diff --git a/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_factories.hpp b/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_factories.hpp
index a6167d983c5..96322159f0f 100644
--- a/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_factories.hpp
+++ b/cpp/include/cudf/column/column_factories.hpp
@@ -410,63 +410,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(
   rmm::cuda_stream_view stream        = cudf::get_default_stream(),
   rmm::mr::device_memory_resource* mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource());
- * @brief Construct a STRING type column given a device span of chars encoded as UTF-8, a device
- * span of byte offsets identifying individual strings within the char vector, and an optional
- * null bitmask.
- *
- * @deprecated Since 24.02
- *
- * `offsets.front()` must always be zero.
- *
- * The total number of char bytes must not exceed the maximum size of size_type. Use the
- * strings_column_view class to perform strings operations on this type of column.
- *
- * This function makes a deep copy of the strings, offsets, null_mask to create a new column.
- *
- * @param strings The device span of chars in device memory. This char vector is expected to be
- *  UTF-8 encoded characters.
- * @param offsets The device span of byte offsets in device memory. The number of elements is
- *  one more than the total number of strings so the `offsets.back()` is the total number of bytes
- *  in the strings array. `offsets.front()` must always be 0 to point to the beginning of `strings`.
- * @param null_mask Device span containing the null element indicator bitmask. Arrow format for
- *  nulls is used for interpreting this bitmask.
- * @param null_count The number of null string entries
- * @param stream CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
- * @param mr Device memory resource used for allocation of the column's `null_mask` and children
- * columns' device memory
- * @return Constructed strings column
- */
-[[deprecated]] std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(
-  cudf::device_span<char const> strings,
-  cudf::device_span<size_type const> offsets,
-  cudf::device_span<bitmask_type const> null_mask,
-  size_type null_count,
-  rmm::cuda_stream_view stream        = cudf::get_default_stream(),
-  rmm::mr::device_memory_resource* mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource());
- * @brief Construct a STRING type column given offsets column, chars columns, and null mask and null
- * count.
- *
- * The columns and mask are moved into the resulting strings column.
- *
- * @param num_strings The number of strings the column represents.
- * @param offsets_column The column of offset values for this column. The number of elements is
- *  one more than the total number of strings so the `offset[last] - offset[0]` is the total number
- *  of bytes in the strings vector.
- * @param chars_column The column of char bytes for all the strings for this column. Individual
- *  strings are identified by the offsets and the nullmask.
- * @param null_count The number of null string entries.
- * @param null_mask The bits specifying the null strings in device memory. Arrow format for
- *  nulls is used for interpreting this bitmask.
- * @return Constructed strings column
- */
-[[deprecated]] std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(size_type num_strings,
-                                                           std::unique_ptr<column> offsets_column,
-                                                           std::unique_ptr<column> chars_column,
-                                                           size_type null_count,
-                                                           rmm::device_buffer&& null_mask);
  * @brief Construct a STRING type column given offsets column, chars columns, and null mask and null
  * count.
@@ -490,29 +433,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(size_type num_strings,
                                             size_type null_count,
                                             rmm::device_buffer&& null_mask);
- * @brief Construct a STRING type column given offsets, columns, and optional null count and null
- * mask.
- *
- * @deprecated Since 24.02
- *
- * @param[in] num_strings The number of strings the column represents.
- * @param[in] offsets The offset values for this column. The number of elements is one more than the
- * total number of strings so the `offset[last] - offset[0]` is the total number of bytes in the
- * strings vector.
- * @param[in] chars The char bytes for all the strings for this column. Individual strings are
- * identified by the offsets and the nullmask.
- * @param[in] null_mask The bits specifying the null strings in device memory. Arrow format for
- *  nulls is used for interpreting this bitmask.
- * @param[in] null_count The number of null string entries.
