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title: COVID-19 Myth-busters
We are excited to present you an illustrated series on COVID-19 myth-busters. We will be adding more myth-busters to this page. So, bookmark the page and share it among others.

Illustrations shared on this page are created by [Ravi Gupta](https://www.ravigupta.me/), and are released under [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) license.

#### 1. Drinking Alcohol does not prevent or cure COVID-19.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Alcohol.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about alcohol.">
#### 2. Introducing Disinfectants into your body or drinking them does not prevent or cure COVID-19.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Disinfectants.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about Disinfectants.">
#### 3. Superstition and Magic does not work against COVID-19.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Gurujis.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about Magic and Superstition.">
#### 4. Exposing yourself to high temperature does not prevent or cure COVID-19.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Sun.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about High Temperatures.">
#### 5. Hydroxychloroquine is not a proven drug to prevent or cure COVID-19. There are currently no drugs licensed for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Hydroxychloroquine.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about Hydroxychloroquine.">
#### 6. Antibiotics do not work against viruses.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Antibiotics.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about Antibiotics.">
#### 7. Masks cannot protect against new 2019-nCoV virus when used alone.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Masks.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about Masks.">
#### 8. Old and Young can get infected with COVID-19 alike. However, the mortality rate is higher in the elderly. So, keep yourself safe to save your elderly.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Elders.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about infection in younger/older people.">
#### 9. Covid-19 will not go away instantly after we have a vaccine. Even after successful trials, it might take a long time to produce and distribute the vaccine.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_Vaccine.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about vaccine.">
#### 10. Holding your breath for 10-seconds is not a valid test for COVID-19.
<img src="/public/images/covid19mythbusters/CovidMythBusters_HoldingBreath.jpg" alt="Illustration on COVID-19 myth about holding breath for 10-seconds.">
*Note: More Myth-busters will be added soon.*

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