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540 lines (305 loc) · 15.4 KB


File metadata and controls

540 lines (305 loc) · 15.4 KB


Breaking changes

  • Adds support for algolia gem.
  • Drops support for Ruby < 2.4
  • Drops support for Rails < 5.1

1.25.0 (2020-11-24)


  • Pass array argument to geoloc (#372)
  • Containerize the repo (#391)


  • Use Zeitwerk for loading models in Rails 6 (#364)

1.24.1 (2020-07-15)


  • Fixes ruby warning ' is deprecated'

1.24.0 (2020-02-21)


  • Adds indexLanguages in index settings

1.23.2 (2019-06-26)


  • Use copy_index when initiating a temporary index to preserve settings, synonyms, and rules.

1.23.0 (2019-06-25)


  • Introduce rake algoliasearch:set_all_settings command - PR #315

    This command will push settings for all models to all indices: primary index, replicas and additional indices. It follows the inherit: true option. It should typically be added to your deployment script

  • Add option to disable automatic settings - PR #315

    By default, this gem check your settings to see when to push them. Depending on your implementation, it might create a lot of API calls. If you wish to disable the automatic change detection for settings, use the check_settings option:

    class Musician < ActiveRecord::Base
      include AlgoliaSearch
      algoliasearch check_settings: false do
        # Settings...


  • Handle attribute_changed? in transactions - PR #354

1.22.0 (2019-03-21)

🚨 The documentation for our Rails integration was refreshed 🎉


  • Introduce algolia_dirty? on models to decide if a model should be reindex.

    This feature already exists via _changed? methods but might requires to implements many methods if you have multiple dynamic attributes. Dynamic attributes are attributes not mapping to a DB column. This feature allows you to group avoid all the _changed? method calls and group all the logic inside one unique method.


1.21.0 (2019-02-12)


  • Add AlgoliaSearch::IndexSettings::DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE constant - PR #319

  • Support ActiveModel Serializer 🎉 - PR #266

    class SerializedObject < ActiveRecord::Base
        include AlgoliaSearch
        algoliasearch do
            use_serializer SerializedObjectSerializer
            tags do
                ['tag1', 'tag2']


  • Add support for all new recent engine settings - PR #327

    Algolia regularly introduce new settings, all of them are supported by this gem.

2018-12-07 1.20.6

* Better support for Rails 5.1 and deprecated `attribute_changed?`
* Better support for `after_commit` for Sequel 5.0

2017-12-04 1.20.4

  * Remove Bundler and RubyGems requirements

2017-11-02 1.20.2

  * Upgrade algoliasearch gem to 1.17.0

2017-08-04 1.20.1

  * Make sure objectIDs are manipulated as strings

2017-07-31 1.20.0

  * Override the user-agent (#238)
  * Fixed NPE while running mocked tests (#242)
  * Add `paginationLimitedTo` setting (#243)
  * Make `algolia_without_auto_index_scope` thread-safe (#234)

2017-03-13 1.19.1

  * Make sure get_model_classes is not ActiveRecord compliant only

2017-03-13 1.19.0

  * Rewrote the algoliasearch:reindex rake task to better detect models to reindex
  * Fixed the handling of `raise_on_failture` for class methods

2017-02-16 1.18.0

  * Add new replica parameter, `inherit` (#198)

2017-01-05 1.17.1

  * Add missing `disablePrefixOnAttributes` and `disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes` attributes (#193)

2017-01-05 1.17.0

  * Do not enqueue indexing operations if the indexing is disabled
  * Add `searchableAttributes` and `numericAttributesForFiltering` index settings
  * Fixed here and there synchronous behaviors (mostly unit tests related)
  * Rename `slave` to `replica`
  * Upgraded `algoliasearch-client-{ruby,js}` deps

2016-11-25 1.16.3

  * Propagate `search_facet` to `search_for_facet_values` renaming (backward compatible)
  * Upgrade `algoliasearch` dependency to ~> 1.12.1
  * Add missing `typoTolerance` setting

2016-11-14 1.16.2

  * Add missing disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes and disableTypoToleranceOnWords index settings

2016-11-04 1.16.1

  * Added IndexSettings#get_attribute_names
  * Refactored IndexSettings#get_attributes
  * algolia_must_reindex? doesn't compute attribute values anymore

2016-10-02 1.16.0

  * Upgrade `algoliasearch` to 1.12.0
  * Add `search_facet` method

2016-10-02 1.15.1

  * Missing `advancedSyntax` index setting forward

2016-08-21 1.15.0

  * Upgrade to AlgoliaSearch JS API client 3.18.0
  * Upgrade to AlgoliaSearch Ruby API client 1.11.0
  * Official support of Rails 5.x
  * Reduce 404 logging if get_settings on a non-existing index
  * Here and there fixes

2015-08-19 1.14.1

  * Upgrade to AlgoliaSearch JS API client 3.7.5

2015-08-11 1.14.0

  * Add numericAttributesToIndex index setting

2015-08-07 1.13.4

  * Do not consider the per_environment option while initializing the temporary index.

