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  • Kubernetes cluster environment v1.21.*
  • OpenFunction v0.6.0
  • MetalLb v0.13.7 (optional)

Deploy QuanXiang on KubeShpere(recommend)


Before deploying QuanXiang, below options are required in local environment:

  • Accessible KubeSphere cluster.
  • 'kubectl' is installed on local. refer kubectl installation to install kubectl.
  • Kubeconfig is configured. refer below steps to configure kubeconfig
    • Get QKE kubeconfig from QingCloud console.
    • For KubeSphere kubeconfig, refer to documentation or ask community for more help.
  • Helm3 is required. refer helm3 installation to install helm3.

Step 1. Deploy KubeSphere and Openfunction


  • Deploy KubeSphere manully, refer office documentation for more details.
  • Using KubeSphere(R)(QKE) (recommend) to deploy KubeShere cluster, which is high availability and support automatic inspection and repair.

KubeSphere cluster requirments:

Node Type Quantity Resource Requirment
Master 1 CPU: 4 core, Memory: 8 GB, Disk: 80 GB
Worker 5 CPU: 4 core, Memory: 8 GB, Disk: 80 GB


Scale nodes' resources to double and use PaaS that privode by cloud vendors, if you want to use QuanXiang as production.


Deploy Openfunction manully, refer office documentation

  • Deploy OpenFunction with helm:
kubectl create namespace openfunction
helm repo add openfunction
helm update
helm install openfunction openfunction/openfunction --version 0.1.0 -n openfunction

Step 2 Deploy MetalLB (Optional)

Persistence IP address is recommended, that is easily to access QuanXiang web site. Before you deploy MetalLB, you should prepare several IP addresses which should be available. Refer official documentation to more information about installation.

  • Following step is copied from MetalLB official web site.

If you’re using kube-proxy in IPVS mode, since Kubernetes v1.14.2 you have to enable strict ARP mode.

Note, you don’t need this if you’re using kube-router as service-proxy because it is enabling strict ARP by default.

You can achieve this by editing kube-proxy config in current cluster:

kubectl edit configmap -n kube-system kube-proxy

and set:

kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
mode: "ipvs"
  strictARP: true
  • Deploy MetalLB with helm:
helm repo add metallb
helm repo update
helm install metallb metallb/metallb -n metallb-system --create-namespace
  • Assign IP pool to Kubernetes from file ip-pool.yaml,
kind: IPAddressPool
  name: lowcode
  namespace: metallb-system
  -  # replace this to your ips


Those IP address must be accessable and available to use.

  • Apply the IP Pools by "kubectl apply".
kubectl apply -f ip-pool.yaml

Step 3. QuanXiang installation

Helm Charts installation is enabled after v2.0.0.

Download release

You can download the release version directly or clone the source code from github.

 git clone

Deploy QuanXiang

QuanxiangCloud deployment tool support production and demo:

  • For production, database, cache, message etc. should be installed before you deploy QuanXiang, refer configurations for more details.
  • For demo, all services will be deployed in Kubernetes.


For production, you cat set enable to false to disable middle services in configuration file quanxiang/values.yaml . refer to notes in values file for more details.

# Default values for quanxiang.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

#replicaCount: 1

  namespace: ""
  domain:                  # replace value to your domain. 修改成您自己的域名。
  websocket_hostname:   # socket server访问地址
  home_hostname:     # 用户端访问地址
  portal_hostname:  # 管理端访问地址
    protocol: http                 # 前端渲染配置访问协议。
    hostname:      # 前端渲染配置访问地址。
    port: 80                       # 前端渲染配置端口。
    enabled: true                  # 是否安装faas。
  loadBalancer: &lb
     loadBalancerIP:  '' # DONNOT CHAGE  &lbIP, 不要修改 &lbIP  ---此处填写LB的可用地址,如果使用了MetalLB,在定义的IP pool里的可用地址。

hostAliases: &hostAliases
  enabled: true                # 没有可用的DNS服务做解析时,需要将此处设置为true,配置容器内hosts文件。
  <<: *lb                      # DONNOT CHAGE THIS LINE, 不要修改此行
    - ''
    - ''  


Run helm install to install QuanXiang:

cd quanxiang/deployment/charts
helm install lowcode -n lowcode ./quanxiang --create-namespace --timeout 1800s


helm uninstall lowcode -n lowcode

How to access

Configure gateway

Refer KubeSphere official documentation to configure gateway if you do not use MetalLB or OpenELB. LoadBalancer is recommend.

Access QuanXiang

To access QuanxiangCloud console, you should configure your hosts file or add dns records into dns server. Use default admin user and password [email protected]/654321a.. to login.


Refer KubeSphere office documentation to customize the domain.

initialize web configurations

Below step is necessary if some menu is lost.

Portal console does not initialize after installation, follow below steps to initialize:

  1. Open QuanXiangCloud portal console by browser.
  2. Open "Developer tool" in browser. MacOS shortcut is "Option + command + I", Windows/Linux shortcut is "F12" or "Control + Alt + I"
  3. Find "Sources" in "Developer tool" and chose "Snippets".
  4. click "New snippet" and Paste scripts content one by one notice: scripts files' path is GITROOTDIR/deployment/scripts/

Details please refer to the image: snippets