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Pchatbot: A Large-Scale Dataset for Personalized Chatbot


We introduce Pchatbot, a large scale conversation dataset dedicated for the development of personalized dialogue models. In this dataset, we assign anonymized user IDs and timestamps to conversations. Users’ dialogue histories can be retrieved and used to build rich user profiles. With the availability of the dialogue histories, we can move from personality based models to personalized models.

Pchatbot has two subsets, named PchatbotW and PchatbotL, built from open-domain Weibo and judicial forums respectively. Since the data volume of each sub-data set is too large, we divided each sub-data set into 10 equal parts according to the number of users, and named them PchatbotW-i and PchatbotL-i.

The dataset paper is accepted to SIGIR 2021 (Resource Track). See paper for more details.


If you use the dataset in your work, please cite:

     author = {Hongjin Qian and Xiaohe Li and Hanxun Zhong and Yu Guo and Yueyuan Ma and Yutao Zhu and Zhanliang Liu and Zhicheng Dou and Ji-Rong Wen}, 
     title = {Pchatbot: A Large-Scale Dataset for Personalized Chatbot}, 
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the {SIGIR} 2021}, 
     publisher = {{ACM}}, 
     year = {2021}, 
     url = {}, 
     doi = {10.1145/3404835.3463239}}

The following paper uses the Pchatbot dataset:

  1. One Chatbot Per Person: Creating Personalized Chatbots based on Implicit User Profiles (SIGIR 2021 Long Paper)
     author = {Zhengyi Ma and Zhicheng Dou and Yutao Zhu Hanxun Zhong and Ji-Rong Wen}, 
     title = {One Chatbot Per Person: Creating Personalized Chatbots based onImplicit User Profiles}, 
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the {SIGIR} 2021}, 
     publisher = {{ACM}}, 
     year = {2021}, 
     url = {}, 
     doi = {10.1145/3404835.3462828}}
  1. Learning Implicit User Profile for Personalized Retrieval-based Chatbot (CIKM 2021 Long Paper)
     author = {Hongjin Qian and Zhicheng Dou and Yutao Zhu Yueyuan Ma and Ji-Rong Wen}, 
     title = {Learning Implicit User Profile for Personalized Retrieval-based Chatbot}, 
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the {CIKM} 2021}, 
     publisher = {{ACM}}, 
     year = {2021},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/3459637.3482269}
  1. Less is More: Learning to Refine Dialogue History for Personalized Dialogue Generation (NAACL 2022 Long Paper)
    title = "Less is More: Learning to Refine Dialogue History for Personalized Dialogue Generation",
    author = "Zhong, Hanxun  and
      Dou, Zhicheng  and
      Zhu, Yutao  and
      Qian, Hongjin  and
      Wen, Ji-Rong",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies",
    month = jul,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Seattle, United States",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2022.naacl-main.426",
    pages = "5808--5820"

Dataset Statistics

The detailed statistics of Pchatbot shows as follow:

PchatbotW PchatbotL PchatbotW-1 PchatbotL-1
#Posts 5,319,596 20,145,956 3,597,407 4,662,911
#Responses 139,448,339 59,427,457 13,992,870 5,523,160
#Users in posts 772,002 5,203,345 417,294 1,107,989
#Users in responses 23,408,367 203,636 2,340,837 20,364
Avg.#responses per post 26.214 2.950 3.890 1.184
Max.#responses per post 525 120 136 26
#Words 8,512,945,238 3,013,617,497 855,005,996 284,099,064
Avg.#words per pair 61.047 51.014 61.103 51.438

We construct two standard dataset from Pchatbot for both generation-based and retrieval-based tasks, named PchatbotW-R and PchatbotW-G. The two datasets can be directly used in coressponding dialogue tasks. We will release the standard dataset then. Their statistics are shown in the following table:

PchatbotW-R PchatbotW-G
Number of users 420,000 300,000
Avg. history length 32.3 11.4
Avg. length of post 24.9 22.9
Avg. length of response 10.1 9.6
Number of response candidates 10 -
Number of training samples 3,000,000 2,707,880
Number of validation samples 600,000 600,000
Number of testing samples 600,000 600,000

To obtain statistics, run:

python src/

We will then release standard datasets for PchatbotL.

Data Content and Format

Obtain the data

For now we provide download link via Baidu Cloud which may be a bit slow outside mainland, China. We will update Google drive link asap.


md5: 48bd7ab93f625ebdf34c7254ff27ac2a


md5: cd443951973f47f5614df298e6e416da

If you cannot access Baidu Cloud Disk, contact us and we will try to provide other options.

Please fill in the application form and send it to the contact mail, we will then send the download links and the password for Baidu Cloud Disk to you. Note that the application form should be signed by the person in charge of your research group. We will update the download password regularly.

