This is the sort of planning document and outline for the Atom book. This largely outlines how we're composing the book and what is still to be done. We'll remove lines from this when each section is completed so we only have what it left to do here.
You'll notice in some of the active book/[section]/sections/
there are some xx-name.asciidoc
files. These are sections of content that
should probably be folded in at some point but we're not sure exactly where
to put them. They aren't included in any of the main files, so they aren't
currently rendered. If you want to write something and aren't sure where it
goes, you can name the file in this manner until we figure out how to fold
it into the narrative structure.
Here is the remaining outline:
- Tutorials
- Word Count Package (Basic)
- Word Count Status Bar (status bar manipulation)
- Go To Line Package (simple with feedback and cursor movement)
- Open On GitHub - (no UI, just run command)
- Snippets - (modify text in a buffer)
- Linter - (modify text in a buffer, shell to external command)
- Preview Pane (add a panel)
- Fuzzy Finder (modal and open file in new tab)
- Tree View / Mini-map (add a sidebar panel)
- Status Bar (add small panel)
- Git-Log / Settings View (standalone UI in tab)
- Git-status / Bookmarks (decorate gutter)
- Autocomplete / Color picker (in-context UI)
- Vim-mode (editor remapping)
- Image View (file type rendering handler)
- Language (GFM?)
- Creating grammars
- Unity UI (UI theme)
- Shadow DOM
- advanced dev tools
- keybinding resolver
- timecop
- Maintaining Packages
- how to publish
- package system (adding, searching, stars)
- changelog
- issue tracker
- how to publish
- Best practices (patterns and anti-patterns)
- aggregating subscriptions
- view best practices
- don't make a slow package
- CI for packages (
- Make sure we include (in Ch 3 or Ch4 or both)
- scopes (
- views / models
- settings (how to enable the settings button on the package installer)
- notifications package
- config api
- subscriptions
- subscribing to events
- subscribing to commands
- creating dom elements
- no longer spacepen
- runners
- configure my package
- add application menu/context menu
- get all the editors
- understand when the active editor changes
- background tasks
- messages to the user
- dialogs
- advanced keymaps (in Guides)
- serialization
- converting textmate bundles
- decoration (
- modal panel
- modal decorations
- notifications
- To packages
- Cloning and apm linking
- apm install/update
- Native modules
- Running specs
- Link to sending a pull request
- To core
- Opening issues
- Roadmaps
- Where is the code?
- Forum
- Building Atom
- Technologies it uses
- Node
- Atom-shell
- apm
- npm
- Coding conventions
- Commit conventions
- developing a new project in electron
- Reference Manual
- Cookbook snippets