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File metadata and controls

283 lines (177 loc) · 13.2 KB

rGuiLayout Usage

rGuiLayout is a tool to create raygui layouts visually.

Layouts basically consist of controls and those controls could be linked to anchors for convenience.

rGuiLayout supports several edit modes depending on the element to edit, basically 3 edition elements are available:

Once a layout is build it can be saved as a .rgl file for further loading or exported as code, as a .c/.h file.

Code is generated from the layout and multiple configuration options are available. Check Code Generation

There are also multiple layout configuration options available to help on that task.

Layout Edit Options

Grid and Snap mode

There is a grid to place layout elements (controls, anchors, tracemap). Grid size and subdivisions can be configured with a shortcut:

RIGHT_ALT + LEFT/RIGHT: Select division pixel size RIGHT_ALT + UP/DOWN: Set grid spacing (considering subdivisions)

Snap mode can be activated to snap elements placement to grid subdivisions:

LEFT_ALT + S: Toggle snap mode


Multiple levels of Undo/Redo are supported for the edited layout, the current implementation takes a snapshot of current state every 2 seconds and a new undo state is saved if the layout changed.

Control rectangles view

All control rectangles can be enabled to get a colored rectangle overlay over all controls, it could be useful for controls placement and alignment. The rectangle overlay is not applied over two special container controls: WindowBox and GroupBox.

Shortcut: R

Control names view

All control have names assigned that will be used on code generation. It's possible to see all controls names at onece for convenience, to detect possible duplicates or inconsistencies.

Shortcut: N (with no control/anchor selected)

Layers view

Controls follow a drawing order. It's possible to change that order focusing the controls and using the mouse wheel up/down if the layer view mode is activated.

Shortcut: L


Controls are the base elements for the layouts, layouts contain controls.


Control creation mode is the default mode, a control is selected from Controls Panel and it can be placed anywhere in the grid. To change between controls MOUSE_WHEEL can be used to move selection up and down. Controls can not be placed in the same position of already placed controls, actually, when moving mouse over an already placed control it gets automatically focused for selection.


To select an already placed control, move mouse cursor over the control rectangle, it gets focused and with MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON click it can be selected.

NOTE: Some control focuse/selection rectangles could not cover all control area. For example CheckBox control rectangle only considers check box but not optional text.

Edition: Movement

Selected controls can be moved with the mouse but it's also possible to move them with keyboard for more precision.

LEFT_SHIFT + ARROWS allow moving selected controls by grid subdivision increments when snap mode is active and by 1px increments if snap is not active.

NOTE: Snap mode can be toggled with LEFT_ALT + S.

Edition: Scale

Selected control can be scaled with mouse selecting the bottom-right corner of the control rectangle, a scaling rectangle appears with a corner triangle for scaling.

It's also possible to scale selected control with keyboard.

LEFT_CONTROL + ARROWS allow scaling selected control by grid subdivision increments when snap mode is active and by 1px increments if snap is not active.

Edition: Anchor linkage

Controls can be linked to anchors, so, when moving an anchor all linked controls are moved together and control position depends on anchor position. When exporting layout to code and anchors are exported, controls positions depend their anchors. It makes it easy to move groups of controls together. To link a control to an anchor just focus/select the cotrol and drag a line with MOURE_RIGHT_BUTTON.

Edition: Property: text

Most controls contain a text label. That text can be edited directly in the tool. To enable text editing mode, select a control and press T key, a text box will appear to introduce new text. ESCAPE key cancels text editing, returning to previous text and ENTER key validates introduced text.

NOTE 1: Some controls support up to two text labels (Slider, SliderBar, ProgressBar), only left label text editing is supported in those controls.

NOTE 2: Some controls do not support text labels but text define control selection options (ToggleGroup, ComboBox, DropdownBox, ListView), in those cases instroduced text represent those control options, the different options must be separated by ; character to be properly processed.

NOTE 3: raygui support icons at the beggining of text. If the first text character introduced on text editing is #, a icons selector panel will show up to choose an icon from the raygui available ones.

Edition: Property: name

Controls can be named. name actually defines the code generated variable name for the control required properties. That name could represent a part of the variables names. It's really useful and recommended to name the controls properly for code generation.

Here it is a table showing the default names at creation and the code generated variables from name for the different types of controls:

Control DefaultName Generated variables (sufixes)
WINDOWBOX WindowBox001 bool {name}Active
GROUPBOX GroupBox001 -
LINE Line001 -
PANEL Panel001 -
LABEL Label001 -
BUTTON Button001 bool {name}Pressed
TOGGLE Toggle001 bool {name}Active
TOGGLEGROUP ToggleGroup001 int {name}Active
CHECKBOX CheckBox001 bool {name}Checked
COMBOBOX ComboBox001 int {name}Active
DROPDOWNBOX DropdownBox001 int {name}Active,
bool {name}EditMode
SPINNER Spinner001 int {name}Value,
bool {name}EditMode
VALUEBOX ValueBox001 int {name}Value,
bool {name}EditMode
TEXTBOX TextBox001 char {name}Text[128],
bool {name}EditMode
SLIDER Slider001 float {name}Value
SLIDERBAR SliderBar001 float {name}Value
PROGRESSBAR ProgressBar001 float {name}Value
STATUSBAR StatusBar001 -
SCROLLPANEL ScrollPanel001 Rectangle {name}View,
Vector2 {name}Offset,
Vector2 {name}BoundsOffset
LISTVIEW ListView001 int {name}Active,
int {name}ScrollIndex
COLORPICKER ColorPicker001 Color {name}Value
DUMMYREC DummyRec001 -

NOTE: The number at the end of the default name represents the layout drawing order for the control.