Application Form

Pchatbot Files

The upload format of the dataset is .tar.bz2, you can decompress it as follows:

tar -jxvf xx.tar.bz2

The format of each piece of data in the data set is:

Post \t Post_user_id \t Post_timestamp \t Response \t Response_user_id \t Response_timestamp \n

post and response are sentences with word segmentation, separated by spaces.And we give several examples of the data in data/sample.txt

We also give some examples of user personalized information, as shown in the figure below, due to space constraints, we only selected 5 historical records for the user in each example. PchatbotW.release_ver

Post 酒酿 小 圆子 窝蛋 , 蒸 南瓜 玉米 和 阳光 玫瑰 山寨 一 把 芳婆 的 酒酿 圆子 , 挺 好吃 的 , 加 了 点干 桂花 增香
Response 干 桂花 是 点睛
History History Post History Response
今日 晚餐 黄焖鸡 , 红烧 带鱼 和 丝瓜蛋 汤 淘鲜达 送来 的 带鱼 不 好 , 说 是 中段 , 实际 是 前段 和 尾巴 , 没 多少 肉 都 懒得 拍 。 黄焖鸡 太 下饭 啦 , 和 家属 都 添 了 小 半 碗 米饭 。 下午 做 的 巧克力 冰淇淋 , 味道 棒棒 哒 烦烦 和 光光 就是 永远 都 吃 不 胖 的 神仙 体质
因 為荔 枝樹 不是 每年 都 能 結果 , 不是 每年 都 能 吃到 , 但 卻是 每年 夏天 我 最 期待 的 水果 , 期待 的 童年味 , 在 河邊 玩耍 , 在 樹下 等 荔枝 的 夏日 。 一定 要 有 机会 了 去 南方 看看 荔枝树 的 样子
用 喜欢 的 餐具 穿 舒适 的 衣裙 吃 简单 可口 的 食物 这些 小快乐 足以 点亮 平淡 的 生活 餐具 白裙子 by 穿 搭博 主好 美 呀
柠檬 冰淇淋 搞定 ! 还有 强行 出镜 的 柠檬 扇子 广告 , 这么 尬 为啥 还要 发 呢 ? 因为 那个 抠门 的 家伙 给 我 的 寄 了 一 箱子 芒果 , 所谓 拿人 手短 吃 人 嘴软 , 希望 对方 也 有 这样 的 觉悟 柠檬 盘子 也 很 好看
天天 和 徐大 美丽 混一 起 。 这个 蘑菇 看 起来 特别 好吃
Post woj : 考辛斯 寻求 一 份 年薪 在 1200-1800万 的 合同 。 但是 现在 甚至 没有 球队 愿意 给 他 一 份 中产 合同
Response 200万 湖人 要 了
History History Post History Response
别 问 我 支持 火箭 还是 勇士 了 我 支持 小卡 凌晨 4点 在 洛杉矶 跑步 、 被 一个 老外 拖进 篮球场 、 教 了 几 个 小时 后 仰跳 投 我 怀疑 你 在 开车 , 但是 我 没有 证据
消息 : 鹈鹕 本来 对 湖人 之前 给 的 筹码 很 心动 , 但是 现在 莺歌 的 病情 改变 了 一切 我 谢谢 您 嘞 , 去去去 快去 换季 后 赛塔图姆 吧
小卡 会 成为 三连冠 终结者 王朝 毁灭者 吗 ?? 哈哈 职业 阻止 三 连 冠
水花 兄弟 这 两 位 , 场下 真的 暖 , 场上 关键 时刻 真的 硬 作为 两队 的 中立 球迷 , 这 场 比赛 给 我 看 的 热血 沸腾 了 , 火箭 最后 也 一直 坚挺 着 , 真的 精彩 , 真的 勇士 火箭 都 不 喜欢 , 甚至 有点 讨厌 , 但是 今天 这 场 比赛 , 确实 勇士 更 值得 赢
大家 觉得 猛龙 和 雄鹿 谁 最 有 可能 进入 到 总决赛 ? 范乔丹 : 看 老子 心情 吧

Data Preprocessing

Instructions for data cleaning, preprocessing, aggregation and dataset constructs are in ./src/ folder.

Baseline models

We provide results of baseline models on the PchatbotW-R and PchatbotW-G dataset. For evaluation details, please refer to our paper. We will continue to update the results of other baseline models:


R10@1 R10@2 R10@5 MRR nDCG Paper Code
Conv-KNRM 0.323 0.520 0.893 0.538 0.818 Convolutional Neural Networks for Soft-Matching N-Grams in Ad-hoc Search
DAM 0.438 0.644 0.966 0.635 0.881 Multi-Turn Response Selection for Chatbots with Deep Attention Matching Network
IOI 0.442 0.651 0.969 0.639 0.890 One Time of Interaction May Not Be Enough: Go Deep with an Interaction-over-Interaction Network for Response Selection in Dialogues
RSM-DCK 0.428 0.627 0.947 0.623 0.858 Learning to Detect Relevant Contexts and Knowledge for Response Selection in Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems Provided by the author


BLEU-1 ROUGE-L Dist-1 Dist-2 P-F1 Paper Code
Seq2Seq 4.889 7.594 0.229 3.404 0.771 Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
SPEAKER 3.958 5.580 0.951 29.780 1.534 A Persona-Based Neural Conversation Model \
PERSONAWAE 1.945 9.064 0.523 8.549 6.408 Modeling Personalization in Continuous Space for Response Generation via Augmented Wasserstein Autoencoders \
DialoGPT 5.038 7.358 13.995 52.674 3.562 DialoGPT: Large-Scale Generative Pre-training for Conversational Response Generation


This repository is liciensed under Apache-2.0 License.

The Pchatbot dataset is liciensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.



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