If you have Sparrow installed, use this Action to send emails directly from Quicksilver.
The action takes text from Pane 1 in this form: Address:Subject:Content
So, for example: [email protected]:Good morning:Meeting today at 10am.
using terms from application "Quicksilver"
on process text _email -- Text in QS pane 1
set _delimiter to ":" -- Change this to something else if you like to use colons in the subject. (Definitely don't use @ or . or any well used characters. The delimiter in the content is fine.)
--set _sender to "[email protected]" -- Change this to your preferred address?
set _atid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _delimiter
set _address to text item 1 of _email
set _subject to text item 2 of _email
set _content to (text items 3 thru -1 of _email) as text
on error a number b
set a to ("Make sure the text in Pane 1 takes the form: Address" & _delimiter & "Subject" & _delimiter & "Content
(with no " & _delimiter & "'s in the address or subject)")
error a number 1
end try
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _atid
tell application "Sparrow Lite"
set _outgoingMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:_subject, content:_content} -- sender:_sender
tell _outgoingMessage to make new to recipient with properties {address:_address}
sendmessage _outgoingMessage with to recipient
end tell
on error a number b
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _atid
display dialog a with title "QuickSparrow"
end try
end process text
end using terms from