- * @return Constructed strings column
- */
-[[deprecated]] std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(size_type num_strings,
-                                                           rmm::device_uvector<size_type>&& offsets,
-                                                           rmm::device_uvector<char>&& chars,
-                                                           rmm::device_buffer&& null_mask,
-                                                           size_type null_count);
  * @brief Construct a LIST type column given offsets column, child column, null mask and null
  * count.
diff --git a/cpp/include/cudf/strings/strings_column_view.hpp b/cpp/include/cudf/strings/strings_column_view.hpp
index e6546777f3f..840a2dd1165 100644
--- a/cpp/include/cudf/strings/strings_column_view.hpp
+++ b/cpp/include/cudf/strings/strings_column_view.hpp
@@ -103,16 +103,6 @@ class strings_column_view : private column_view {
   [[nodiscard]] offset_iterator offsets_end() const;
-  /**
-   * @brief Returns the internal column of chars
-   *
-   * @throw cudf::logic_error if this is an empty column
-   * @param stream CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
-   * @return The chars column
-   */
-  [[deprecated]] [[nodiscard]] column_view chars(
-    rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream()) const;
    * @brief Returns the number of bytes in the chars child column.
diff --git a/cpp/src/strings/convert/convert_urls.cu b/cpp/src/strings/convert/convert_urls.cu
index a9ddcfa12a2..b96c799cf4d 100644
--- a/cpp/src/strings/convert/convert_urls.cu
+++ b/cpp/src/strings/convert/convert_urls.cu
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 #include <cudf/column/column_device_view.cuh>
 #include <cudf/column/column_factories.hpp>
-#include <cudf/detail/get_value.cuh>
 #include <cudf/detail/null_mask.hpp>
 #include <cudf/detail/nvtx/ranges.hpp>
+#include <cudf/detail/offsets_iterator_factory.cuh>
 #include <cudf/detail/utilities/cuda.cuh>
 #include <cudf/detail/utilities/integer_utils.hpp>
 #include <cudf/strings/convert/convert_urls.hpp>
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@
 #include <cub/cub.cuh>
-#include <thrust/scan.h>
-#include <algorithm>
 namespace cudf {
 namespace strings {
 namespace detail {
@@ -282,7 +278,7 @@ CUDF_KERNEL void url_decode_char_counter(column_device_view const in_strings,
 template <size_type num_warps_per_threadblock, size_type char_block_size>
 CUDF_KERNEL void url_decode_char_replacer(column_device_view const in_strings,
                                           char* const out_chars,
-                                          size_type const* const out_offsets)
+                                          cudf::detail::input_offsetalator const out_offsets)
   constexpr int halo_size = 2;
   __shared__ char temporary_buffer[num_warps_per_threadblock][char_block_size + halo_size * 2];
@@ -384,38 +380,25 @@ std::unique_ptr<column> url_decode(strings_column_view const& strings,
   auto const num_threadblocks =
     std::min(65536, cudf::util::div_rounding_up_unsafe(strings_count, num_warps_per_threadblock));
-  auto offset_count    = strings_count + 1;
   auto const d_strings = column_device_view::create(strings.parent(), stream);
-  // build offsets column
-  auto offsets_column = make_numeric_column(
-    data_type{type_to_id<size_type>()}, offset_count, mask_state::UNALLOCATED, stream, mr);
-  // count number of bytes in each string after decoding and store it in offsets_column
-  auto offsets_view         = offsets_column->view();
-  auto offsets_mutable_view = offsets_column->mutable_view();
+  // build offsets column by computing the output row sizes and scanning the results
+  auto row_sizes = rmm::device_uvector<size_type>(strings_count, stream);
   url_decode_char_counter<num_warps_per_threadblock, char_block_size>
-    <<<num_threadblocks, threadblock_size, 0, stream.value()>>>(
-      *d_strings, offsets_mutable_view.begin<size_type>());
-  // use scan to transform number of bytes into offsets
-  thrust::exclusive_scan(rmm::exec_policy(stream),
-                         offsets_view.begin<size_type>(),
-                         offsets_view.end<size_type>(),
-                         offsets_mutable_view.begin<size_type>());
-  // copy the total number of characters of all strings combined (last element of the offset column)
-  // to the host memory
-  auto out_chars_bytes = cudf::detail::get_value<size_type>(offsets_view, offset_count - 1, stream);
+    <<<num_threadblocks, threadblock_size, 0, stream.value()>>>(*d_strings, row_sizes.data());
+  // performs scan on the sizes and builds the appropriate offsets column
+  auto [offsets_column, out_chars_bytes] = cudf::strings::detail::make_offsets_child_column(
+    row_sizes.begin(), row_sizes.end(), stream, mr);
   // create the chars column
   rmm::device_uvector<char> chars(out_chars_bytes, stream, mr);
   auto d_out_chars = chars.data();
+  auto const offsets =
+    cudf::detail::offsetalator_factory::make_input_iterator(offsets_column->view());
   // decode and copy the characters from the input column to the output column
   url_decode_char_replacer<num_warps_per_threadblock, char_block_size>
-    <<<num_threadblocks, threadblock_size, 0, stream.value()>>>(
-      *d_strings, d_out_chars, offsets_column->view().begin<size_type>());
+    <<<num_threadblocks, threadblock_size, 0, stream.value()>>>(*d_strings, d_out_chars, offsets);
   // copy null mask
   rmm::device_buffer null_mask = cudf::detail::copy_bitmask(strings.parent(), stream, mr);
diff --git a/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_factories.cu b/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_factories.cu
index 5ba4d8d3132..0f1b9e3baae 100644
--- a/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_factories.cu
+++ b/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_factories.cu
