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ClusterCondition defines type for cluster conditions.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
type |
Type of cluster condition, values in ("Initializing", "Ready", "Error"). |
ClusterConditionType |
true |
status |
Status of the condition, one of ("True", "False", "Unknown"). |
corev1.ConditionStatus |
true |
lastTransitionTime |
The last time this Condition type changed. |
metav1.Time |
true |
reason |
One word, camel-case reason for current status of the condition. |
string |
false |
message |
Full text reason for current status of the condition. |
string |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
remote |
Bootstraping from remote data source |
RemoteDataSource |
false |
S3backup |
Bootstraping from backup |
S3BackupDataSource |
false |
Nfsbackup |
restore from nfs |
*NFSBackupDataSource |
false |
restorePoint |
RestorePoint is the target date and time to restore data. The format is "2006-01-02 15:04:05" |
string |
true |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
customTLSSecret |
Projected secret containing custom TLS certificates to encrypt output from the exporter web server |
*corev1.SecretProjection |
false |
image |
To specify the image that will be used for metrics container. |
string |
false |
resources |
Changing this value causes MySQL and the exporter to restart. More info: |
corev1.ResourceRequirements |
false |
enabled |
enabled is used to enable/disable the exporter. |
bool |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
image |
To specify the image that will be used for log container. The busybox image. |
string |
false |
slowLogTail |
SlowLogTail represents if tail the mysql slow log. |
bool |
false |
auditLogTail |
AuditLogTail represents if tail the mysql audit log. |
bool |
false |
errorLogTail |
ErrorLogTail represents if tail the mysql error log. |
bool |
false |
resources |
Log container resources of a MySQL container. |
corev1.ResourceRequirements |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
exporter |
ExporterSpec |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
configMapName |
Name of the ConfigMap containing MySQL config. |
string |
false |
myCnf |
A map[string]string that will be passed to my.cnf file. The key/value pairs is persisted in the configmap. |
map[string]string |
false |
pluginCnf |
map[string]string |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
enabled |
Whether or not the MySQL cluster should be read-only. When this is true, the cluster will be read-only. When this is false, the cluster will run as writable. |
bool |
true |
clusterName |
The name of the MySQL cluster to follow for binlog. |
string |
false |
host |
Network address of the MySQL server to follow via via binlog replication. |
string |
false |
port |
Network port of the MySQL server to follow via binlog replication. |
*int32 |
false |
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MysqlCluster is the Schema for the mysqlclusters API
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MysqlClusterList contains a list of MysqlCluster
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MysqlClusterSpec defines the desired state of MysqlCluster
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
replicas |
Replicas is the number of pods. |
*int32 |
false |
readonlys |
Readonlys Info. |
*ReadOnlyType |
false |
lag |
Lagged |
*int32 |
false |
user |
Username of new user to create. Only be a combination of letters, numbers or underlines. The length can not exceed 26 characters. |
string |
false |
mysqlConfig |
MySQLConfig ConfigMap name of MySQL config. |
MySQLConfigs |
false |
resources |
Compute resources of a MySQL container. |
corev1.ResourceRequirements |
false |
customTLSSecret |
Containing CA (ca.crt) and server cert (tls.crt), server private key (tls.key) for SSL |
*corev1.SecretProjection |
false |
storage |
Defines a PersistentVolumeClaim for MySQL data. More info: |
corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec |
true |
mysqlVersion |
Represents the MySQL version that will be run. The available version can be found here: This field should be set even if the Image is set to let the operator know which mysql version is running. Based on this version the operator can take decisions which features can be used. |
string |
false |
xenonOpts |
XenonOpts is the options of xenon container. |
XenonOpts |
false |
backupOpts |
Backup is the options of backup container. |
BackupOpts |
false |
monitoringSpec |
Monitoring is the options of metrics container. |
MonitoringSpec |
false |
image |
Specifies mysql image to use. |
string |
false |
maxLagTime |
MaxLagSeconds configures the readiness probe of mysqld container if the replication lag is greater than MaxLagSeconds, the mysqld container will not be not healthy. |
