Helpful commands for running genslm
at scale on HPC platforms.
Here is an example for submitting to Polaris. This assumes you are in the working directory where config.yaml
python -m genslm.hpc.submit \
-T polaris \
-q prod \
-t 06:00:00 \
-n 16 \
-j genome_finetune_run1 \
-v "-c config.yaml"
- Convert model weights into PT (optionally remove the attention_weight.bias, it is recomended to not use these files however)
python -m genslm.cmdline.remove_neox_attention_bias \
-d /home/hippekp/CVD-Mol-AI/hippekp/model_training/genome_finetuning_25m/checkpoints_run1/model-epoch69-val_loss0.01.ckpt/ \
-o /home/hippekp/CVD-Mol-AI/hippekp/model_training/25m_genome_embeddings/
This saves 2 files, one to the input deepspeed dir (as a .pt file) and one as the output file you specify, without the attentionweight.bias layers. This might be a bad thing to run inference on...
- Setup a config file that looks like this:
load_pt_checkpoint: /home/hippekp/CVD-Mol-AI/hippekp/model_training/25m_genome_embeddings/
tokenizer_file: /home/hippekp/github/genslm/genslm/tokenizer_files/codon_wordlevel_69vocab.json
data_file: $DATA.h5
embeddings_out_path: /home/hippekp/CVD-Mol-AI/hippekp/model_training/25m_genome_embeddings/train_embeddings/
model_config_json: /lus/eagle/projects/CVD-Mol-AI/hippekp/model_training/genome_finetuning_25m/config/neox_25,290,752.json
num_nodes: 8
batch_size: 2
block_size: 10240
num_data_workers: 16
prefetch_factor: 16
And submit like this:
python -m genslm.hpc.submit \
-T polaris \
-a RL-fold \
-q debug-scaling \
-t 00:30:00 \
-n 8 \
-m genslm.cmdline.embeddings \
-v "-c config.yaml"
- Gather them into a single *.npy file
python -m genslm.cmdline.gather_embeddings \
-i train_embeddings/ \
-o 25m_genome_train_embeddings.npy
Converting a directory of fasta files into a directory of h5 files (Step one of data preprocessing for pretraining, output of this step needs to be combined into single files to be fed to models)
python -m genslm.cmdline.fasta_to_h5 \
--fasta $PATH_TO_FASTA_DIR \
--h5_dir $PATH_TO_OUTDIR \
--tokenizer_file ~/github/genslm/genslm/tokenizer_files/codon_wordlevel_69vocab.json
Converting a directory of h5 files into a single h5 file (Step two of data preprocessing for pretraining, output of this step is what we use for pretraining)
python -m genslm.cmdline.fasta_to_h5 \
--h5_dir /home/hippekp/CVD-Mol-AI/hippekp/filtered_bvbrc_orfs_h5s/train \
--h5_outfile /home/hippekp/CVD-Mol-AI/hippekp/filtered_bvbrc_orfs_h5s/combined_train.h5 \
--gather \
--concatenate \
-n 64 \
Converting individual fasta files into individual h5 files (Useful for getting embeddings from a dataset, our pretraining data is many more individual fasta files )
python -m genslm.cmdline.single_fasta_to_h5 \
-t ~/github/genslm/genslm/tokenizer_files/codon_wordlevel_69vocab.json \
-b 10240 \
-n 16\
is a bool flag, if set it will save three files *_train.h5, *_val.h5 *_test.h5 with 0.8/0.1/0.1 split