From 222121d9ea2f7d27a0f0fd7fd0b5a557e058dcd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Frederickson <>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2023 05:46:32 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Move faiss_mr from raft (#5281)

The faiss_mr file in RAFT is only currently used by the reachability_faiss code in cuml. Move this file over to allow us to completely remove the faiss dependency from RAFT.

  - Ben Frederickson (
  - Corey J. Nolet (

  - Corey J. Nolet (
  - Joseph (

 ci/checks/                        |   1 +
 conda/recipes/libcuml/meta.yaml               |   2 +
 cpp/CMakeLists.txt                            |  12 +-
 cpp/bench/CMakeLists.txt                      |   3 +-
 cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_faiss.cmake          |  89 +++
 cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_raft.cmake           |  82 +--
 cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/faiss_mr.hpp           | 642 ++++++++++++++++++
 cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/reachability_faiss.cuh |   7 +-
 cpp/test/CMakeLists.txt                       |   3 +-
 9 files changed, 791 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_faiss.cmake
 create mode 100644 cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/faiss_mr.hpp

diff --git a/ci/checks/ b/ci/checks/
index 0581055647..407f40f818 100644
--- a/ci/checks/
+++ b/ci/checks/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+    re.compile(r"cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/faiss_mr\.hpp"),
 # this will break starting at year 10000, which is probably OK :)
diff --git a/conda/recipes/libcuml/meta.yaml b/conda/recipes/libcuml/meta.yaml
index cc4d598fb7..a6c43f9646 100644
--- a/conda/recipes/libcuml/meta.yaml
+++ b/conda/recipes/libcuml/meta.yaml
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ requirements:
     - libraft-headers ={{ minor_version }}
     - libraft-nn ={{ minor_version }}
     - treelite {{ treelite_version }}
+    - libfaiss>=1.7.1
+    - faiss-proc=*=cuda
   - name: libcuml
diff --git a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
index 5025b05fde..cc687dcedc 100644
--- a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -67,10 +67,13 @@ option(CUML_USE_FAISS_STATIC "Build and statically link the FAISS library for ne
 option(CUML_USE_TREELITE_STATIC "Build and statically link the treelite library" OFF)
 option(CUML_EXPORT_TREELITE_LINKAGE "Whether to publicly or privately link treelite to libcuml++" OFF)
 option(CUML_USE_CUMLPRIMS_MG_STATIC "Build and statically link the cumlprims_mg library" OFF)
+option(CUML_ENABLE_NN_DEPENDENCIES "Whether to enable FAISS dependency" ON)
 # The options below allow incorporating libcuml into another build process
 # without installing all its components. This is useful if total file size is
 # at a premium and we do not expect other consumers to use any APIs of the
 # dependency except those that are directly linked to by the dependent library.
+option(CUML_EXCLUDE_FAISS_FROM_ALL "Exclude FAISS targets from RAFT's 'all' target" ON)
 option(CUML_EXCLUDE_RAFT_FROM_ALL "Exclude RAFT targets from cuML's 'all' target" OFF)
 option(CUML_EXCLUDE_TREELITE_FROM_ALL "Exclude Treelite targets from cuML's 'all' target" OFF)
 option(CUML_EXCLUDE_CUMLPRIMS_MG_FROM_ALL "Exclude cumlprims_mg targets from cuML's 'all' target" OFF)
@@ -220,6 +223,10 @@ endif()
+  include(cmake/thirdparty/get_faiss.cmake)
@@ -556,10 +563,6 @@ if(BUILD_CUML_CPP_LIBRARY)
     copy_interface_excludes(INCLUDED_TARGET raft::raft TARGET ${CUML_CPP_TARGET})
-    if(CUML_USE_RAFT_NN AND (TARGET faiss::faiss))
-      copy_interface_excludes(INCLUDED_TARGET faiss::faiss TARGET ${CUML_CPP_TARGET})
-    endif()
     if(CUML_USE_RAFT_DIST AND (TARGET cuco::cuco))
       list(APPEND _cuml_cpp_private_libs cuco::cuco)
@@ -602,6 +605,7 @@ if(BUILD_CUML_CPP_LIBRARY)
