- Change licencse to Mit License Issue #82
- PubSub can be closed and errors can be caught as per PubSub example in README.md
- Feature: Binary data parsing, Issue #56
- we upgraded to new major version due to minor backward incompatibility. Incompatibility is in publicly exposed parser class. Most users should not notice incompatibility.
- Bugfix: Handle socket exception on close Issue #49
- Bugfix: Try to recover after received RedisError Issue #48
- Migration on nullsafety and dart >= 2.12. Thanks to @ArnaudHeywear
- Tls and custom Socket support. Thanks to @Derrick56007
- Received redis errors throws exception. Thanks to @eknoes for pull request.
- Integers in array get auto converted to strings. Author @eknoes.
- Improve transaction handling errors. Patch from @eknoes
- Testing migrated on dart.test. Patch from @eknoes
- Performance tweaks and simplified code
- Dart 2.0 support
- Unicode bugfix -> #4
- Update PubSub doc
- Improve tests
- bugfix for subscribe -> #3
- performance improvement
- add PubSub class (simpler/shorter/faster? PubSubCommand)
- doc update and example of EVAL
- Cas helper
- Improved unit tests
- Improved performance by 10%
- Pubsub interface uses Stream
- Better test coverage
- Improved documentation
- Command raise error if used during transaction.
- PubSub interface is made simpler but backward incompatible :(
- README is updated