@@ -56,25 +56,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(
   return cudf::strings::detail::make_strings_column(strings.begin(), strings.end(), stream, mr);
-std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(device_span<char> chars,
-                                            device_span<size_type> offsets,
-                                            size_type null_count,
-                                            rmm::device_buffer&& null_mask,
-                                            rmm::cuda_stream_view stream,
-                                            rmm::mr::device_memory_resource* mr)
-  return cudf::strings::detail::make_strings_column(chars.begin(),
-                                                    chars.end(),
-                                                    offsets.begin(),
-                                                    offsets.end(),
-                                                    null_count,
-                                                    std::move(null_mask),
-                                                    stream,
-                                                    mr);
 std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(device_span<string_view const> string_views,
                                             string_view null_placeholder,
                                             rmm::cuda_stream_view stream,
@@ -88,57 +69,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(device_span<string_view const> strin
     it_pair, it_pair + string_views.size(), stream, mr);
-// Create a strings-type column from device vector of chars and vector of offsets.
-std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(cudf::device_span<char const> strings,
-                                            cudf::device_span<size_type const> offsets,
-                                            cudf::device_span<bitmask_type const> valid_mask,
-                                            size_type null_count,
-                                            rmm::cuda_stream_view stream,
-                                            rmm::mr::device_memory_resource* mr)
-  // build null bitmask
-  rmm::device_buffer null_mask{
-    valid_mask.data(), valid_mask.size() * sizeof(bitmask_type), stream, mr};
-  return cudf::strings::detail::make_strings_column(strings.begin(),
-                                                    strings.end(),
-                                                    offsets.begin(),
-                                                    offsets.end(),
-                                                    null_count,
-                                                    std::move(null_mask),
-                                                    stream,
-                                                    mr);
-std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(size_type num_strings,
-                                            std::unique_ptr<column> offsets_column,
-                                            std::unique_ptr<column> chars_column,
-                                            size_type null_count,
-                                            rmm::device_buffer&& null_mask)
-  if (num_strings == 0) { return make_empty_column(type_id::STRING); }
-  if (null_count > 0) CUDF_EXPECTS(null_mask.size() > 0, "Column with nulls must be nullable.");
-  CUDF_EXPECTS(num_strings == offsets_column->size() - 1,
-               "Invalid offsets column size for strings column.");
-  CUDF_EXPECTS(offsets_column->null_count() == 0, "Offsets column should not contain nulls");
-  CUDF_EXPECTS(chars_column->null_count() == 0, "Chars column should not contain nulls");
-  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<column>> children;
-  children.emplace_back(std::move(offsets_column));
-  return std::make_unique<column>(data_type{type_id::STRING},
-                                  num_strings,
-                                  std::move(*(chars_column->release().data.release())),
-                                  std::move(null_mask),
-                                  null_count,
-                                  std::move(children));
 std::unique_ptr<column> make_strings_column(size_type num_strings,
                                             std::unique_ptr<column> offsets_column,
                                             rmm::device_buffer&& chars_buffer,
diff --git a/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_view.cpp b/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_view.cpp
index 27a8c6fb17f..6be22d8e729 100644
--- a/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_view.cpp
+++ b/cpp/src/strings/strings_column_view.cpp
@@ -45,13 +45,6 @@ strings_column_view::offset_iterator strings_column_view::offsets_end() const
   return offsets_begin() + size() + 1;
-column_view strings_column_view::chars(rmm::cuda_stream_view stream) const
-  CUDF_EXPECTS(num_children() > 0, "strings column has no children");
-  return column_view(
-    data_type{type_id::INT8}, chars_size(stream), chars_begin(stream), nullptr, 0, 0);
 size_type strings_column_view::chars_size(rmm::cuda_stream_view stream) const noexcept
   if (size() == 0) return 0;
diff --git a/python/cudf/cudf/tests/test_spilling.py b/python/cudf/cudf/tests/test_spilling.py
index 7e66a7ab4ba..f18cb32a091 100644
--- a/python/cudf/cudf/tests/test_spilling.py
+++ b/python/cudf/cudf/tests/test_spilling.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2022-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+import contextlib
 import importlib
 import random
 import time
@@ -215,45 +216,66 @@ def test_spilling_buffer(manager: SpillManager):
-def test_environment_variables(monkeypatch):
-    def reload_options():
-        # In order to enabling monkey patching of the environment variables
-        # mark the global manager as uninitialized.