   # INTERFACE target.
   list(APPEND ${_cuml_cpp_libs_var_name}
+          $<$<BOOL:${CUML_USE_RAFT_NN}>:faiss>
diff --git a/cpp/bench/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/bench/CMakeLists.txt
index 7fbb3da70b..870d0b0120 100644
--- a/cpp/bench/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cpp/bench/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ if(BUILD_CUML_BENCH)
+      faiss::faiss
diff --git a/cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_faiss.cmake b/cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_faiss.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4ef84f500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_faiss.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    cmake_parse_arguments(PKG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}"
+            "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )
+        rapids_find_generate_module(faiss
+                HEADER_NAMES  faiss/IndexFlat.h
+                LIBRARY_NAMES faiss
+                )
+        set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON)
+            set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF)
+            set(CPM_DOWNLOAD_faiss ON)
+        endif()
+        rapids_cpm_find(faiss ${PKG_VERSION}
+                GLOBAL_TARGETS     faiss::faiss
+                CPM_ARGS
+                GIT_TAG          ${PKG_PINNED_TAG}
+                OPTIONS
+                "FAISS_ENABLE_PYTHON OFF"
+                "CUDAToolkit_ROOT ${CUDAToolkit_LIBRARY_DIR}"
+                "FAISS_ENABLE_GPU ON"
+                "BUILD_TESTING OFF"
+                )
+        if(TARGET faiss AND NOT TARGET faiss::faiss)
+            add_library(faiss::faiss ALIAS faiss)
+        endif()
+        if(faiss_ADDED)
+            rapids_export(BUILD faiss
+                    EXPORT_SET faiss-targets
+                    GLOBAL_TARGETS faiss
+                    NAMESPACE faiss::)
+        endif()
+    endif()
+    # We generate the faiss-config files when we built faiss locally, so always do `find_dependency`
+    rapids_export_package(BUILD OpenMP cuml-exports) # faiss uses openMP but doesn't export a need for it
+    rapids_export_package(BUILD faiss cuml-exports GLOBAL_TARGETS faiss::faiss faiss)
+    rapids_export_package(INSTALL faiss cuml-exports GLOBAL_TARGETS faiss::faiss faiss)
+    # Tell cmake where it can find the generated faiss-config.cmake we wrote.
+    include("${rapids-cmake-dir}/export/find_package_root.cmake")
+    rapids_export_find_package_root(BUILD faiss [=[${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}]=] cuml-exports)
+    # TODO: Remove this once faiss supports FAISS_USE_CUDA_TOOLKIT_STATIC
+    # (
+    set(CUML_FAISS_GIT_TAG fea/statically-link-ctk-v1.7.0)
+    # set(RAFT_FAISS_GIT_TAG bde7c0027191f29c9dadafe4f6e68ca0ee31fb30)
+    # TODO: Remove this once faiss supports FAISS_USE_CUDA_TOOLKIT_STATIC
+    # (
+find_and_configure_faiss(VERSION    1.7.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_raft.cmake b/cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_raft.cmake
index a890a5e72e..264d4fae15 100644
--- a/cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_raft.cmake
+++ b/cpp/cmake/thirdparty/get_raft.cmake
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -23,30 +23,30 @@ function(find_and_configure_raft)
             "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )
-      message(STATUS "CUML: RAFT pinned tag found: ${PKG_PINNED_TAG}. Cloning raft locally.")
-      set(CPM_DOWNLOAD_raft ON)
+        message(STATUS "CUML: RAFT pinned tag found: ${PKG_PINNED_TAG}. Cloning raft locally.")
+        set(CPM_DOWNLOAD_raft ON)
-      message(STATUS "CUML: Cloning raft locally to build static libraries.")
-      set(CPM_DOWNLOAD_raft ON)
+        message(STATUS "CUML: Cloning raft locally to build static libraries.")
