I will assume that you have mdx plugin up and running, if you aren't then visit this link.
Also don't forget to install react code blocks.
npm i react-code-blocks
Now We are ready to go.
We are going to set our code blocks component as a default code block in mdx.
First, we should customize the component for our use then pass it to the MDXProvider.
here is our Custom Code Block.
We are going to pass to arguments, first is the language and the second is copy boolean.
import React from "react";
import { CodeBlock, CopyBlock, dracula } from "react-code-blocks";
const CustomCodeBlock = (props) => {
// if any language selected or javascript by default
const { className, copy, children } = props;
const language = className.match(/(?<=language-)(\w.*?)\b/) != null
? className.match(/(?<=language-)(\w.*?)\b/)[0]
: "javascript";
return copy ? (
) : (
<CodeBlock text={children} language={language} theme={dracula} wrapLines />
export default CustomCodeBlock;
And here is our MDX Provider
import React from "react";
import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react";
import CustomCodeBlock from "../elements/CodeBlock";
export default function rootLayout({ children }) {
return (
code: (props) => <CustomCodeBlock {...props} />,
Now we are ready to use it.
```python copy
print("Hello World!")
console.log("Hello World!");