fs2 wraper for Apache Kafka. Wrapes the Java consumer/producer Kafka APIs.
Proof of concept code.
- Raw
stream API - Sync and Async producer API.
- Commitable message support (for manual offset commits)
- Automatic and Manual subscription to topics and partitions.
- Partitioned streams to leverage concurrency within Kafka partitions.
Artifacts are released to my bintray repo
To use this library in your SBT project:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("batista", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "co.enear.fs2" %% "fs2-kafka" % "0.0.8"
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import fs2._
import co.enear.fs2.kafka._
import DefaultSerialization._
val bootstrapServers = "localhost:9092"
val consumerGroup = "myConsumer"
val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings[String, String](100 millis)
val producerSettings = ProducerSettings[String, String]()
// Consume from one topic and say hello to another
val simpleStream = Consumer[Task, String, String](consumerSettings)
.map("hello" + _.value)
.map(new ProducerRecord("topic2", null, _))
.to(Producer[Task, String, String](producerSettings).sendAsync)