ParseFile fixed Anonymous login SecurityContext CloudFunctions with objects
Add ParseConfig. Fixed whereEqualsTo('', PARSEOBJECT) and other queries
Fixed Health Check issue
Fixed some queries
Some items now return a response rather than a ParseObject
BREAK FIX - Fixed ParseUser return type so now returns ParseResponse BREAK FIX - Changed query names to make more human readable Fixed pinning and unpinning
Corrected save. Now formatted items correctly for saving on server
Bug fix for get all items Can now pin/unpin/fromPin for all ParseObjects Now supports generics Cody tidy around extending
Added persistent storage. When a logged in user closes the app, then reopens, the data will now be persistent. Best practice would be to Parse.init, then Parse.currentUser. This will return the current user session and allow auto login. Can also pin data in storage.
Fixed login
Added documentation and GeoPoints
First full release!
Added description
Added more cloud functions