diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config-reference.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config-reference.adoc
index c96912d08e7c56..c6d1fd9d1c4a91 100644
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config-reference.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config-reference.adoc
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ is to use Quarkus `application.properties`.
Quarkus provides additional extensions which cover other configuration formats and stores:
-* xref:config-yaml.adoc[YAML]
+* xref:config-yaml-howto.adoc[YAML]
* xref:vault.adoc[HashiCorp Vault]
* xref:consul-config.adoc[Consul]
* xref:spring-cloud-config-client.adoc[Spring Cloud]
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ If you are in the rare situation that you need to change the build time configur
== Additional Information
-* xref:config-yaml.adoc[YAML ConfigSource Extension]
+* xref:config-yaml-howto.adoc[YAML ConfigSource Extension]
// Moved to Quarkiverse. There is a redirect to resolve the link
* xref:vault.adoc[HashiCorp Vault ConfigSource Extension]
// Moved to Quarkiverse. There is a redirect to resolve the link
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--- /dev/null
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+This document is maintained in the main Quarkus repository, and pull requests should be submitted there:
+// meta:assemblies/assembly_configuring-your-quarkus-applications-using-a-yaml-file.adoc
+= Configuring your Quarkus applications by using a YAML file
+:categories: core
+:summary: Use `application.yaml` instead of `application.properties`.
+Optionally, you can configure your application with a YAML-formatted file, `application.yaml`, instead of the default `application.properties` file.
+== Prerequisites
+:prerequisites-time: 30 minutes
+// meta:include::modules/con_overview-quarkus-configuration.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
+== Overview
+You can use the application configuration file to set your application properties in a single place.
+{project-name} supports configuration profiles that you can use to group related properties and switch between profiles as required.
+By default, {project-name} reads properties from the `application.properties` file located in the `src/main/resources` directory.
+Instead, you can configure {project-name} to read properties from a YAML file.
+When you add the `quarkus-config-yaml` extension to your project build file, you can configure and manage your application properties in the `application.yaml` file.
+// WAS include::modules/proc_adding-yaml-configuration-support.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
+// meta:include::modules/proc_enabling_yaml_configuration.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
+== Enabling YAML configuration
+. Add the `quarkus-config-yaml` extension to your project:
+:add-extension-extensions: quarkus-config-yaml
+Or add the following dependency to your project:
+[source,xml,role="primary asciidoc-tabs-target-sync-cli asciidoc-tabs-target-sync-maven"]
+ io.quarkus
+ quarkus-config-yaml
+[source,gradle,role="secondary asciidoc-tabs-target-sync-gradle"]
+. Create the `src/main/resources/application.yaml` file.
+TIP: You can use the `yml` or `yaml` file extension.
+. To avoid potential confusion, remove the `src/main/resources/application.properties` file.
+NOTE: If both files are present, the values of properties in `application.yaml` override any duplicate properties in `application.properties`.
+// meta:include::modules/proc_using-nested-object-configuration-with-yaml.adoc[leveloffset=+2]
+== Using nested object configuration with YAML
+In the YAML configuration file, you can define a nested class inside an existing class to set configuration properties for your {project-name} application.
+* You have a {project-name} Maven project.
+* You have a PostgreSQL data source.
+* You have the following extensions as dependencies in the `pom.xml` file of your project:
+** `quarkus-rest-client`
+** `quarkus-jdbc-postgresql`
+** `quarkus-config-yaml`
+. Open the `src/main/resources/application.yaml` configuration file.
+. Add the nested class configuration properties to your `application.yaml` file, as shown in the following example:
+.Example `application.yaml` file
+# Properties that configure the JDBC data source driver of your PostgreSQL data source
+ datasource:
+ url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/some-database
+ driver: org.postgresql.Driver
+ username: quarkus
+ password: quarkus
+# Property that configures the URL of the endpoint to which the rest client sends requests
+ acme:
+ restclient:
+ CountriesService/mp-rest/url: https://restcountries.eu/rest
+# Property that configures the log message level for your application
+ log:
+ category:
+# Do not use spaces in names of configuration properties that you place inside quotation marks
+ "io.quarkus.category":
+ level: INFO
+You can use comments to describe configuration properties.