+        set(CPM_DOWNLOAD_raft ON)
-      string(APPEND RAFT_COMPONENTS "distance")
+        string(APPEND RAFT_COMPONENTS "distance")
-      string(APPEND RAFT_COMPONENTS " nn")
+        string(APPEND RAFT_COMPONENTS " nn")
     # We need RAFT::distributed for MG tests
-      string(APPEND RAFT_COMPONENTS " distributed")
+        string(APPEND RAFT_COMPONENTS " distributed")
     # We need to set this each time so that on subsequent calls to cmake
@@ -55,29 +55,29 @@ function(find_and_configure_raft)
     rapids_cpm_find(raft ${PKG_VERSION}
-      GLOBAL_TARGETS      raft::raft
-      BUILD_EXPORT_SET    cuml-exports
-      INSTALL_EXPORT_SET  cuml-exports
-      CPM_ARGS
-        GIT_REPOSITORY${PKG_FORK}/raft.git
-        GIT_TAG                ${PKG_PINNED_TAG}
-        SOURCE_SUBDIR          cpp
-        OPTIONS
-          "BUILD_TESTS OFF"
-    )
+            GLOBAL_TARGETS      raft::raft
+            BUILD_EXPORT_SET    cuml-exports
+            INSTALL_EXPORT_SET  cuml-exports
+            COMPONENTS          ${RAFT_COMPONENTS}
+            CPM_ARGS
+            GIT_REPOSITORY${PKG_FORK}/raft.git
+            GIT_TAG                ${PKG_PINNED_TAG}
+            SOURCE_SUBDIR          cpp
+            OPTIONS
+            "BUILD_TESTS OFF"
+            )
         message(VERBOSE "CUML: Using RAFT located in ${raft_SOURCE_DIR}")
@@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ endfunction()
 # To use a different RAFT locally, set the CMake variable
 # CPM_raft_SOURCE=/path/to/local/raft
 find_and_configure_raft(VERSION          ${CUML_MIN_VERSION_raft}
-                        FORK             rapidsai
-                        PINNED_TAG       branch-${CUML_BRANCH_VERSION_raft}
-                        # When PINNED_TAG above doesn't match cuml,
-                        # force local raft clone in build directory
-                        # even if it's already installed.
-                        CLONE_ON_PIN     ${CUML_RAFT_CLONE_ON_PIN}
-                        USE_RAFT_NN      ${CUML_USE_RAFT_NN}
-                        USE_RAFT_DIST    ${CUML_USE_RAFT_DIST}
-                        USE_RAFT_STATIC  ${CUML_USE_RAFT_STATIC}
-                        USE_FAISS_STATIC ${CUML_USE_FAISS_STATIC}
-                        NVTX             ${NVTX}
-                        )
+        FORK             rapidsai
+        PINNED_TAG       branch-${CUML_BRANCH_VERSION_raft}
+        # When PINNED_TAG above doesn't match cuml,
+        # force local raft clone in build directory
+        # even if it's already installed.
+        USE_RAFT_NN      ${CUML_USE_RAFT_NN}
+        NVTX             ${NVTX}
+        )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/faiss_mr.hpp b/cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/faiss_mr.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aeaf35b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/faiss_mr.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ */
+This code contains unnecessary code duplication. These could be deleted
+once the relevant changes would be made on the FAISS side. Indeed most of
+the logic in the below code is similar to FAISS's standard implementation
+and should thus be inherited instead of duplicated. This FAISS's issue
+once solved should allow the removal of the unnecessary duplicates
+in this file :
+#pragma once
+#include <faiss/gpu/GpuResources.h>
+#include <faiss/gpu/utils/DeviceUtils.h>
+#include <faiss/gpu/utils/StackDeviceMemory.h>
+#include <faiss/gpu/utils/StaticUtils.h>
+#include <faiss/impl/FaissAssert.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <rmm/mr/device/cuda_memory_resource.hpp>
+#include <rmm/mr/device/managed_memory_resource.hpp>
+#include <rmm/mr/host/pinned_memory_resource.hpp>
+namespace ML {
+namespace HDBSCAN {
+namespace detail {
+namespace Reachability {
+using namespace faiss::gpu;
+namespace {
+// How many streams per device we allocate by default (for multi-streaming)
+constexpr int kNumStreams = 2;
+// Use 256 MiB of pinned memory for async CPU <-> GPU copies by default
+constexpr size_t kDefaultPinnedMemoryAllocation = (size_t)256 * 1024 * 1024;
