diff --git a/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_view.hpp b/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_view.hpp
index 43386e926d2..a77351fe731 100644
--- a/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_view.hpp
+++ b/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_view.hpp
@@ -652,5 +652,22 @@ namespace detail {
  * @return The hash value
 size_t shallow_hash(column_view const& input);
+ * @brief Equality operator for column views based on the shallow state of the column view.
+ *
+ * Only shallow states used for the hash computation are: type, size, data pointer, null_mask
+ * pointer, offset and the column_view of the children recursively. Note that `null_count` is not
+ * used.
+ *
+ * Note: This equality function will consider a column not equal to a copy of the same column with
+ * exactly same contents. It is guarenteed to return true for same column_view only, even if the
+ * underlying data changes.
+ *
+ * @param lhs The left `column_view` to compare
+ * @param rhs The right `column_view` to compare
+ * @return true if the shallow states of the two column views are equal
+ */
+bool shallow_equal(column_view const& lhs, column_view const& rhs);
 }  // namespace detail
 }  // namespace cudf
diff --git a/cpp/src/column/column_view.cpp b/cpp/src/column/column_view.cpp
index d1202108ae5..7e0bde86b74 100644
--- a/cpp/src/column/column_view.cpp
+++ b/cpp/src/column/column_view.cpp
@@ -95,6 +95,20 @@ size_t shallow_hash(column_view const& input)
   return hash;
+bool is_shallow_equal(column_view const& lhs, column_view const& rhs)
+  return (lhs.type() == rhs.type()) and (lhs.size() == rhs.size()) and
+         (lhs.head() == rhs.head()) and (lhs.null_mask() == rhs.null_mask()) and
+         (lhs.offset() == rhs.offset()) and
+         std::equal(lhs.child_begin(),
+                    lhs.child_end(),
+                    rhs.child_begin(),
+                    rhs.child_end(),
+                    [](auto const& lhs_child, auto const& rhs_child) {
+                      return is_shallow_equal(lhs_child, rhs_child);
+                    });
 }  // namespace detail
 // Immutable view constructor
diff --git a/cpp/tests/column/column_view_shallow_test.cpp b/cpp/tests/column/column_view_shallow_test.cpp
index b0f6eeac450..25af9b968e6 100644
--- a/cpp/tests/column/column_view_shallow_test.cpp
+++ b/cpp/tests/column/column_view_shallow_test.cpp
@@ -217,3 +217,136 @@ TYPED_TEST(ColumnViewShallowTests, shallow_hash)
+TYPED_TEST(ColumnViewShallowTests, shallow_equal)
+  using namespace cudf::detail;
+  auto col      = example_column<TypeParam>();
+  auto col_view = cudf::column_view{*col};
+  // same = same hash
+  {
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view));
+  }
+  // copy column_view = same hash
+  {
+    auto col_view_copy = col_view;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_copy));
+  }
+  // copy column = diff hash
+  {
+    auto col_new       = std::make_unique<cudf::column>(*col);
+    auto col_view_copy = col_new->view();
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_copy));
+  }
+  // new column_view from column = same hash
+  {
+    auto col_view_new = cudf::column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_new));
+  }
+  // update data + new column_view = same hash.
+  {
+    // update data by modifying some bits: fixed_width, string, dict, list, struct
+    if constexpr (cudf::is_fixed_width<TypeParam>()) {
+      // Update data
+      auto data = reinterpret_cast<cudf::bitmask_type*>(col->mutable_view().head());
+      cudf::set_null_mask(data, 2, 64, true);
+    } else {
+      // Update child(0).data
+      auto data = reinterpret_cast<cudf::bitmask_type*>(col->child(0).mutable_view().head());
+      cudf::set_null_mask(data, 2, 64, true);
+    }
+    auto col_view_new = cudf::column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_new));
+  }
+  // add null_mask + new column_view = diff hash.
+  {
+    col->set_null_mask(cudf::create_null_mask(col->size(), cudf::mask_state::ALL_VALID));
+    auto col_view_new = cudf::column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_new));
+    col_view_new.null_count();
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_new));
+    auto col_view_new2 = cudf::column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view_new, col_view_new2));
+  }
+  col_view = cudf::column_view{*col};  // updating after adding null_mask
+  // update nulls + new column_view = same hash.
+  {
+    cudf::set_null_mask(col->mutable_view().null_mask(), 2, 4, false);
+    auto col_view_new = cudf::column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_new));
+  }
+  // set_null_count + new column_view = same hash. set_null_count(UNKNOWN_NULL_COUNT)
+  {
+    col->set_null_count(cudf::UNKNOWN_NULL_COUNT);
+    auto col_view_new = cudf::column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_new));
+    col->set_null_count(col->size());
+    auto col_view_new2 = cudf::column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_new2));
+  }
+  // column_view, diff column = diff hash.
+  {
+    auto col_diff      = example_column<TypeParam>();
+    auto col_view_diff = cudf::column_view{*col_diff};
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_view_diff));
+  }
+  // column_view, sliced[0, size]  = same hash (for split too)
+  {
+    auto col_sliced = cudf::slice(col_view, {0, col_view.size()});
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_sliced[0]));
+    auto col_split = cudf::split(col_view, {0});
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_split[0]));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_split[1]));
+  }
+  // column_view, sliced[n:]       = diff hash (for split too)
+  {
+    auto col_sliced = cudf::slice(col_view, {1, col_view.size()});
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_sliced[0]));
+    auto col_split = cudf::split(col_view, {1});
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_split[0]));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_split[1]));
+  }
+  // column_view, bit_cast         = diff hash
+  {
+    if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<TypeParam> and not std::is_same_v<TypeParam, bool>) {
+      using newType    = std::conditional_t<std::is_signed_v<TypeParam>,
+                                         std::make_unsigned_t<TypeParam>,
+                                         std::make_signed_t<TypeParam>>;
+      auto new_type    = cudf::data_type(cudf::type_to_id<newType>());
+      auto col_bitcast = cudf::bit_cast(col_view, new_type);
+      EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_bitcast));
+    }
+  }
+  // mutable_column_view, column_view = same hash
+  {
+    auto col_mutable = cudf::mutable_column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_mutable, col_view));
+  }
+  // mutable_column_view, modified mutable_column_view = same hash
+  // update the children column data = same hash
+  {
+    auto col_mutable = cudf::mutable_column_view{*col};
+    if constexpr (cudf::is_fixed_width<TypeParam>()) {
+      // Update data
+      auto data = reinterpret_cast<cudf::bitmask_type*>(col->mutable_view().head());
+      cudf::set_null_mask(data, 1, 32, false);
+    } else {
+      // Update child(0).data
+      auto data = reinterpret_cast<cudf::bitmask_type*>(col->child(0).mutable_view().head());
+      cudf::set_null_mask(data, 1, 32, false);
+    }
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_mutable));
+    auto col_mutable_new = cudf::mutable_column_view{*col};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(shallow_equal(col_mutable, col_mutable_new));
+  }
+  // update the children column_views = diff hash
+  {
+    if constexpr (cudf::is_nested<TypeParam>()) {
+      col->child(0).set_null_mask(
+        cudf::create_null_mask(col->child(0).size(), cudf::mask_state::ALL_NULL));
+      auto col_child_updated = cudf::mutable_column_view{*col};
+      EXPECT_FALSE(shallow_equal(col_view, col_child_updated));
+    }
+  }