- The Steering Council had their regular check-in with Łukasz (Developer in Residence), and discussed the state of multiprocessing.
- The SC discussed the ownership and stakeholders of www.python.org with Deb (the PSF Executive Director).
- The SC discussed mentors-mentorship options with Deb.
- The SC discussed Brett's suggestion to add Codespaces support to our GitHub repo.
- The SC welcomed Emily to the SC.
- The SC summarized how it works: meetings, note taking, task list, communication channels, public updates, PEP reviews, meeting with Łukasz (Developer-in-residence) and Deb (PSF Executive Director).
- The SC discussed improvements to the process, mainly how to get updates out faster.
- The SC reviewed its outstanding tasks. Decision-making is left for the new year.
- The SC discussed the backwards compatibility policy, trying to find ways to answer questions like "Does it need a PEP?", "Should it be backported?" consistently.
- The SC briefly discussed managing the scope of the standard library.
- The SC discussed how to work with (full-time) developers who work too fast for many reviewers to keep up with. (For a variety of reasons we expect that to be a bit less of an issue with 3.12 than it was with 3.11.)
- The SC said good-bye to Petr.