2015-08-05 1.13.3

  * The `active_job.rb` file was not included in the gem

2015-08-01 1.13.2

  * Lazy load the `ActiveJob` class to ensure the underlying queuing system is initialized when we actually use it.

2015-07-20 1.13.1

  * Use `after_commit` instead of `after_save` to ensure we index once in the DB

2015-06-21 1.13.0

  * Ability to use a background queue to handle all automatic indexing operations
  * Fix a bug avoiding the gem to remove records when using the Sequel ORM

2015-05-28 1.12.2

  * Add a new `raise_on_failure` option, controlling whereas exceptions are raised while trying to reach Algolia's API.

2015-05-12 1.12.1

  * Upgrade to algoliasearch-client-js 3.3.0

2015-04-29 1.12.0

  * Add Sequel support.

2015-03-31 1.11.18

  * Embed AlgoliaSearch JS API client v3 as well. Default is still the v2 to keep the backward compatibility.

2015-03-08 1.11.17

  * Add missing index settings (including removeWordsIfNoResults, unretrievableAttributes and ignorePlurals)

2015-02-23 1.11.16

  * Include jQuery & Angular related builds in the gem

2015-02-23 1.11.15

  * Algoliasearch-client-js: embed jQuery & angular based builds as well

2015-02-23 1.11.14

  * Upgrade to algoliasearch-client-js 2.9.2

2015-02-03 1.11.13

  * Upgrade to algoliasearch-client-js 2.8.6

2015-01-29 1.11.12

  * Fixed potential namespace issue while trying to load the HTML sanitizer

2014-11-27 1.11.11

  * Upgraded algoliasearch JavaScript client to 2.7.5 to prepare TLD migration

2014-11-21 1.11.10

  * Ability to force the UTF-8 encoding of the underlying attributes before sending them to our API

2014-11-12 1.11.9

  * Upgraded algoliasearch JavaScript client to 2.7.4 & algoliasearch-client-ruby to 1.2.14

2014-10-29 1.11.8

  * Upgraded algoliasearch JavaScript client to 2.7.3

2014-10-16 1.11.7

  * Upgraded to algoliasearch-client-ruby>=1.2.12 to ensure we're not using SSLv3

2014-10-15 1.11.6

  * Upgraded algoliasearch JavaScript client to 2.7.1

2014-10-15 1.11.5

  * Upgraded algoliasearch JavaScript client from 2.5.3 to 2.7.0

2014-10-05 1.11.4

  * Do not compute the 'slaves' index settings on slaves (breaking the diff between current & configured version)

2014-09-16 1.11.3

  * While reindexing, fetch the master's settings to setup the temporary index

2014-09-02 1.11.2

  * Ability to search in a slave or extra index using the ```:index```/```:slave``` parameter

2014-08-25 1.11.1

  * While using a temporary index to reindex, do not set the "slaves" index setting (will be set at move-time)
  * Ability to strip HTML tags from attributes

2014-08-20 1.11.0

  * Do not rely of _changed? method to detect reindexing needs, if those methods are missing we probably need to reindex

2014-08-07 1.10.9

  * Upgrade to algoliasearch-client-js 2.5.3
  * Upgrade to typeahead 1.10.4

2014-08-07 1.10.8

  * Fixes searches on Mongoid introduced in 1.10.7 (author: @zarqman)

2014-07-17 1.10.7

  * Query optimization: load search results from database using a single query (author: @outoftime)

2014-07-10 1.10.6

  * Pass the configuration hash to the underlying ```Algolia.init``` method.

2014-07-09 1.10.5

  * Safely reindex your data using ```MyModel.reindex``` (index with a temporary index + move), ```MyModel.reindex!``` do it in-place without removing out-dated records

2014-06-28 1.10.4

  * Ability to disable all indexing tasks (testing purpose)

2014-06-17 1.10.3

  * Pagination: fixed a padding issue with recent versions of Kaminari

2014-05-09 1.10.2

  * Expose synoyms/placeholders features
  * Upgrade to algoliasearch-client-js 2.5.0 (fallback on JSONP if CORS is not available)

2014-04-29 1.10.1

  * Use :if and :unless constraints to detect if a record has changed as well

2014-04-28 1.10.0

  * Ability to configure slave indexes from the ```algoliasearch``` block
  * Ability to target multiple indexes from a single model class

2014-04-23 1.9.5

  * Add missing highlightPreTag/highlightPostTag settings

2014-03-30 1.9.4

  * Ability to index an array of objects using the `index_objects` method. Ref #15
  * Upgrade typeahead.js to 0.10.2 (fixed flickering)
  * Upgrade algoliasearch-client-ruby to 1.2.8 (fixed unhandled exception)
  * Upgrade algoliasearch-client-js to 2.4.5 (embed last ExplainResults helper fixes)

