A small utility to get informations on nodes on Online Cloud via the API they provide.
This utility requires nodejs and npm. Install them for your platform.
Then, proceed to install : checkout the project with git and run :
sudo npm install -g
The default store file is located at $HOME/.octools/store.json
Usage: octools [options] [command]
tokens list tokens
install <token> install one token in the store
remove <token> remove one token from the store
refresh refresh org and servers for all the tokens)
generate <scope> <type> generate for the given scope ("all" or a name) and type ("ansible" or "dns")
get <scope> [type] get the infos for the given scope ("all" or a name) and type ("org" or "server")
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --store <store> use the specified store
-v, --verbose verbose mode