Releases: qld-gov-au/ckanext-csrf-filter
Releases · qld-gov-au/ckanext-csrf-filter
Reduce noisy logging
Merge pull request #13 from qld-gov-au/develop Develop to main
Add optional protection against Login CSRF
Add a Repoze plugin that can be used to check tokens when logging in, replacing FriendlyForm. This plugin needs to be configured separately, eg in who.ini
Disable response pass-through
We need to disable Flask response pass-through mode so that we can inject tokens into the response body. This will have a performance impact but is necessary for CKAN 2.9.
Initial release
CSRF filter based on a mixture of Double Submit Cookie and HMAC Based Token patterns.
Protects HTML-based forms and some types of JavaScript-based interaction, with no code changes required.
Does not protect API calls or prevent Login CSRF.