+// Default temporary memory allocation for <= 4 GiB memory GPUs
+constexpr size_t k4GiBTempMem = (size_t)512 * 1024 * 1024;
+// Default temporary memory allocation for <= 8 GiB memory GPUs
+constexpr size_t k8GiBTempMem = (size_t)1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+// Maximum temporary memory allocation for all GPUs
+constexpr size_t kMaxTempMem = (size_t)1536 * 1024 * 1024;
+std::string allocsToString(const std::unordered_map<void*, AllocRequest>& map)
+  // Produce a sorted list of all outstanding allocations by type
+  std::unordered_map<AllocType, std::pair<int, size_t>> stats;
+  for (auto& entry : map) {
+    auto& a = entry.second;
+    auto it = stats.find(a.type);
+    if (it != stats.end()) {
+      stats[a.type].first++;
+      stats[a.type].second += a.size;
+    } else {
+      stats[a.type] = std::make_pair(1, a.size);
+    }
+  }
+  std::stringstream ss;
+  for (auto& entry : stats) {
+    ss << "Alloc type " << allocTypeToString(entry.first) << ": " << entry.second.first
+       << " allocations, " << entry.second.second << " bytes\n";
+  }
+  return ss.str();
+}  // namespace
+/// RMM implementation of the GpuResources object that provides for a
+/// temporary memory manager
+class RmmGpuResourcesImpl : public GpuResources {
+ public:
+  RmmGpuResourcesImpl()
+    : pinnedMemAlloc_(nullptr),
+      pinnedMemAllocSize_(0),
+      // let the adjustment function determine the memory size for us by passing
+      // in a huge value that will then be adjusted
+      tempMemSize_(getDefaultTempMemForGPU(-1, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())),
+      pinnedMemSize_(kDefaultPinnedMemoryAllocation),
+      allocLogging_(false),
+      cmr(new rmm::mr::cuda_memory_resource),
+      mmr(new rmm::mr::managed_memory_resource),
+      pmr(new rmm::mr::pinned_memory_resource){};
+  ~RmmGpuResourcesImpl()
+  {
+    // The temporary memory allocator has allocated memory through us, so clean
+    // that up before we finish fully de-initializing ourselves
+    tempMemory_.clear();
+    // Make sure all allocations have been freed
+    bool allocError = false;
+    for (auto& entry : allocs_) {
+      auto& map = entry.second;
+      if (!map.empty()) {
+        std::cerr << "RmmGpuResources destroyed with allocations outstanding:\n"
+                  << "Device " << entry.first << " outstanding allocations:\n";
+        std::cerr << allocsToString(map);
+        allocError = true;
+      }
+    }
+    FAISS_ASSERT_MSG(!allocError, "GPU memory allocations not properly cleaned up");
+    for (auto& entry : defaultStreams_) {
+      DeviceScope scope(entry.first);
+      // We created these streams, so are responsible for destroying them
+      CUDA_VERIFY(cudaStreamDestroy(entry.second));
+    }
+    for (auto& entry : alternateStreams_) {
+      DeviceScope scope(entry.first);
+      for (auto stream : entry.second) {
+        CUDA_VERIFY(cudaStreamDestroy(stream));
+      }
+    }
+    for (auto& entry : asyncCopyStreams_) {
+      DeviceScope scope(entry.first);
+      CUDA_VERIFY(cudaStreamDestroy(entry.second));
+    }
+    for (auto& entry : blasHandles_) {
+      DeviceScope scope(entry.first);
+      auto blasStatus = cublasDestroy(entry.second);
+    }
+    if (pinnedMemAlloc_) { pmr->deallocate(pinnedMemAlloc_, pinnedMemAllocSize_); }
+  };
+  /// Disable allocation of temporary memory; all temporary memory
+  /// requests will call cudaMalloc / cudaFree at the point of use
+  void noTempMemory() { setTempMemory(0); };
+  /// Specify that we wish to use a certain fixed size of memory on
+  /// all devices as temporary memory. This is the upper bound for the GPU
+  /// memory that we will reserve. We will never go above 1.5 GiB on any GPU;
+  /// smaller GPUs (with <= 4 GiB or <= 8 GiB) will use less memory than that.
+  /// To avoid any temporary memory allocation, pass 0.
+  void setTempMemory(size_t size)
+  {
+    if (tempMemSize_ != size) {
+      // adjust based on general limits
+      tempMemSize_ = getDefaultTempMemForGPU(-1, size);
+      // We need to re-initialize memory resources for all current devices that
+      // have been initialized.