+Always use spaces to indent the properties in your YAML configuration file.
+YAML does not support using tabs for indentation.
+// CREATE include::modules/conc_configuration-profiles-with-yaml.adoc[leveloffset=+2]
+== Configuration profiles with YAML
+You can use xref:config-reference.adoc#profiles[profiles] in YAML.
+Because YAML does not support names that start with `%`, you must enclose the names of configuration keys between double quotes.
+For example, in `application.yaml`, you must use `"%dev"` or `"%test"` as the configuration keys to identify properties that you want your Quarkus project to use when you build and run it using the development or test profiles.
+.Example `application.yaml` with `prod` and `dev` profiles
+[source, yaml]
+ http:
+ port: 8081
+ quarkus:
+ http:
+ port: 8082
+With the preceding example, if you don't specify a profile, Quarkus runs the `prod` profile by default, and the HTTP port number is `8081`. If you enable the `dev` profile, the HTTP port number is `8082`.
+The YAML configuration also supports profile-aware files. In this case, properties for a specific profile may reside in
+an `application-{profile}.yaml` named file. The previous example may be expressed as:
+[source, yaml]
+ http:
+ port: 8081
+[source, yaml]
+ http:
+ port: 8082
+// meta:include::modules/proc_setting-custom-configuration-profiles-with-yaml.adoc[leveloffset=+2]
+== Setting custom configuration profiles with YAML
+With {project-name}, you can set configuration properties and values specific to your application's different configuration profiles.
+You can start your application with a specific profile to access a particular configuration.
+This procedure shows how you can configure a specific profile in YAML format.
+In YAML, you must place all strings that begin with a special character inside quotation marks.
+* You have a {project-name} Maven project configured to use a PostgreSQL data source with a JDBC data source driver.
+* You have the `quarkus-jdbc-postgresql` and `quarkus-config-yaml` extensions as dependencies in your project's `pom.xml` file.
+. Open the `src/main/resources/application.yaml` configuration file.
+. To add a profile-specific configuration, add the profile name between quotes followed by the key-value pairs.
+ # Properties that configure the JDBC data source driver of your PostgreSQL data source
+ quarkus:
+ datasource:
+ url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/some-database
+ driver: org.postgresql.Driver
+ username: quarkus
+ password: quarkus
+// meta:include::modules/con_property-expressions.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
+== Property expressions
+Property expressions are combinations of property references and plain text strings that you can use to substitute values of properties in your configuration.
+Much like a variable, you can use a property expression in {project-name} to substitute a configuration property value instead of hardcoding it.
+A property expression is resolved when `java.util.Properties` reads the property's value from a configuration source in your application.
+If a configuration property is read from your configuration at compile time, the property expression is also resolved at compile time.
+If the configuration property is overridden at runtime, its value is resolved at runtime.
+You can resolve property expressions by using more than one configuration source.
+This means that you can use the value of a property in one configuration source to expand a property expression that you use in another.
+If the value of a property in an expression cannot be resolved, and you do not set a default value for the expression, your application encounters a `NoSuchElementException`.
+Property expressions use the `${}` syntax.
+// meta:include::modules/ref_example-usage-of-property-expressions-using-a-yaml-file.adoc[leveloffset=+2]
+== Example usage of property expressions using a YAML file
+This section shows examples of using property expressions to achieve flexibility when configuring your {project-name} application.
+.Example `application.yaml` file
+mach: 3
+ factor: 2.23694
+ mach: ${mach}
+ unit:
+ name: "mph"
+ factor: ${x.factor}
+You can reference nested properties by using the `.` (dot) separator, as in `{x.factor}`.
+.Additional resources
+* For more information about property expressions, see xref:con_property-expressions[Property expressions].
