diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
index 45074a6645f..c2eba134c35 100755
--- a/build.sh
+++ b/build.sh
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ if buildAll || hasArg libcudf; then
echo "$MSG"
python ${REPODIR}/cpp/scripts/sort_ninja_log.py ${LIB_BUILD_DIR}/.ninja_log --fmt html --msg "$MSG" > ${LIB_BUILD_DIR}/ninja_log.html
+ cp ${LIB_BUILD_DIR}/.ninja_log ${LIB_BUILD_DIR}/ninja.log
if [[ ${INSTALL_TARGET} != "" ]]; then
diff --git a/ci/cpu/build.sh b/ci/cpu/build.sh
index f23296038f2..6f19f174da0 100755
--- a/ci/cpu/build.sh
+++ b/ci/cpu/build.sh
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ if [ "$BUILD_LIBCUDF" == '1' ]; then
gpuci_logger "Copying build metrics results"
mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/build-metrics"
cp "$LIBCUDF_BUILD_DIR/ninja_log.html" "$WORKSPACE/build-metrics/BuildMetrics.html"
+ cp "$LIBCUDF_BUILD_DIR/ninja.log" "$WORKSPACE/build-metrics/ninja.log"
gpuci_logger "Build conda pkg for libcudf_kafka"
diff --git a/cpp/scripts/sort_ninja_log.py b/cpp/scripts/sort_ninja_log.py
index bac6697da82..33c369b254f 100755
--- a/cpp/scripts/sort_ninja_log.py
+++ b/cpp/scripts/sort_ninja_log.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
import argparse
import os
@@ -34,49 +34,63 @@
# build a map of the log entries
entries = {}
with open(log_file, "r") as log:
+ last = 0
+ files = {}
for line in log:
entry = line.split()
if len(entry) > 4:
- elapsed = int(entry[1]) - int(entry[0])
obj_file = entry[3]
file_size = (
os.path.getsize(os.path.join(log_path, obj_file))
if os.path.exists(obj_file)
else 0
- entries[entry[3]] = (elapsed, file_size)
+ start = int(entry[0])
+ end = int(entry[1])
+ # logic based on ninjatracing
+ if end < last:
+ files = {}
+ last = end
+ files.setdefault(entry[4], (entry[3], start, end, file_size))
-# check file could be loaded
+ # build entries from files dict
+ for entry in files.values():
+ entries[entry[0]] = (entry[1], entry[2], entry[3])
+# check file could be loaded and we have entries to report
if len(entries) == 0:
print("Could not parse", log_file)
-# sort the keys by build time (descending order)
-keys = list(entries.keys())
-sl = sorted(keys, key=lambda k: entries[k][0], reverse=True)
+# sort the entries by build-time (descending order)
+sorted_list = sorted(
+ list(entries.keys()),
+ key=lambda k: entries[k][1] - entries[k][0],
+ reverse=True,
-if output_fmt == "xml":
- # output results in XML format
+# output results in XML format
+def output_xml(entries, sorted_list, args):
root = ET.Element("testsuites")
testsuite = ET.Element(
"name": "build-time",
- "tests": str(len(keys)),
+ "tests": str(len(sorted_list)),
"failures": str(0),
"errors": str(0),
- for key in sl:
- entry = entries[key]
- elapsed = float(entry[0]) / 1000
+ for name in sorted_list:
+ entry = entries[name]
+ build_time = float(entry[1] - entry[0]) / 1000
item = ET.Element(
"classname": "BuildTime",
- "name": key,
- "time": str(elapsed),
+ "name": name,
+ "time": str(build_time),
@@ -85,62 +99,219 @@
xmlstr = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(root)).toprettyxml(indent=" ")
-elif output_fmt == "html":
- # output results in HTML format
- print("
Sorted Ninja Build Times")
- # Note: Jenkins does not support style defined in the html
+# utility converts a millisecond value to a colum width in pixels
+def time_to_width(value, end):
+ # map a value from (0,end) to (0,1000)
+ r = (float(value) / float(end)) * 1000.0
+ return int(r)
+# assign each entry to a thread by analyzing the start/end times and
+# slotting them into thread buckets where they fit
+def assign_entries_to_threads(entries):
+ # first sort the entries' keys by end timestamp
+ sorted_keys = sorted(
+ list(entries.keys()), key=lambda k: entries[k][1], reverse=True
+ )
+ # build the chart data by assigning entries to threads
+ results = {}
+ threads = []
+ for name in sorted_keys:
+ entry = entries[name]
+ # assign this entry by finding the first available thread identified
+ # by the thread's current start time greater than the entry's end time
+ tid = -1
+ for t in range(len(threads)):
+ if threads[t] >= entry[1]:
+ threads[t] = entry[0]
+ tid = t
+ break
+ # if no current thread found, create a new one with this entry
+ if tid < 0:
+ threads.append(entry[0])
+ tid = len(threads) - 1
+ # add entry name to the array associated with this tid
+ if tid not in results.keys():
+ results[tid] = []
+ results[tid].append(name)
+ # first entry has the last end time
+ end_time = entries[sorted_keys[0]][1]
+ # return the threaded entries and the last end time
+ return (results, end_time)
+# output chart results in HTML format
+def output_html(entries, sorted_list, args):
+ print("Build Metrics Report")
+ # Note: Jenkins does not support javascript nor style defined in the html
