diff --git a/pep-0676.rst b/pep-0676.rst
index da3913560772..6c91d50514ea 100644
--- a/pep-0676.rst
+++ b/pep-0676.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Abstract
 This PEP addresses the infrastructure around rendering PEP files from
-`reStructuredText`_ files to HTML web pages. We aim to specify a self-contained
+`reStructuredText`_ files to HTML webpages. We aim to specify a self-contained
 and maintainable solution for PEP readers, authors, and editors.
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Motivation
 As of November 2021, Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) are rendered in a
-multi-system, multi-stage process. A Continuous Integration (CI) task runs a
+multi-system, multi-stage process. A continuous integration (CI) task runs a
 `docutils`_ script to render all PEP files individually. The CI task then
-uploads a TAR to a server, where it is retrieved and rendered into the
+uploads a tar archive to a server, where it is retrieved and rendered into the
 `python.org`_ website periodically.
 This places a constraint on the `python.org`_ website to handle raw HTML
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ would:
 * solve a number of outstanding issues, and lay the path for improvements
 * save volunteer maintainers' time
-We propose that PEPs are accessed through ``peps.python.org`` at the top-level
-namespace (for example, ``peps.python.org/pep-0008/``), and that all custom
+We propose that PEPs are accessed through `peps.python.org/pep-0008/`_ at the top-level
+namespace (for example, `peps.python.org/pep-0008/`_), and that all custom
 tooling to support rendering PEPs is hosted in the `python/peps`_ repository.
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ Specification
 The proposed specification for rendering the PEP files to HTML is as per the
 `reference implementation`_.
-The HTML files SHOULD be made available under the ``peps.python.org`` domain.
+The HTML files SHOULD be made available under the ``peps.python.org_ domain.
 The rendered output SHOULD be hosted as static files, and MAY be behind a
 content delivery network (CDN).
-The following redirect rules MUST be created from the `python.org`_ domain:
+The following redirect rules MUST be created for the `python.org`_ domain:
 * ``/peps/``            -> https://peps.python.org/
 * ``/dev/peps/``        -> https://peps.python.org/
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Security Implications
 The main `python.org`_ website will no longer need to process raw HTML
 uploads, closing a potential threat vector, and the PEP building and
 deployment process will use modern, well maintained code and secure
-automated platforms, reducing likely potential attack surface. Therefore,
+automated platforms, reducing the likely potential attack surface. Therefore,
 there is no forseen negative security impact.