- Adds timestamps to actions
- Adds housekeeping
- Adds JS/CSS minification
- Adds New Relic and ping middleware
- Splits up index page for logged in and not logged in players
- Adds a fake random match if no public match exists yet
- Makes game resize
- Removes the bouncing when opening games
- Fixes jumping units bug
- Games now load without page reloads
- Fixes ending scenarios. State is now set correctly.
- Does not load ended games anymore
- Fixes win condition propagation on action arrival
- Limits public chat messages to 150
- Fixes unit movement highlights. Should now be always shown in the first place
- Improved the specs page
- Movement does not longer cost AP based on the travelled distance
- Adds some debugging information to check listed matches' IDs
- Makes default maps easier updatable by moving from CoffeeScript to vanilla JS
- Adds chat back in after it has been accidentially removed from the UI
- Fixes a problem with games with friends
- Removes "Ended Games" list
- Adds an option to forfeit a game
- Adds lobby chat again
- Shows images from chat messages
- Auto-links URLs in chat messages
- Adds in universal chat UI
- Fixes creation of matches with custom maps
- Adds links to forum and feedback
- Adds user voice widget
- Resolved game progress slider layout
- Adds a shady workaround for the "Loading... shown forever" bug
- Lets ended games show up as "your turn" when you have not seen the result yet
- Adds ended games
- Always shows winning UI now if there is a winner already
- Fixes chat scrolling to bottom
- Retrieves player info in a better way
- Fixes points UI on game load
- Fixes not shown movement highlights for units sometimes when selecting them
- Prevents dropzone selection of other players
- Fixes player order in firebase
- Makes it possible to switch games again
- Fixes "first turn and nothing happens" bug
- hides the navigation until games do not longer require full reload
- shows warning when there are no public games of a certain pace
- Removes Basic Auth
- Swaps the default maps to real ones
- Adds a chat
- Directly jumps into games when creating them
- Makes it possible to start public matches
- Preselects the first default map in the custom match creation screen
- Makes the pace UI real
- Splits list in matches where it's your turn and those where it's another player's turn
- Removes invites when matches become full
- Adds a link to directly log in when not logged in
- Fixes problems when loading games (all actions load properly)
- Prevents overlays etc when rewinding actions
- Prevents players from taking turns for other players
- Adds match action persistence
- makes matches rewindable
- queues animated text overlays
- animated text overlays
- improves unit selection
- fixed fly over queue bug
- improved path behaviour
- added fadeout bahviour
- Shows pop over when capturing a drop zone
- Fixes for streak bug
- Shows overlays on streak events
- Only shows streak UI after first attack
- Repositions labels on points UI to prevent overlaps
- Adds QS debug panel
- Turns off debugging panel
- Makes game playable when logged in only
- Fixes border rendering for small maps
- Prohibits newly created units to move
- Renders maps the same as in the map editor
- Makes custom maps loadable
- Centers map nicely
- Improves sizing, adds border
- Adds streaks
- Makes games winable
- Adds points for attacks and captures
- Adds drop zones
- Adds support for new map format and updated units
- Adds AP
- Lets units become mortal
- Adds fights
- Adds unit movement along paths
- Adds unit movement
- Adds rule sets
- Adds turns to the game
- Adds an offset to the units
- Adds new terrain assets from mapEdit
- Units can be moved
- Imports units and displays them
- Refactors map rendering and scrolling
- Adds scrolling
- Makes sample maps work
- Moves to a threaded Thin server
- Adds asset pre-compilation
- Adds CAAT and show a simple splash screen
- Adds Thin as a dependency for Heroku
- Fixes bug in config.ru
- Adds HTTP basic auth for heroku deployment
- The beginning