-        set_global_manager(None)
-        cudf.core.buffer.spill_manager._global_manager_uninitialized = True
-        importlib.reload(cudf.options)
-    monkeypatch.setenv("CUDF_SPILL_ON_DEMAND", "off")
-    monkeypatch.setenv("CUDF_SPILL", "off")
-    reload_options()
-    assert get_global_manager() is None
-    monkeypatch.setenv("CUDF_SPILL", "on")
-    reload_options()
-    manager = get_global_manager()
-    assert isinstance(manager, SpillManager)
-    assert manager._spill_on_demand is False
-    assert manager._device_memory_limit is None
-    assert manager.statistics.level == 0
-    monkeypatch.setenv("CUDF_SPILL_DEVICE_LIMIT", "1000")
-    reload_options()
-    manager = get_global_manager()
-    assert isinstance(manager, SpillManager)
-    assert manager._device_memory_limit == 1000
-    assert manager.statistics.level == 0
-    monkeypatch.setenv("CUDF_SPILL_STATS", "1")
-    reload_options()
-    manager = get_global_manager()
-    assert isinstance(manager, SpillManager)
-    assert manager.statistics.level == 1
-    monkeypatch.setenv("CUDF_SPILL_STATS", "2")
-    reload_options()
-    manager = get_global_manager()
-    assert isinstance(manager, SpillManager)
-    assert manager.statistics.level == 2
+def _reload_options():
+    # In order to enabling monkey patching of the environment variables
+    # mark the global manager as uninitialized.
+    set_global_manager(None)
+    cudf.core.buffer.spill_manager._global_manager_uninitialized = True
+    importlib.reload(cudf.options)
+def _get_manager_in_env(monkeypatch, var_vals):
+    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
+        for var, val in var_vals:
+            m.setenv(var, val)
+        _reload_options()
+        yield get_global_manager()
+    _reload_options()
+def test_environment_variables_spill_off(monkeypatch):
+    with _get_manager_in_env(
+        monkeypatch,
+        [("CUDF_SPILL", "off"), ("CUDF_SPILL_ON_DEMAND", "off")],
+    ) as manager:
+        assert manager is None
+def test_environment_variables_spill_on(monkeypatch):
+    with _get_manager_in_env(
+        monkeypatch,
+        [("CUDF_SPILL", "on")],
+    ) as manager:
+        assert isinstance(manager, SpillManager)
+        assert manager._spill_on_demand is True
+        assert manager._device_memory_limit is None
+        assert manager.statistics.level == 0
+def test_environment_variables_device_limit(monkeypatch):
+    with _get_manager_in_env(
+        monkeypatch,
+        [("CUDF_SPILL", "on"), ("CUDF_SPILL_DEVICE_LIMIT", "1000")],
+    ) as manager:
+        assert isinstance(manager, SpillManager)
+        assert manager._device_memory_limit == 1000
+        assert manager.statistics.level == 0
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("level", (1, 2))
+def test_environment_variables_spill_stats(monkeypatch, level):
+    with _get_manager_in_env(
+        monkeypatch,
+        [
+            ("CUDF_SPILL", "on"),
+            ("CUDF_SPILL_DEVICE_LIMIT", "1000"),
+            ("CUDF_SPILL_STATS", f"{level}"),
+        ],
+    ) as manager:
+        assert isinstance(manager, SpillManager)
+        assert manager._device_memory_limit == 1000
+        assert manager.statistics.level == level
 def test_spill_device_memory(manager: SpillManager):
@@ -507,6 +529,10 @@ def test_serialize_cuda_dataframe(manager: SpillManager):
     assert_eq(df1, df2)
+    reason="This test is not safe because other tests may have enabled"
+    "spilling and already modified rmm's global state"
 def test_get_rmm_memory_resource_stack():
     mr1 = rmm.mr.get_current_device_resource()
     assert all(