2014-03-26 1.9.3

  * Ruby 1.8 compatibility
  * Fixed a bug ignoring hitsPerPage parameter while using backend pagination (will_paginate/kaminari)

2014-03-17 1.9.2

  * Raise an exception while attempting to index a non-saved object (blank objectID)

2014-03-06 1.9.1

  * When using MongoId, the `reindex!` method was calling add_objects too many times. (credits go to

2014-02-24 1.9.0

  * Upgrade to algoliasearch 1.2.5 and algoliasearch-client-js 2.4.2
  * Fixed pagination starting at 1 in Kaminari & WillPaginate and 0 in Algolia
  * As soon as :if or :unless are used, we need to remove the objects from the index
    if the constraints don't match

2014-02-15 1.8.2

  * Ability to retrieve facets and raw answer as well

2014-02-14 1.8.1

  * Fixed backend pagination not taking current page into account at display time.

2014-02-12 1.8.0

  * Upgrade to official Twitter Typeahead.js 0.10.1 (/!\ API has changed)
  * Fixed reindexing rake task (#12)

2014-02-04 1.7.2

  * Add a ```raw_search``` method, retrieving the JSON raw answer
  * Support STI subclasses (#11)
  * Updated dependencies

2014-01-31 1.7.1

  * Ensure methods are not conflicting with already defined ones (use algolia_METHOD_NAME)
  * Add ```:if``` and ```:unless``` options to control objects indexing (#10)

2014-01-07 1.7.0

  * Updated algoliasearch to 1.2 (httpclient instead of curb as underlying HTTP layer)
  * jruby, rbx and ruby 2.1 compatibility

2014-01-02 1.6.3

  * Expose new ```attributeForDistinct``` setting

2013-12-17 1.6.2

  * Updated deps (included algoliasearch 1.1.15 and algoliasearch-client-js 2.3.6)

2013-12-05 1.6.1

  * ```add_attribute``` can now be used to add extra attributes in addition to the existing ones
  * Use the ```geoloc``` and ```tags``` methods to generate the associated ```_tags``` and ```_geoloc``` attributes

2013-12-05 1.5.2

  * object's attributes must be fetched unscoped to ensure associations will not be impacted by the conditions
  * you can now use `Model.index` to access the underlying index object

2013-12-03 1.5.1

  * ability to specify which attribute is used as objectID

2013-11-29 1.4.5

  * updated algoliasearch-client-js to 2.3.3

2013-11-29 1.4.4

  * updated algoliasearch to 1.1.11

2013-11-29 1.4.3

  * updated algoliasearch-client-js to 2.3.2
  * updated algoliasearch to 1.1.10

2013-11-25 1.4.2

  * fixed const_get calls with ruby 1.9.3

2013-11-25 1.4.1

  * ability to specify a block associated to an attribute as value

2013-11-22 1.3.10

  * updated algoliasearch.js (2.3.2)

2013-11-21 1.3.9

  * updated custom typeahead.js (merged

2013-11-21 1.3.8

  * expose new index settings: separatorsToIndex and optionalWords

2013-11-19 1.3.7

  * handle namespaced models (s/::/_/)

2013-11-08 1.3.6

  * upgraded to algoliasearch 1.1.6 (array-based search parameters were not encoded)

2013-11-07 1.3.5

  * add without_auto_index_scope method disabling all indexing operations inside associated block

2013-11-07 1.3.4

  * updated algoliasearch to 1.1.6 (clear_index! is now a real clear, not a delete/create) and algoliasearch-client-js to 2.3.0
  * restore missing ensure_init call in the ```search``` method

2013-11-07 1.3.3

  * new :per_environment options suffixing index's name by the Rails environment
  * index's settings are now initialized on first usage, not at include time
  * plug attributesForFaceting setting

2013-10-17 1.3.2

  * while detecting settings changes, fixed array comparison

2013-10-17 1.3.1

  * upgraded to algoliasearch 1.1.4 (too aggressive wait_task calls)

2013-10-15 1.3.0

  * synchronous flag is now false by default
  * do not set settings if they didn't chang

2013-10-15 1.2.1

  * Updated deps, especially algoliasearch to 1.1.3 to solve thread-safety issues

2013-10-14 1.2.0

  * embeds a typeahead.js based UI

2013-10-04 1.1.8

  * Avoid concurrent access to the same index while running tests with TravisCI
  * to check if the full-reindexing has been done, checking the last task is enough

2013-10-02 1.1.7

  * Updated environment variables
  * Plug travis and various badges
  * Fixed attribute changes detection
  * Upgrade to algoliasearch-client-ruby 1.1.1

2013-10-01 1.1.6

  * Initial import