int |
false |
imagePullPolicy |
ImagePullPolicy is used to determine when Kubernetes will attempt to pull (download) container images. More info: |
corev1.PullPolicy |
false |
tolerations |
Tolerations of a MySQL pod. Changing this value causes MySQL to restart. More info: |
[]corev1.Toleration |
false |
affinity |
Scheduling constraints of MySQL pod. Changing this value causes MySQL to restart. More info: |
*corev1.Affinity |
false |
priorityClassName |
Priority class name for the MySQL pods. Changing this value causes MySQL to restart. More info: |
string |
false |
minAvailable |
The number of pods from that set that must still be available after the eviction, even in the absence of the evicted pod |
string |
false |
dataSource |
Specifies a data source for bootstrapping the MySQL cluster. |
DataSource |
false |
standby |
Run this cluster as a read-only copy of an existing cluster or archive. |
*MySQLStandbySpec |
false |
enableAutoRebuild |
If true, when the data is inconsistent, Xenon will automatically rebuild the invalid node. |
bool |
false |
logOpts |
LogOpts is the options of log settings. |
LogOpts |
false |
service |
Specification of the service that exposes the MySQL leader instance. |
*ServiceSpec |
false |
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MysqlClusterStatus defines the observed state of MysqlCluster
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
readyNodes |
ReadyNodes represents number of the nodes that are in ready state. |
int |
false |
state |
State |
ClusterState |
false |
lastbackup |
LastBackup |
string |
false |
lastbackupGtid |
string |
false |
lastBackupTime |
LastBackup Create time, just for filter |
metav1.Time |
false |
conditions |
Conditions contains the list of the cluster conditions fulfilled. |
[]ClusterCondition |
false |
nodes |
Nodes contains the list of the node status fulfilled. |
[]NodeStatus |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
name |
Backup name |
string |
true |
volume |
Secret name |
corev1.NFSVolumeSource |
false |
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NodeCondition defines type for representing node conditions.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
type |
Type of the node condition. |
NodeConditionType |
true |
status |
Status of the node, one of ("True", "False", "Unknown"). |
corev1.ConditionStatus |
true |
lastTransitionTime |
The last time this Condition type changed. |
metav1.Time |
true |
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NodeStatus defines type for status of a node into cluster.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
name |
Name of the node. |
string |
true |
message |
Full text reason for current status of the node. |
string |
false |
raftStatus |
RaftStatus is the raft status of the node. |
RaftStatus |
false |
roStatus |
(RO) ReadOnly Status |
*RoStatus |
false |
conditions |
Conditions contains the list of the node conditions fulfilled. |
[]NodeCondition |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
role |
string |
false |
leader |
Leader is the name of the Leader of the current node. |
string |
false |
nodes |
Nodes is a list of nodes that can be identified by the current node. |
[]string |
false |
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ReadOnly define the ReadOnly pods
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
num |
ReadOnlys is the number of readonly pods. |
int32 |
true |
hostname |
When the host name is empty, use the leader to change master |
string |
true |
resources |
The compute resource requirements. |
*corev1.ResourceRequirements |
false |
affinity |
*corev1.Affinity |
false |
tolerations |
[]corev1.Toleration |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
sourceConfig |
*corev1.SecretProjection |
false |
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(RO) node status
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
readOnlyReady |
bool |
false |
Replication |
bool |
false |
master |
string |
false |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
name |
Backup name |
string |
true |
secretName |
Secret name |
string |
true |
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Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
image |
To specify the image that will be used for xenon container. |
string |
false |
admitDefeatHearbeatCount |
High available component admit defeat heartbeat count. |
*int32 |
false |
electionTimeout |
High available component election timeout. The unit is millisecond. |
*int32 |
false |
enableAutoRebuild |
If true, when the data is inconsistent, Xenon will automatically rebuild the invalid node. |
bool |
false |
resources |
The compute resource requirements. |
corev1.ResourceRequirements |
false |
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