+// * For an example of property expressions using a properties file, see link:{URL_CONFIGURATION_QUARKUS}#ref_example-usage-of-property-expressions_quarkus-configuration-guide[Example usage of property expressions]. // TBD update and enable this ^ link later when this guide becomes available
+// meta:include::modules/con_external-application-yaml-file-for-configuring-properties-at-runtime.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
+== External application.yaml file for configuring properties at runtime
+To configure your application properties at runtime, add your `application.yaml` file to the `config` directory.
+The values in the `config/application.yaml` file override any values from the regular `application.yaml` file.
+Ensure that the `config/application.yaml` file is in the root of the working directory relative to the {project-name} application runner, as outlined in the following example:
+├── config
+│ └── application.yaml
+├── my-app-runner
+.Additional resources
+* xref:proc_enabling_yaml_configuration[Enabling YAML configuration].
+== Managing configuration key conflicts
+Structured formats such as YAML only support a subset of the possible configuration namespace.
+The following procedure shows how to resolve a conflict between two configuration properties, `quarkus.http.cors` and `quarkus.http.cors.methods`, where one property is the prefix of another.
+* You have a {project-name} project configured to read YAML configuration files.
+. Open your YAML configuration file.
+. To define a YAML property as a prefix of another property, add a tilde (`~`) in the scope of the property as shown in the following example:
+.Example of defining a YAML property as a prefix
+ http:
+ cors:
+ ~: true
+ methods: GET,PUT,POST
+. To compile your {project-name} application in development mode, enter the following command from the project directory:
+.Compile your {project-name} application
+./mvnw quarkus:dev
+You can use YAML keys for conflicting configuration keys at any level because they are not included in the assembly of the configuration property name.
+// == Additional resources
+// * link:{URL_CONFIGURATION_QUARKUS}[Configuring your {project-name} applications by using a properties file] // TBD update link
+// TBD update and enable this ^ link later when this guide becomes available
+=== Other example configurations
+The following snippets provide examples of YAML configuration:
+# Data persistence configuration property
+ datasource:
+ db-kind: postgresql
+ jdbc:
+ url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/some-database
+# REST Client configuration property
+ rest-client:
+ org.acme.rest.client.ExtensionsService:
+ url: https://stage.code.quarkus.io/api
+# For configuration property names that use quotes, do not split the string inside the quotes
+ log:
+ category:
+ "io.quarkus.category":
+ level: INFO
+[source, yaml]
+ datasource:
+ url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/quarkus_test
+ hibernate-orm:
+ database:
+ generation: drop-and-create
+ oidc:
+ enabled: true
+ auth-server-url: http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/quarkus
+ client-id: app
+ frontend:
+ oidc-realm: quarkus
+ oidc-app: app
+ oidc-server: http://localhost:8180/auth
+# With configuration profiles
+ quarkus:
+ oidc:
+ enabled: false
+ security:
+ users:
+ file:
+ enabled: true
+ realm-name: quarkus
+ plain-text: true
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config-yaml.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config-yaml.adoc
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--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config-yaml.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-This guide is maintained in the main Quarkus repository
-and pull requests should be submitted there:
-= YAML Configuration
-:categories: core
-:summary: YAML as a Configuration Source.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML[YAML] is a very popular format. Kubernetes relies heavily on the YAML format to
-write the various resource descriptors.
-Quarkus offers the possibility to use YAML in addition to the standard Java Properties file.
-== Enabling YAML Configuration
-To enable YAML configuration, add the `quarkus-config-yaml` extension:
-:add-extension-extensions: quarkus-config-yaml
-You can also just add the following dependency into your project:
-[source,xml,role="primary asciidoc-tabs-target-sync-cli asciidoc-tabs-target-sync-maven"]
- io.quarkus
- quarkus-config-yaml
-[source,gradle,role="secondary asciidoc-tabs-target-sync-gradle"]
-Remove the `src/main/resources/application.properties` and create a `src/main/resources/application.yaml` file.
-NOTE: If both are present, Quarkus prioritizes configuration properties from the YAML file first and then from the
-Properties file. However, to avoid confusion, we recommend removing the Properties file.
