecode "vf"). Note that the table length is given by the length of the vector. ("ttd" is for table time domain.)

When a waveform is selected, all channels use the same waveform. However, each channel can have a separate frequency and amplitude.

thru, fanout

Thru(input [, chans] [, id_num])
thru(input [, chans])
fanout(input, chans)

The Thru unit generator passes input to output without modification or delay. One application is to expand 1 channel to n channels, taking advantage of Arco's standard channel-adapting feature where single channel inputs are copied to form the required number of channels. Since this is a built-in fanout policy, you do not normally need fanout unless you want to force the number of channels or route a mono signal to all output channels (audio output is an exception in that if you play n channels which is fewer than exist in the output, only the first n output channels will receive a signal.)

Thru objects are also used for audio input (the audio input is written directly into the thru object's outputs and input_id is ignored) and to make the audio output available with a one-block delay (after computing the output, it is written to the thru object's outputs and input_id is ignored.) These special thru objects have index INPUT_ID (= 2) and PREV_OUTPUT_ID (= 3).

/arco/thru/new id chans input_id - Create a pass-through object with input input_id. Audio is copied from input_id to the output without modification except that 1-channel inputs are expanded to chans.

/arco/thru/alt id alt_id - When a unit generator requests output from this thru object (id), it will be redirected to the output of alt_id. The object there must have a compatible number of channels (either equal, or alt_id has a single channel.) To remove the alternate and resume taking input from the thru object's input, pass ZERO_ID as alt_id. To make the thru's output zero, e.g., to mute the output of INPUT_ID, create a new zero object and pass it as alt_id. The alt_id capability allows audio input (a Thru object) to be redirected to obtain input from a file or test signal.


trig(input, reply_addr, window, threshold, pause)
.set('input', ugen)
.onoff(reply_addr, threshold, runlen)

The trig unit generator detects audio onsets and the presence of audio.

/arco/trig/new id repl_addr input window threshold pause - Create trig object which takes input from input and computes RMS in 50% overlapping frames with square windows. The frame size is window (in samples, rounded up to a multiple of BL). It the input is multi-channel, the channels are summed before taking the RMS. When the RMS crosses threshold in the positive direction, a message is sent to repl_addr with the type string "if", the unit generator id, and the rms value that crossed the threshold. After the message is sent, analysis pauses for pause seconds. Then, analysis starts after the next full window of input, and the next trigger will be sent when the RMS (again) crosses the threshold. Trigger detection is always enabled, but set a very high threshold to avoid actually detecting anything. Since there is no signal output or downstream dependent, you must add a trig to the run set to cause processing to happen. You can remove from the run set to disable processing. (See /arco/run and /arco/unrun.)

/arco/trig/onoff id repl_addr threshold runlen - A trig can also report on sound vs. silence by sending messages when the sound goes above and 10% below threshold for a duration of runlen (float, seconds). When a change occurs a message is sent to repl_addr with signature "ii", the unit generator id and either 0 for "below" or 1 for "above threshold." The threshold, run length, or reply address can be changed by sending this message again. The on/off processing and reports can be disabled by setting repl_addr to the empty string.

/arco/trig/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to the object with id to input_id.

/arco/trig/window id size - Set the window size to size.

/arco/trig/thresh id threshold - Set the threshold to threshold.

/arco/trig/pause id pause - Set the pause time to pause (float in seconds). Processing is paused for pause seconds after threshold is exceeded, causing a message to be sent.

unary, unaryb

ugen_abs, ugen_absb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_neg, ugen_negb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_exp, ugen_expb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_log, ugen_logb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_log10, ugen_log10b(x1 [, chans])
ugen_log2, ugen_log2b(x1 [, chans])
ugen_sqrt, ugen_sqrtb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_step_to_hz, ugen_step_to_hzb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_hz_to_step, ugen_hz_to_stepb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_vel_to_linear, ugen_vel_to_linearb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_linear_to_vel, ugen_linear_to_velb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_db_to_linear, ugen_db_to_linearb(x1 [, chans])
ugen_linear_to_db, ugen_linear_to_dbb(x1 [, chans])

Similar to Math (see above), the Unary generator implements a variety of unary math functions. There is a function call for each math function, but all of these are implemented by the Unary unit generator.

/arco/unary/new id chans op x1 - Create a new unit generator to perform a binary operation. The value of op can be:

  • UNARY_OP_ABS = 0, compute the absolute value.
  • UNARY_OP_NEG = 1, compute the negative of x1.
  • UNARY_OP_EXP = 3, compute exp(x1).
  • UNARY_OP_LOG = 4, compute log(x1).
  • UNARY_OP_LOG10 = 5, compute log-base-10 of x1.
  • UNARY_OP_LOG2 = 6, compute log-base-2 of x1.
  • UNARY_OP_SQRT = 7, compute the square root of x1.
  • UNARY_OP_STEP_TO_HZ = 8, convert from steps (like MIDI key number) to Hz using A440 equal temperament.
  • UNARY_OP_HZ_TO_STEP = 9, convert from hz to steps (like MIDI key number) using A440 equal temperament.
  • UNARY_OP_VEL_TO_LINEAR = 10, convert from MIDI velocity to linear gain.
  • UNARY_OP_LINEAR_TO_VEL = 11, convert from gain to MIDI velocity.
  • UNARY_OP_DB_TO_LINEAR = 12, convert from dB to linear gain.
  • UNARY_OP_LINEAR_TO_DB = 13, convert from linear gain to dB.

/arco/unary/set_x1 id chan x1 - Set channel chan of input to float value x1.

/arco/unary/repl_x1 id x1_id - Set input x1 to object with id x1_id.

The mathb messages begin with /arco/unaryb and output is b-rate.


vu(reply_addr, period)
.start(reply_addr, period)
.set('input', ugen)

The vu unit generator is used to implement "VU" meters.

/arco/vu/new id reply_addr period - Create a vu object, which measures the peak values of input channels over every period (float, in seconds) and sends the values as floats to reply_addr (string representing a complete O2 address). No messages are sent until input is set with repl_input.

/arco/vu/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to be analyzed to input_id. If input_id names a unit generator of class Zero, analysis is stopped; otherwise, processing will start or resume, sending a peak every period.

/arco/vu/start id reply_addr period - Change the reply_addr and period of this vu object.


yin(input, minstep, maxstep, hopsize, address, [chans]))
.set('input', ugen)

The yin unit generator implements the YIN algorithm for pitch estimation.

/arco/yin/new id chans input_id minstep maxstep hopsize address - Creates a YIN pitch estimating unit generator that processes chans channels of input audio. The algorithm searches for a fundamental frequency between minstep and maxstep (both integers expressed as MIDI key numbers), performing an analysis every hopsize samples. The best candidate, its "harmonicity," and RMS are sent (as floats) to address, an O2 address. If there are multiple channels, a single message is sent with triples of results: frequency, harmonicity, rms for channel 0, then frequency, harmonicity, rms for channel 1, etc. Fundamental frequency is reported in units corresponding to MIDI key numbers, but floats are used to give a continuous scale. Harmonicity might be better labeled "aperiodicity" because it measures a relative difference between two successive periods. The number varies from 0 to 1, and small numbers indicate confidence in the pitch estimate. RMS is the root-mean-square of the signal measured over two periods of minstep (this is a longer window than two periods at the reported frequency.)

/arco/yin/repl_input id input_id - Set the input to be analyzed to input_id. If input_id names a unit generator of class Zero, analysis is stopped; otherwise, processing will start or resume.

zero, zerob


(Note that this always returns the unique system zero ugen.)

/arco/zero/new id - Create a signal consisting of all-zeros.