#!/usr/bin/env python import logging import unittest import docker import time import os import kuberay_utils.utils as utils logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Image version ray_version = '1.9.0' # Docker images ray_image = 'rayproject/ray:1.9.0' kuberay_operator_image = 'kuberay/operator:nightly' kuberay_apiserver_image = 'kuberay/apiserver:nightly' class BasicRayTestCase(unittest.TestCase): cluster_template_file = 'tests/config/ray-cluster.mini.yaml.template' @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Ray cluster is running inside a local Kind environment. # We use port mapping to connect to the Kind environment # from another local ray container. The local ray container # outside Kind environment has the same ray version as the # ray cluster running inside Kind environment. utils.delete_cluster() utils.create_cluster() images = [ray_image, kuberay_operator_image, kuberay_apiserver_image] utils.download_images(images) utils.apply_kuberay_resources(images, kuberay_operator_image, kuberay_apiserver_image) utils.create_kuberay_cluster(BasicRayTestCase.cluster_template_file, ray_version, ray_image) def test_simple_code(self): # connect from a ray container client to ray cluster # inside a local Kind environment and run a simple test client = docker.from_env() container = client.containers.run(ray_image, remove=True, detach=True, tty=True, network_mode='host') rtn_code, output = container.exec_run(['python', '-c', ''' import ray ray.init(address='ray://') def retry_with_timeout(func, count=90): tmp = 0 err = None while tmp < count: try: return func() except Exception as e: err = e tmp += 1 assert err is not None raise err @ray.remote def f(x): return x * x def get_result(): futures = [f.remote(i) for i in range(4)] print(ray.get(futures)) return 0 rtn = retry_with_timeout(get_result) assert rtn == 0 '''], demux=True) stdout_str, stderr_str = output container.stop() if stdout_str != b'[0, 1, 4, 9]\n': logger.error('test_simple_code returns {}'.format(output)) raise Exception(('test_simple_code returns invalid result. ' + 'Expected: {} Actual: {} Stderr: {}').format( b'[0, 1, 4, 9]', stdout_str, stderr_str)) if rtn_code != 0: msg = 'invalid return code {}'.format(rtn_code) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) client.close() def test_cluster_info(self): # connect from a ray container client to ray cluster # inside a local Kind environment and run a test that # gets the amount of nodes in the ray cluster. client = docker.from_env() container = client.containers.run(ray_image, remove=True, detach=True, tty=True, network_mode='host') rtn_code, output = container.exec_run(['python', '-c', ''' import ray ray.init(address='ray://') print(len(ray.nodes())) '''], demux=True) stdout_str, _ = output container.stop() if stdout_str != b'2\n': logger.error('test_cluster_info returns {}'.format(output)) raise Exception(('test_cluster_info returns invalid result. ' + 'Expected: {} Actual: {}').format(b'2', stdout_str)) if rtn_code != 0: msg = 'invalid return code {}'.format(rtn_code) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) client.close() class RayFTTestCase(unittest.TestCase): cluster_template_file = 'tests/config/ray-cluster.ray-ft.yaml.template' @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): if not utils.ray_ft_supported(ray_version): raise unittest.SkipTest("ray ft is not supported") utils.delete_cluster() utils.create_cluster() images = [ray_image, kuberay_operator_image, kuberay_apiserver_image] utils.download_images(images) utils.apply_kuberay_resources(images, kuberay_operator_image, kuberay_apiserver_image) utils.create_kuberay_cluster(RayFTTestCase.cluster_template_file, ray_version, ray_image) def test_kill_head(self): # This test will delete head node and wait for a new replacement to # come up. utils.shell_assert_success( 'kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods -A | grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \$2}")') # wait for new head node to start time.sleep(80) utils.shell_assert_success('kubectl get pods -A') # make