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25th Developer Meeting in Nødebo, Denmark

Kurt Menke edited this page Jan 9, 2020 · 35 revisions

25th QGIS User Conference and Developer Meeting in Nødebo, August 8-23 2020

Period and location


University of Copenhagen and QGIS community with support from QGIS Usergroup Denmark.


Lene Fischer [email protected]


University of Copenhagen – Forest and Landscape College Fredensborgvej 77 a,DK – 3480 Fredensborg Denmark

Forest and Landscape College map


  • University af Copenhagen
  • We seek more sponsors :-)




  • Accommodation at the Forestry Campus
  • We have 25 rooms with 2 beds.
  • We have shelters - bring sleeping mat/bag
  • We have grass lawn bring tent/sleeping mat/bag It is possible to bring a family member to share your room/tent/shelter


Transportation. How to arrive

By air

Copenhagen Airport CPH -

By train

Find train and bus at Use the adress 'Nødebovej 77A, Nødebo, 3480 Fredensborg'

By road

Please use your favorite GPS device to get to Nødebo. The address is: Nødebovej 77A, Nødebo, 3480 Fredensborg



You can apply for refund of travelcost to [email protected] - Deadline for application 2 weeks before the event.


Please do not register at the official Conference page !!!IMPORTANT!!!! : Arrival and departure date/time for planning accommodation and food. Also remember to add e-mail.

# Name Arrival Time Depart. Time Room/Shelter/Tent Country Share with Notes/Food Email
# Jesper Cairo Westergaard Day 1 - The last day - With family nearby DK - Cell: +45 20268042 - Gitter/GitHub: Westcairo [email protected]
# Tim Sutton Day 1 - The last day - With family nearby PT - [email protected]
# Iryna Wasserberg Day 1 - The last day - Room DE - - [email protected]
# Andreas Steffens Day 1 - The last day - Room DE - - [email protected]
# Kurt Menke Day 1 - The last day - Room USA - - [email protected]
# Name Arrival Time Depart. Time Room/Shelter/Tent Country Share with Notes/Food Email

Mentor streams

If you are coming to a QGIS Developer event for the first time, you may be a little lost and confused about what you should do when you get there. For this event (and hopefully future events if it works well), we will have mentors to help you get started in the QGIS Community. If you would like to be a mentor for a topic not listed, add a new table below. If you need mentorship, add your name to the appropriate table below:

Making your first Pull Request to QGIS

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of getting your development environment set up, building QGIS and fixing your first small issue, submitting a Pull Request and having it approved by someone in the community.

Stream leader: e.g. Nyall Dawson


# Name Email
1 Andreas Steffens [email protected]
2 Iryna Wasserberg [email protected]

Making your first Pull Request to QGIS Documentation

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of getting your documentation environment set up, building QGIS docs and fixing your first small issue, submitting a Pull Request and having it approved by someone in the community.

Stream leader: e.g. Yves Jacolin


# Name Email

Reporting and validating bug reports

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of creating a new issue on the QGIS issue tracker, verifying existing issues and generally participating in the effort to triage the issue queue.

Stream leader: e.g. Giovanni Manghi


# Name Email

Writing tests for QGIS

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of creating and running tests for QGIS. Contributing tests to QGIS can hugely help improve the quality of the code base and prevent regressions coming into the code. you should already have python or C++ skills and a a working QGIS development environment to participate in this stream.

Stream leader: e.g. Matthias Kuhn


# Name Email
1 Andreas Steffens [email protected]
2 Iryna Wasserberg [email protected]

QGIS Certification Birds of a Feather

Stream leader: e.g. Tim Sutton


# Name Email
1 Tim Sutton [email protected]

The QGIS organization and how to become part of it

This is a presentation of the organization structure and different tasks within it. This should be a good starting point for first time developer meeting visitors who are looking for a way to be helpful in the project.

Stream leader: Tim Sutton


# Name Email
1 Tim Sutton [email protected]

Individual Preparation

  • Bring your own computer (and power supply!)
  • Bring your walking shoes/bike/swimming suit/paddle board



About the area

Images from 2015

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