+      // This should be safe to do, even if we are currently running work, because
+      // the cudaFree call that this implies will force-synchronize all GPUs with
+      // the CPU
+      for (auto& p : tempMemory_) {
+        int device = p.first;
+        // Free the existing memory first
+        p.second.reset();
+        // Allocate new
+        p.second = std::unique_ptr<StackDeviceMemory>(
+          new StackDeviceMemory(this,
+                                p.first,
+                                // adjust for this specific device
+                                getDefaultTempMemForGPU(device, tempMemSize_)));
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  /// Set amount of pinned memory to allocate, for async GPU <-> CPU
+  /// transfers
+  void setPinnedMemory(size_t size)
+  {
+    // Should not call this after devices have been initialized
+    FAISS_ASSERT(defaultStreams_.size() == 0);
+    FAISS_ASSERT(!pinnedMemAlloc_);
+    pinnedMemSize_ = size;
+  };
+  /// Called to change the stream for work ordering. We do not own `stream`;
+  /// i.e., it will not be destroyed when the GpuResources object gets cleaned
+  /// up.
+  /// We are guaranteed that all Faiss GPU work is ordered with respect to
+  /// this stream upon exit from an index or other Faiss GPU call.
+  void setDefaultStream(int device, cudaStream_t stream)
+  {
+    if (isInitialized(device)) {
+      // A new series of calls may not be ordered with what was the previous
+      // stream, so if the stream being specified is different, then we need to
+      // ensure ordering between the two (new stream waits on old).
+      auto it                 = userDefaultStreams_.find(device);
+      cudaStream_t prevStream = nullptr;
+      if (it != userDefaultStreams_.end()) {
+        prevStream = it->second;
+      } else {
+        FAISS_ASSERT(defaultStreams_.count(device));
+        prevStream = defaultStreams_[device];
+      }
+      if (prevStream != stream) { streamWait({stream}, {prevStream}); }
+    }
+    userDefaultStreams_[device] = stream;
+  };
+  /// Revert the default stream to the original stream managed by this resources
+  /// object, in case someone called `setDefaultStream`.
+  void revertDefaultStream(int device)
+  {
+    if (isInitialized(device)) {
+      auto it = userDefaultStreams_.find(device);
+      if (it != userDefaultStreams_.end()) {
+        // There was a user stream set that we need to synchronize against
+        cudaStream_t prevStream = userDefaultStreams_[device];
+        FAISS_ASSERT(defaultStreams_.count(device));
+        cudaStream_t newStream = defaultStreams_[device];
+        streamWait({newStream}, {prevStream});
+      }
+    }
+    userDefaultStreams_.erase(device);
+  };
+  /// Returns the stream for the given device on which all Faiss GPU work is
+  /// ordered.
+  /// We are guaranteed that all Faiss GPU work is ordered with respect to
+  /// this stream upon exit from an index or other Faiss GPU call.
+  cudaStream_t getDefaultStream(int device)
+  {
+    initializeForDevice(device);
+    auto it = userDefaultStreams_.find(device);
+    if (it != userDefaultStreams_.end()) {
+      // There is a user override stream set
+      return it->second;
+    }
+    // Otherwise, our base default stream
+    return defaultStreams_[device];
+  };
+  /// Called to change the work ordering streams to the null stream
+  /// for all devices
+  void setDefaultNullStreamAllDevices()
+  {
+    for (int dev = 0; dev < getNumDevices(); ++dev) {
+      setDefaultStream(dev, nullptr);
+    }
+  };
+  /// If enabled, will print every GPU memory allocation and deallocation to
+  /// standard output
+  void setLogMemoryAllocations(bool enable) { allocLogging_ = enable; };
+ public:
+  /// Internal system calls
+  /// Initialize resources for this device
+  void initializeForDevice(int device)
+  {
+    if (isInitialized(device)) { return; }
+    // If this is the first device that we're initializing, create our
+    // pinned memory allocation
+    if (defaultStreams_.empty() && pinnedMemSize_ > 0) {
+      pinnedMemAlloc_     = pmr->allocate(pinnedMemSize_);
+      pinnedMemAllocSize_ = pinnedMemSize_;
+    }
+    FAISS_ASSERT(device < getNumDevices());
+    DeviceScope scope(device);
+    // Make sure that device properties for all devices are cached
+    auto& prop = getDeviceProperties(device);
+    // Also check to make sure we meet our minimum compute capability (3.0)
+    FAISS_ASSERT_FMT(prop.major >= 3,
+                     "Device id %d with CC %d.%d not supported, "
+                     "need 3.0+ compute capability",
+                     device,
+                     prop.major,
+                     prop.minor);
+    // Create streams
+    cudaStream_t defaultStream = 0;
+    CUDA_VERIFY(cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&defaultStream, cudaStreamNonBlocking));
+    defaultStreams_[device] = defaultStream;
+    cudaStream_t asyncCopyStream = 0;
+    CUDA_VERIFY(cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&asyncCopyStream, cudaStreamNonBlocking));
+    asyncCopyStreams_[device] = asyncCopyStream;
+    std::vector<cudaStream_t> deviceStreams;
+    for (int j = 0; j < kNumStreams; ++j) {
+      cudaStream_t stream = 0;
+      CUDA_VERIFY(cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking));
+      deviceStreams.push_back(stream);
+    }
+    alternateStreams_[device] = std::move(deviceStreams);
+    // Create cuBLAS handle
+    cublasHandle_t blasHandle = 0;
+    auto blasStatus           = cublasCreate(&blasHandle);
+    blasHandles_[device] = blasHandle;
+    // For CUDA 10 on V100, enabling tensor core usage would enable automatic
+    // rounding down of inputs to f16 (though accumulate in f32) which results in
+    // unacceptable loss of precision in general.
