These two little words don’t tell ChatGPT what to write about, but they set the tone and style for how it should respond.
- Analyze data
- Clarify point
- Compare approaches
- Compare features
- Compare models
- Compare options
- Compare products
- Compare results
- Compare techniques
- Compare trends
- Define term
- Elaborate further
- Elaborate more
- Explain More
- Explain approach
- Explain briefly
- Explain concept
- Explain impact
- Explain logic
- Explain methodology
- Explain phenomenon
- Explain process
- Explain rationale
- Explain reasoning
- Explain theory
- Give context
- Give instructions
- Give pros
- Give reasons
- Justify position
- List cons
- Offer alternatives
- Offer critique
- Offer examples
- Offer perspective
- Offer recommendations
- Offer solutions
- Offer suggestions
- Outline methodology
- Outline objectives
- Outline plan
- Outline steps
- Outline strategy
- Outline structure
- Provide analysis
- Provide assessment
- Provide background
- Provide breakdown
- Provide conclusion
- Provide definition
- Provide details
- Provide evaluation
- Provide evidence
- Provide forecast
- Provide framework
- Provide insight
- Provide outlook
- Provide overview
- Provide references
- Provide solutions
- Provide statistics
- Provide summary
- Provide timeline
- Summarize key points
- Summarize please
- Write Summary