-TIP: Quarkus supports both the `yml` and `yaml` file extensions.
-=== Example
-The following snippets provide examples of YAML configuration:
-# YAML supports comments
- datasource:
- db-kind: postgresql
- jdbc:
- url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/some-database
-# REST Client configuration property
- rest-client:
- org.acme.rest.client.ExtensionsService:
- url: https://stage.code.quarkus.io/api
-# For configuration property names that use quotes, do not split the string inside the quotes
- log:
- category:
- "io.quarkus.category":
- level: INFO
-[source, yaml]
- datasource:
- url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/quarkus_test
- hibernate-orm:
- database:
- generation: drop-and-create
- oidc:
- enabled: true
- auth-server-url: http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/quarkus
- client-id: app
- frontend:
- oidc-realm: quarkus
- oidc-app: app
- oidc-server: http://localhost:8180/auth
-# With profiles
- quarkus:
- oidc:
- enabled: false
- security:
- users:
- file:
- enabled: true
- realm-name: quarkus
- plain-text: true
-== Profiles
-As you can see in the previous snippet, you can use xref:config-reference.adoc#profiles[profiles] in YAML. The profile
-key requires double quotes: `"%test"`. This is because YAML does not support keys starting with `%`.
-Everything under the `"%test"` key is only enabled when the `test` profile is active. For example, in the previous
-snippet it disables OIDC (`quarkus.oidc.enabled: false`), whereas without the `test` profile, it would be enabled.
-As for the Java Properties format, you can define your own profile:
-[source, yaml]
- http:
- port: 8081
- quarkus:
- http:
- port: 8082
-If you enable the `staging` profile, the HTTP port will be 8082, whereas it would be 8081 otherwise.
-The YAML configuration also support profile aware files. In this case, properties for a specific profile may reside in
-an `application-{profile}.yaml` named file. The previous example may be expressed as:
-[source, yaml]
- http:
- port: 8081
-[source, yaml]
- http:
- port: 8082
-== Expressions
-The YAML format also supports xref:config-reference.adoc#property-expressions[property expressions], using the same format as Java
-[source, yaml]
-mach: 3
- factor: 2.23694
- mach: ${mach}
- unit:
- name: "mph"
- factor: ${x.factor}
-Note that you can reference nested properties using the `.` (dot) separator as in `${x.factor}`.
-== External application.yaml file
-The `application.yaml` file may also be placed in `config/application.yaml` to specialize the runtime configuration. The
-file has to be present in the root of the working directory relative to the Quarkus application runner:
-[source, text]
-├── config
-│ └── application.yaml
-├── my-app-runner
-The values from this file override any values from the regular `application.yaml` file if exists.
-== Configuration key conflicts
-The MicroProfile Config specification defines configuration keys as an arbitrary `.`-delimited string. However,
-structured formats like YAML only support a subset of the possible configuration namespace. For example, consider the
-two configuration properties `quarkus.http.cors` and `quarkus.http.cors.methods`. One property is the prefix of another,
-so it may not be immediately evident how to specify both keys in your YAML configuration.
-This is solved by using a `null` key (represented by `~`) for any YAML property which is a prefix of another one:
- http:
- cors:
- ~: true
- methods: GET,PUT,POST
-YAML `null` keys are not included in the assembly of the configuration property name, allowing them to be used
-in any level for disambiguating configuration keys.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config.adoc
index 9c560a7fc4f638..bf2d827982f3af 100644
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/config.adoc
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ application behaviour at runtime.
== Additional Information
* xref:config-reference.adoc[Configuration Reference Guide]
-* xref:config-yaml.adoc[YAML ConfigSource Extension]
+* xref:config-yaml-howto.adoc[YAML ConfigSource Extension]
* xref:vault.adoc[HashiCorp Vault ConfigSource Extension]
* xref:consul-config.adoc[Consul ConfigSource Extension]
* xref:spring-cloud-config-client.adoc[Spring Cloud ConfigSource Extension]