+    // For CUDA 11 / A100, only enable tensor core support if it doesn't result in
+    // a loss of precision.
+#if CUDA_VERSION >= 11000
+    FAISS_ASSERT(allocs_.count(device) == 0);
+    allocs_[device] = std::unordered_map<void*, AllocRequest>();
+    FAISS_ASSERT(tempMemory_.count(device) == 0);
+    auto mem = std::unique_ptr<StackDeviceMemory>(
+      new StackDeviceMemory(this,
+                            device,
+                            // adjust for this specific device
+                            getDefaultTempMemForGPU(device, tempMemSize_)));
+    tempMemory_.emplace(device, std::move(mem));
+  };
+  cublasHandle_t getBlasHandle(int device)
+  {
+    initializeForDevice(device);
+    return blasHandles_[device];
+  };
+  std::vector<cudaStream_t> getAlternateStreams(int device)
+  {
+    initializeForDevice(device);
+    return alternateStreams_[device];
+  };
+  /// Allocate non-temporary GPU memory
+  void* allocMemory(const AllocRequest& req)
+  {
+    initializeForDevice(req.device);
+    // We don't allocate a placeholder for zero-sized allocations
+    if (req.size == 0) { return nullptr; }
+    // Make sure that the allocation is a multiple of 16 bytes for alignment
+    // purposes
+    auto adjReq = req;
+    adjReq.size = utils::roundUp(adjReq.size, (size_t)16);
+    void* p = nullptr;
+    if (allocLogging_) { std::cout << "RmmGpuResources: alloc " << adjReq.toString() << "\n"; }
+    if ( == MemorySpace::Temporary) {
+      // If we don't have enough space in our temporary memory manager, we need
+      // to allocate this request separately
+      auto& tempMem = tempMemory_[adjReq.device];
+      if (adjReq.size > tempMem->getSizeAvailable()) {
+        // We need to allocate this ourselves
+        AllocRequest newReq = adjReq;
+        = MemorySpace::Device;
+        newReq.type         = AllocType::TemporaryMemoryOverflow;
+        return allocMemory(newReq);
+      }
+      // Otherwise, we can handle this locally
+      p = tempMemory_[adjReq.device]->allocMemory(, adjReq.size);
+    } else if ( == MemorySpace::Device) {
+      p = cmr->allocate(adjReq.size,;
+    } else if ( == MemorySpace::Unified) {
+      p = mmr->allocate(adjReq.size,;
+    } else {
+      FAISS_ASSERT_FMT(false, "unknown MemorySpace %d", (int);
+    }
+    allocs_[adjReq.device][p] = adjReq;
+    return p;
+  };
+  /// Returns a previous allocation
+  void deallocMemory(int device, void* p)
+  {
+    FAISS_ASSERT(isInitialized(device));
+    if (!p) { return; }
+    auto& a = allocs_[device];
+    auto it = a.find(p);
+    FAISS_ASSERT(it != a.end());
+    auto& req = it->second;
+    if (allocLogging_) { std::cout << "RmmGpuResources: dealloc " << req.toString() << "\n"; }
+    if ( == MemorySpace::Temporary) {
+      tempMemory_[device]->deallocMemory(device,, req.size, p);
+    } else if ( == MemorySpace::Device) {
+      cmr->deallocate(p, req.size,;
+    } else if ( == MemorySpace::Unified) {
+      mmr->deallocate(p, req.size,;
+    } else {
+      FAISS_ASSERT_FMT(false, "unknown MemorySpace %d", (int);
+    }
+    a.erase(it);
+  };
+  size_t getTempMemoryAvailable(int device) const
+  {
+    FAISS_ASSERT(isInitialized(device));
+    auto it = tempMemory_.find(device);
+    FAISS_ASSERT(it != tempMemory_.end());
+    return it->second->getSizeAvailable();
+  };
+  /// Export a description of memory used for Python
+  std::map<int, std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, size_t>>> getMemoryInfo() const
+  {
+    using AT = std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, size_t>>;
