- To be able to subset vectors, factors, matrices, lists, and data frames
- To be able to extract individual and multiple elements
- To be able to skip and remove elements from various data structures.
Base R has many powerful subset operators. Mastering them will allow you to easily perform complex operations on any kind of dataset. Below is a brief list of ways you can subset data in base R.
- Accessing elements using their indices
- Subsetting by name
- Subsetting through other logical operations
Let's look at a few examples using the gapminder dataset.
To access a given column, you can call it by typing column position or indice in square brackets. For instance gapminder[3]
. Let's just take a look at the first 6 rows by using head()
Source: local data frame [6 x 1]
1 8425333
2 9240934
3 10267083
4 11537966
5 13079460
6 14880372
Likewise, we can subset by name by type the column name inside quotes inside a square bracket
Source: local data frame [6 x 1]
1 8425333
2 9240934
3 10267083
4 11537966
5 13079460
6 14880372
Another way to call the column by name is to use the same $
nomenclature we used for plotting in base R.
[1] 8425333 9240934 10267083 11537966
[5] 13079460 14880372
To specify specific rows and columns, we must separate them by a ,
. Also, you can use the :
to specific multiple rows for columns. Nothing in front of or behind the comma means all rows or all columns, respectively.
Returns the first three rows and all column.
country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
1 Afghanistan 1952 8425333 Asia 28.801 779.4453
2 Afghanistan 1957 9240934 Asia 30.332 820.8530
3 Afghanistan 1962 10267083 Asia 31.997 853.1007
If that syntax doesn't not work well with your brain, have no fear. Hadley Wickham has come to your rescue!
Next Lesson: 07 dplyr Previous Lesson 05 Plotting with plot and ggplot2