BindataFS could be used to compile templates into binary utilizing go-bindata
Install BindataFS
$ go get -u -f
Initialize BindataFS for your project, set the path you want to store BindataFS related files, e.g. config/bindatafs
$ bindatafs config/bindatafs
import "<your_project>/config/bindatafs"
func main() {
assetFS := bindatafs.AssetFS
// Register view paths into AssetFS
// Compile templates under registered view paths into binary
// Get file content with name
fileContent, ok := assetFS.Asset("home/index.tmpl")
You need to compile templates into a go file with method Compile
before run go build
, and if any templates changed, you need to recompile it.
If you started your application with tag bindatafs
, AssetFS will access file from generated go file or current binary
go run -tags 'bindatafs' main.go
Or it will access its content from registered view paths of your filesystem, which is easier for your local development
go run main.go
Although you could initalize several assetfs packages to hold templates from different view paths (templates name might has confliction) for different use cases, Bindatafs provide an easier solution for you.
func main() {
// Generate a sub AssetFS with namespace
adminAssetFS := assetFS.NameSpace("admin_related_files")
// Register view paths into this name space
// Access file that under registered views paths of current name space
Use BindataFS with QOR Admin
import "<your_project>/config/bindatafs"
func main() {
Admin = admin.New(&qor.Config{DB: db.Publish.DraftDB()})
Use BindataFS with QOR Render
import ""
func main() {
View := render.New()
Use BindataFS with QOR Widget
import ""
func main() {
Widgets := widget.New(&widget.Config{DB: db.DB})
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
// this will add all files under public into a generated go file, which will be included into the binary
assetFS := assetFS.FileServer(http.Dir("public"))
// If you only want to include specified paths, you could use it like this
assetFS := assetFS.FileServer(http.Dir("public"), "javascripts", "stylesheets", "images")
for _, path := range []string{"javascripts", "stylesheets", "images"} {
mux.Handle(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/", path), assetFS)
Released under the MIT License.