+    std::map<int, AT> out;
+    for (auto& entry : allocs_) {
+      AT outDevice;
+      for (auto& a : entry.second) {
+        auto& v = outDevice[allocTypeToString(a.second.type)];
+        v.first++;
+        v.second += a.second.size;
+      }
+      out[entry.first] = std::move(outDevice);
+    }
+    return out;
+  };
+  std::pair<void*, size_t> getPinnedMemory()
+  {
+    return std::make_pair(pinnedMemAlloc_, pinnedMemAllocSize_);
+  };
+  cudaStream_t getAsyncCopyStream(int device)
+  {
+    initializeForDevice(device);
+    return asyncCopyStreams_[device];
+  };
+ private:
+  /// Have GPU resources been initialized for this device yet?
+  bool isInitialized(int device) const
+  {
+    // Use default streams as a marker for whether or not a certain
+    // device has been initialized
+    return defaultStreams_.count(device) != 0;
+  };
+  /// Adjust the default temporary memory allocation based on the total GPU
+  /// memory size
+  static size_t getDefaultTempMemForGPU(int device, size_t requested)
+  {
+    auto totalMem = device != -1 ? getDeviceProperties(device).totalGlobalMem
+                                 : std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
+    if (totalMem <= (size_t)4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
+      // If the GPU has <= 4 GiB of memory, reserve 512 MiB
+      if (requested > k4GiBTempMem) { return k4GiBTempMem; }
+    } else if (totalMem <= (size_t)8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
+      // If the GPU has <= 8 GiB of memory, reserve 1 GiB
+      if (requested > k8GiBTempMem) { return k8GiBTempMem; }
+    } else {
+      // Never use more than 1.5 GiB
+      if (requested > kMaxTempMem) { return kMaxTempMem; }
+    }
+    // use whatever lower limit the user requested
+    return requested;
+  };
+ private:
+  /// Set of currently outstanding memory allocations per device
+  /// device -> (alloc request, allocated ptr)
+  std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<void*, AllocRequest>> allocs_;
+  /// Temporary memory provider, per each device
+  std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<StackDeviceMemory>> tempMemory_;
+  /// Our default stream that work is ordered on, one per each device
+  std::unordered_map<int, cudaStream_t> defaultStreams_;
+  /// This contains particular streams as set by the user for
+  /// ordering, if any
+  std::unordered_map<int, cudaStream_t> userDefaultStreams_;
+  /// Other streams we can use, per each device
+  std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<cudaStream_t>> alternateStreams_;
+  /// Async copy stream to use for GPU <-> CPU pinned memory copies
+  std::unordered_map<int, cudaStream_t> asyncCopyStreams_;
+  /// cuBLAS handle for each device
+  std::unordered_map<int, cublasHandle_t> blasHandles_;
+  /// Pinned memory allocation for use with this GPU
+  void* pinnedMemAlloc_;
+  size_t pinnedMemAllocSize_;
+  /// Another option is to use a specified amount of memory on all
+  /// devices
+  size_t tempMemSize_;
+  /// Amount of pinned memory we should allocate
+  size_t pinnedMemSize_;
+  /// Whether or not we log every GPU memory allocation and deallocation
+  bool allocLogging_;
+  // cuda_memory_resource
+  std::unique_ptr<rmm::mr::device_memory_resource> cmr;
+  // managed_memory_resource
+  std::unique_ptr<rmm::mr::device_memory_resource> mmr;
+  // pinned_memory_resource
+  std::unique_ptr<rmm::mr::host_memory_resource> pmr;
+/// Default implementation of GpuResources that allocates a cuBLAS
+/// stream and 2 streams for use, as well as temporary memory.