sure the new head is ready # shell_assert_success('kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/$(kubectl get pods -A | grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \$2}") --timeout=900s') # make sure both head and worker pods are ready rtn = utils.shell_run( 'kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l rayCluster=raycluster-compatibility-test --all --timeout=900s') if rtn != 0: utils.shell_run('kubectl get pods -A') utils.shell_run( 'kubectl describe pod $(kubectl get pods | grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \$1}")') utils.shell_run( 'kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods | grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \$1}")') utils.shell_run( 'kubectl logs -n $(kubectl get pods -A | grep -e "-operator" | awk \'{print $1 " " $2}\')') assert rtn == 0 def test_ray_serve(self): client = docker.from_env() container = client.containers.run(ray_image, remove=True, detach=True, stdin_open=True, tty=True, network_mode='host', command=["/bin/sh", "-c", "python"]) s = container.attach_socket( params={'stdin': 1, 'stream': 1, 'stdout': 1, 'stderr': 1}) s._sock.setblocking(0) s._sock.sendall(b''' import ray import time import ray.serve as serve import os import requests from ray._private.test_utils import wait_for_condition def retry_with_timeout(func, count=90): tmp = 0 err = None while tmp < count: try: return func() except Exception as e: err = e tmp += 1 assert err is not None raise err ray.init(address='ray://') @serve.deployment def d(*args): return f"{os.getpid()}" d.deploy() pid1 = ray.get(d.get_handle().remote()) print('ready') ''') count = 0 while count < 90: try: buf = s._sock.recv(4096) logger.info(buf.decode()) if buf.decode().find('ready') != -1: break except Exception as e: pass time.sleep(1) count += 1 if count >= 90: raise Exception('failed to run script') # kill the gcs on head node. If fate sharing is enabled # the whole head node pod will terminate. utils.shell_assert_success( 'kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -A| grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \\$2}") -- /bin/bash -c "ps aux | grep gcs_server | grep -v grep | awk \'{print \$2}\' | xargs kill"') # wait for new head node getting created time.sleep(10) # make sure the new head is ready utils.shell_assert_success( 'kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/$(kubectl get pods -A | grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \$2}") --timeout=900s') s._sock.sendall(b''' def get_new_value(): return ray.get(d.get_handle().remote()) pid2 = retry_with_timeout(get_new_value) if pid1 == pid2: print('successful: {} {}'.format(pid1, pid2)) sys.exit(0) else: print('failed: {} {}'.format(pid1, pid2)) raise Exception('failed') ''') count = 0 while count < 90: try: buf = s._sock.recv(4096) logger.info(buf.decode()) if buf.decode().find('successful') != -1: break if buf.decode().find('failed') != -1: raise Exception('test failed {}'.format(buf.decode())) except Exception as e: pass time.sleep(1) count += 1 if count >= 90: raise Exception('failed to run script') container.stop() client.close() def test_detached_actor(self): # This test will run a ray client and start a detached actor at first. # Then we will kill the head node and kuberay will start a new head node # replacement. Finally, we will try to connect to the detached actor again. client = docker.from_env() container = client.containers.run(ray_image, remove=True, detach=True, stdin_open=True, tty=True, network_mode='host', command=["/bin/sh", "-c", "python"]) s = container.attach_socket( params={'stdin': 1, 'stream': 1, 'stdout': 1, 'stderr': 1}) s._sock.setblocking(0) s._sock.sendall(b''' import ray import time def retry_with_timeout(func, count=90): tmp = 0 err = None while tmp < count: try: return func() except Exception as e: err = e tmp += 1 assert err is not None raise err ray.init(address='ray://') @ray.remote class A: def ready(self): import os return os.getpid() a = A.options(name="a", lifetime="detached", max_restarts=-1).remote() res1 = ray.get(a.ready.remote()) print('ready') ''') count = 0 while count < 90: try: buf = s._sock.recv(4096) logger.info(buf.decode()) if buf.decode().find('ready') != -1: break except Exception as e: pass time.sleep(1) count += 1 if count >= 90: raise Exception('failed to run script') # kill the gcs on head node. If fate sharing is enabled # the whole head node pod will terminate. utils.shell_assert_success( 'kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -A| grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \\$2}") -- /bin/bash -c "ps aux | grep gcs_server | grep -v grep | awk \'{print \$2}\' | xargs kill"') # wait for new head node getting created time.sleep(10) # make sure the new head is ready utils.shell_assert_success( 'kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/$(kubectl get pods -A | grep -e "-head" | awk "{print \$2}") --timeout=900s') s._sock.sendall(b''' def get_detached_actor(): return ray.get_actor("a") a = retry_with_timeout(get_detached_actor) def get_new_value(): return ray.get(a.ready.remote()) res2 = retry_with_timeout(get_new_value) if res1 != res2: print('successful: {} {}'.format(res1, res2)) sys.exit(0) else: print('failed: {} {}'.format(res1, res2)) raise Exception('failed') ''') count = 0 while count < 90: try: buf = s._sock.recv(4096) logger.info(buf.decode()) if buf.decode().find('successful') != -1: break if buf.decode().find('failed') != -1: raise Exception('test failed {}'.format(buf.decode())) except Exception as e: pass time.sleep(1) count += 1 if count >= 90: raise Exception('failed to run script') container.stop() client.close() class RayServiceTestCase(unittest.TestCase): service_template_file = 'tests/config/ray-service.yaml.template' service_serve_update_template_file = 'tests/config/ray-service-serve-update.yaml.template' service_cluster_update_template_file = 'tests/config/ray-service-cluster-update.yaml.template' @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): if not utils.ray_service_supported(ray_version): raise unittest.SkipTest("ray service is not supported") # Ray Service is running inside a local Kind environment. # We use the Ray nightly version now. # We wait for the serve service ready. # The test will check the successful response from serve service. utils.delete_cluster() utils.create_cluster() images = [ray_image, kuberay_operator_image, kuberay_apiserver_image] utils.download_images(images) utils.apply_kuberay_resources(images, kuberay_operator_image, kuberay_apiserver_image) utils.create_kuberay_service( RayServiceTestCase.service_template_file, ray_version, ray_image) def test_ray_serve_work(self): time.sleep(5) curl_cmd = 'curl -X POST -H \'Content-Type: application/json\' localhost:8000 -d \'["MANGO", 2]\'' utils.wait_for_condition( lambda: utils.shell_run(curl_cmd) == 0, timeout=15, ) utils.create_kuberay_service( RayServiceTestCase.service_serve_update_template_file, ray_version, ray_image) curl_cmd = 'curl -X POST -H \'Content-Type: application/json\' localhost:8000 -d \'["MANGO", 2]\'' time.sleep(5) utils.wait_for_condition( lambda: utils.shell_run(curl_cmd) == 0, timeout=60, ) utils.create_kuberay_service( RayServiceTestCase.service_cluster_update_template_file, ray_version, ray_image) time.sleep(5) curl_cmd = 'curl -X POST -H \'Content-Type: application/json\' localhost:8000 -d \'["MANGO", 2]\'' utils.wait_for_condition( lambda: utils.shell_run(curl_cmd) == 0, timeout=180, ) def parse_environment(): global ray_version, ray_image, kuberay_operator_image, kuberay_apiserver_image for k, v in os.environ.items(): if k == 'RAY_IMAGE': ray_image = v ray_version = ray_image.split(':')[-1] elif k == 'OPERATOR_IMAGE': kuberay_operator_image = v elif k == 'APISERVER_IMAGE': kuberay_apiserver_image = v if __name__ == '__main__': parse_environment() logger.info('Setting Ray image to: {}'.format(ray_image)) logger.info('Setting Ray version to: {}'.format(ray_version)) logger.info('Setting KubeRay operator image to: {}'.format(kuberay_operator_image)) logger.info('Setting KubeRay apiserver image to: {}'.format(kuberay_apiserver_image)) unittest.main(verbosity=2)