Depending on the code generation options, additional variables can be created:

  • Export Anchors: Additional variables for anchors are created: Vector2 {anchor_name}. Linked controls position use it on drawing.
  • Define Rectangles: Controls rectangles are defined as a Rectangles array: Rectangle layoutRecs[n].
  • Defint text as const: All controls text is defined as const: const char *{name}Text or const char *{name}TextList[].
  • Generate button functions: Button functions are generated to be directly called on button press, instead of creating bool {name}Pressed.


Selected controls can be deleted with DELETE key.


Anchors define relative positions for layouts and they are very useful to move multiple control linked to an anchor all together. When layout is exported to code, anchors can be exported and code considers them with all the controls attached as relative positions, very useful to place complete layouts on the screen on target product.


Anchor creation mode can be enabled pressing down A key, cursor will change into an anchor that could be placed anywhere to further link controls to it.


Anchors can be selected like any other control with MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON click over them.

Edition: Movement

Anchors can be moved like any other control but when moving an anchor all linked controls will be moved with it. To move an anchor independently of the controls linked, press down A key while moving the anchor.

Edition: Link/Unlink Controls

To link control to an anchor, press MOURE_RIGHT_BUTTON over an anchor/control and move it the control/anchor to be linked. To unlink all controls from an anchor, select the anchor and press U, it will unlink all controls from that anchor. To unlink a single control, select the control to unlink and press U.

Edition: Hide/Show Linked Controls

All the controls linked to an anchor can be hidden, select an anchor and press H to toggle controls hidding.


Anchors can be deleted by selecting it and pressing DELETE key, once an anchor is deleted all controls are unlinked from that anchor.


Tracemap are reference images (.png) that can be used as background to draw control over it, or just use them as a reference when building a new layout.


A new tracemap can be loaded with drag&drop of a .png image over the work area or pressing KEY_LEFT_CONTROL + KEY_LEFT_SHIFT + KEY_O.


Tracemap can be selected placing mouse over it and with a MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON click.

Edition: Movement

Selected tracemap can be moved with the mouse but it's also possible to move it with keyboard for more precision.

LEFT_SHIFT + ARROWS allow moving selected controls by grid subdivision increments when snap mode is active and by 1px increments if snap is not active.

NOTE: Snap mode can be toggled with LEFT_ALT + S.

Edition: Opacity

Tracemap has a 70% opacity by default but this value can be changed with RIGHT_ALT + O/P.

Edition: Lock/Unlock

Tracemap can be locked to allow placing controls over it, a selected tracemap can be locked with SPACE key. To unlock tracemap, there is an option on main toolbar.


To delete a tracemap, select it and press DELETE key.

Reference Window

The reference window can be used to define a workable area for the project an a different origin coordinates point for its elements. For rGuiLayout v3.0 the reference window options have been disabled.

Code Generation

Layout can be exported as code pressing LEFT_CONTROL + E. On Code Generation Window is possible to pre-visualized the exported result and also configure several exporting options.

Some basic layout properties can be defined to be later used in code comments: Name, Version, Company and Short Description.

Those values are placed in code template where the following variables are defined:

// General layout config variables
$(GUILAYOUT_NAME)               // Layout name
$(GUILAYOUT_NAME_PASCALCASE)    // Layout name PascalCase
$(GUILAYOUT_VERSION)            // Layout version
$(GUILAYOUT_DESCRIPTION)        // Layout description
$(GUILAYOUT_WINDOW_WIDTH)       // Layout window width
$(GUILAYOUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT)      // Layout window height

Code: Standard Template (.c)

The standard generation template is a basic plain C file using raylib, the following template variables are replaced as required:

// Standard C file template variables
$(GUILAYOUT_INITIALIZATION_C)           // Initialize gui variables
$(GUILAYOUT_DRAWING_C)                  // Draw gui controls
$(GUILAYOUT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION_C)     // Declare required functions (buttons)
$(GUILAYOUT_FUNCTION_DEFINITION_C)      // Define required functions (empty body)

Code: Portable Template (.h)

This template defines a single-file header-only code file (.h) that can be included in any project as a portable layout. Usage information is provided in the same file header and basically consists of including the file an calling two functions:

// Include layout module 
#include "gui_layout_name.h"

// On app initialization:
GuiLayoutNameState state = InitGuiLayoutName();

// On app drawing:

The following template variables are replaced on code generation:

// Header-only style template variables
$(GUILAYOUT_STRUCT_TYPE)                // Define gui state struct
$(GUILAYOUT_FUNCTIONS_DECLARATION_H)    // Declare Init/Draw functions
$(GUILAYOUT_FUNCTION_INITIALIZE_H)      // Initialize gui state struct function
$(GUILAYOUT_FUNCTION_DRAWING_H)         // Draw gui function

Code: Custom Template (.c/.h)

When defining a custom template for code generation, any of the previously mentioned variables can be defined in the custom code to be replaced on code generation.

Custom template can be loaded in Code Generation window to see the results.