+/// Internally, the Faiss GPU code uses the instance managed by getResources,
+/// but this is the user-facing object that is internally reference counted.
+class RmmGpuResources : public GpuResourcesProvider {
+ public:
+  RmmGpuResources() : res_(new RmmGpuResourcesImpl){};
+  ~RmmGpuResources(){};
+  std::shared_ptr<GpuResources> getResources() { return res_; };
+  /// Disable allocation of temporary memory; all temporary memory
+  /// requests will call cudaMalloc / cudaFree at the point of use
+  void noTempMemory() { res_->noTempMemory(); };
+  /// Specify that we wish to use a certain fixed size of memory on
+  /// all devices as temporary memory. This is the upper bound for the GPU
+  /// memory that we will reserve. We will never go above 1.5 GiB on any GPU;
+  /// smaller GPUs (with <= 4 GiB or <= 8 GiB) will use less memory than that.
+  /// To avoid any temporary memory allocation, pass 0.
+  void setTempMemory(size_t size) { res_->setTempMemory(size); };
+  /// Set amount of pinned memory to allocate, for async GPU <-> CPU
+  /// transfers
+  void setPinnedMemory(size_t size) { res_->setPinnedMemory(size); };
+  /// Called to change the stream for work ordering. We do not own `stream`;
+  /// i.e., it will not be destroyed when the GpuResources object gets cleaned
+  /// up.
+  /// We are guaranteed that all Faiss GPU work is ordered with respect to
+  /// this stream upon exit from an index or other Faiss GPU call.
+  void setDefaultStream(int device, cudaStream_t stream)
+  {
+    res_->setDefaultStream(device, stream);
+  };
+  /// Revert the default stream to the original stream managed by this resources
+  /// object, in case someone called `setDefaultStream`.
+  void revertDefaultStream(int device) { res_->revertDefaultStream(device); };
+  /// Called to change the work ordering streams to the null stream
+  /// for all devices
+  void setDefaultNullStreamAllDevices() { res_->setDefaultNullStreamAllDevices(); };
+  /// Export a description of memory used for Python
+  std::map<int, std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, size_t>>> getMemoryInfo() const
+  {
+    return res_->getMemoryInfo();
+  };
+  /// Returns the current default stream
+  cudaStream_t getDefaultStream(int device) { return res_->getDefaultStream(device); };
+  /// Returns the current amount of temp memory available
+  size_t getTempMemoryAvailable(int device) const { return res_->getTempMemoryAvailable(device); };
+  /// Synchronize our default stream with the CPU
+  void syncDefaultStreamCurrentDevice() { res_->syncDefaultStreamCurrentDevice(); };
+  /// If enabled, will print every GPU memory allocation and deallocation to
+  /// standard output
+  void setLogMemoryAllocations(bool enable) { res_->setLogMemoryAllocations(enable); };
+ private:
+  std::shared_ptr<RmmGpuResourcesImpl> res_;
+}  // namespace Reachability
+}  // namespace detail
+}  // namespace HDBSCAN
+}  // namespace ML
diff --git a/cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/reachability_faiss.cuh b/cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/reachability_faiss.cuh
index c2d970727b..255bbbc98a 100644
--- a/cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/reachability_faiss.cuh
+++ b/cpp/src/hdbscan/detail/reachability_faiss.cuh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -39,13 +39,14 @@
 #include <faiss/gpu/utils/MatrixMult.cuh>
 #include <raft/core/handle.hpp>
-#include <raft/spatial/knn/faiss_mr.hpp>
 #include <raft/util/cuda_utils.cuh>
 #include <rmm/device_uvector.hpp>
 #include <cstddef>
+#include "faiss_mr.hpp"
 namespace ML {
 namespace HDBSCAN {
 namespace detail {
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ void mutual_reachability_knn_l2(const raft::handle_t& handle,
   auto stream = handle.get_stream();
   faiss::gpu::DeviceScope ds(device);
-  raft::spatial::knn::RmmGpuResources res;
+  RmmGpuResources res;
   res.setDefaultStream(device, stream);
diff --git a/cpp/test/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 3518dcb113..acfdc65303 100644
--- a/cpp/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cpp/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ function(ConfigureTest)
+    $<$<BOOL:${CUML_USE_RAFT_NN}>:faiss::faiss>