# https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/security/configuring-content-security-policy/
if args.msg is not None:
print("", args.msg, "
- print("")
- print(
- "File | ",
- "Compile time (ms) | ",
- "Size (bytes) |
- sep="",
- )
- summary = {"red": 0, "yellow": 0, "green": 0}
+ # map entries to threads
+ # the end_time is used to scale all the entries to a fixed output width
+ threads, end_time = assign_entries_to_threads(entries)
+ # color ranges for build times
+ summary = {"red": 0, "yellow": 0, "green": 0, "white": 0}
red = "bgcolor='#FFBBD0'"
yellow = "bgcolor='#FFFF80'"
green = "bgcolor='#AAFFBD'"
- for key in sl:
- result = entries[key]
- elapsed = result[0]
- color = green
- if elapsed > 300000: # 5 minutes
- color = red
- summary["red"] += 1
- elif elapsed > 120000: # 2 minutes
- color = yellow
- summary["yellow"] += 1
- else:
- summary["green"] += 1
+ white = "bgcolor='#FFFFFF'"
+ # create the build-time chart
+ print("")
+ for tid in range(len(threads)):
+ names = threads[tid]
+ # sort the names for this thread by start time
+ names = sorted(names, key=lambda k: entries[k][0])
+ # use the last entry's end time as the total row size
+ # (this is an estimate and does not have to be exact)
+ last_entry = entries[names[len(names) - 1]]
+ last_time = time_to_width(last_entry[1], end_time)
- "",
- key,
- " | ",
- result[0],
- " | ",
- result[1],
- " |
+ "
+ prev_end = 0 # used for spacing between entries
+ # write out each entry for this thread as a column for a single row
+ for name in names:
+ entry = entries[name]
+ start = entry[0]
+ end = entry[1]
+ # this handles minor gaps between end of the
+ # previous entry and the start of the next
+ if prev_end > 0 and start > prev_end:
+ size = time_to_width(start - prev_end, end_time)
+ print(" | ")
+ # adjust for the cellspacing
+ prev_end = end + int(end_time / 500)
+ # format the build-time
+ build_time = end - start
+ build_time_str = str(build_time) + " ms"
+ if build_time > 120000: # 2 minutes
+ minutes = int(build_time / 60000)
+ seconds = int(((build_time / 60000) - minutes) * 60)
+ build_time_str = "{:d}:{:02d} min".format(minutes, seconds)
+ elif build_time > 1000:
+ build_time_str = "{:.3f} s".format(build_time / 1000)
+ # assign color and accumulate legend values
+ color = white
+ if build_time > 300000: # 5 minutes
+ color = red
+ summary["red"] += 1
+ elif build_time > 120000: # 2 minutes
+ color = yellow
+ summary["yellow"] += 1
+ elif build_time > 1000: # 1 second
+ color = green
+ summary["green"] += 1
+ else:
+ summary["white"] += 1
+ # compute the pixel width based on build-time
+ size = max(time_to_width(build_time, end_time), 2)
+ # output the column for this entry
+ print("", end="")
+ # use a slightly smaller, fixed-width font
+ print("", end="")
+ # add the file-name if it fits, otherwise, truncate the name
+ file_name = os.path.basename(name)
+ if len(file_name) + 3 > size / 7:
+ abbr_size = int(size / 7) - 3
+ if abbr_size > 1:
+ print(file_name[:abbr_size], "...", sep="", end="")
+ else:
+ print(file_name, end="")
+ # done with this entry
+ print(" | ")
+ # update the entry with just the computed output info
+ entries[name] = (build_time_str, color, entry[2])
+ # add a filler column at the end of each row
+ print(" | |
+ # done with the chart
+ print("
+ # output detail table in build-time descending order
+ print("")
+ print(
+ "File | ",
+ "Compile time | ",
+ "Size |
+ sep="",
+ )
+ for name in sorted_list:
+ entry = entries[name]
+ build_time_str = entry[0]
+ color = entry[1]
+ file_size = entry[2]
+ # format file size
+ file_size_str = ""
+ if file_size > 1000000:
+ file_size_str = "{:.3f} MB".format(file_size / 1000000)
+ elif file_size > 1000:
+ file_size_str = "{:.3f} KB".format(file_size / 1000)
+ elif file_size > 0:
+ file_size_str = str(file_size) + " bytes"
+ # output entry row
+ print("
", name, " | ", sep="", end="")
+ print("", build_time_str, " | ", sep="", end="")
+ print("", file_size_str, " |
", sep="")
+ print("
# include summary table with color legend
+ print("")
print("time > 5 minutes | ")
print("", summary["red"], " |
print("2 minutes < time < 5 minutes | ")
print("", summary["yellow"], " |
- print("time < 2 minutes | ")
+ print("
1 second < time < 2 minutes | ")
print("", summary["green"], " |
+ print("time < 1 second | ")
+ print("", summary["white"], " |
- # output results in CSV format
+# output results in CSV format
+def output_csv(entries, sorted_list, args):
- for key in sl:
- result = entries[key]
- print(result[0], result[1], key, sep=",")
+ for name in sorted_list:
+ entry = entries[name]
+ build_time = entry[1] - entry[0]
+ file_size = entry[2]
+ print(build_time, file_size, name, sep=",")
+if output_fmt == "xml":
+ output_xml(entries, sorted_list, args)
+elif output_fmt == "html":
+ output_html(entries, sorted_list, args)
+ output_csv(entries, sorted_list, args)