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Performance focused zsh setup

This is my hyper fast oh-my-zsh, cross platform setup

It use zsh-defer to load slow configurations, such as nvm.

nvm was customized by fnvm, which makes nvm much faster. (it was made for cygwin, but can compatible with *nix)

Also, i used zcompile, which compiles zsh file to make performance better

oh-my-zsh was customized(disable autoupdate, such more) for performance. (it was nested in rc file)


execute install script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf "" | ZSHDIR="$HOME/.zsh" ZSHRUSTUP="true" ZSHPYENV="true" ZSHNVM="true" ZSHFNVM="true" zsh && exec zsh

to clone omz, nvm, defer, fnvm and powerlevel10k into new .zsh (it will not overwrite your ohmyzsh, if you have ohmyzsh already, you can remove it) This script will update call nvm use node to initialize nodejs, and compile all zsh file to speed up your zsh


You can add your configuration into $HOME/.zsh/user-before.zsh user-before.zsh will loaded before zsh loaded. so you can set omz plugins by

plugins=( git copyfile copypath )

$HOME/.zsh/user-after.zsh will loaded after omz loaded and $HOME/.zsh/user-lazy.zsh will loaded by zsh-defer

$HOME/.zsh/user-p10k.zsh will loaded for p10k if exist

If you want to configure p10k. type p10k configure

Toolkit integration

This zsh configuration integrates the toolkit below. rustc, pyenv, nvm