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Florian Schulze edited this page Jun 14, 2016 · 80 revisions

Python Testing sprint organisation Wiki Page

For attendants: please try fill in details for your travel and accommodation plans ASAP.

Some hints on the columns for the table below:

Accommodation: If you are interested in sharing a flat with multiple rooms fill shared/wanted in the accommodation column. We'll see to get everyone their own room in such a setting and Merlinux/Holger will then see to organize such a flat or two.

Travel Cost: If you need travel cost funding please fill in the estimated or real cost.

ARR/Depart: Please fill in the day of arrival and the day of departure. Holger, who organizes the local sprint details, can welcome people from June 18th (Saturday) or even earlier if you want to vacation a bit, do hiking, take a trip to Switzerland etc. He plans to close up the sprint on the 25th (Saturday) but again feel free to stay a few days longer if you like.

attendant planning:

name                          arr    depart travelcost  food       accommodation
Brianna Laugher             9/20th  25/26th  AU$2080*  vegetarian  w/hpk
Florian Bruhin                16th   29th    €40-50      all       w/hpk
Omar Kohl                     16th   26th    0           nothing   private
Bruno Oliveira                17th   27th    $1022       all       private
Daniel Hahler                 18th   25th    €70         vegan     shared/wanted 18th, w/pelme 19th-25th
Floris Bruynooghe/     18th   26th    €203        all       shared/wanted (private possible)
Holger Krekel                 18th   26th    0           no-pork   private
Tom Viner                     18th   25th    £101+train  all       private
Andreas Pelme/Personalkollen  19th   26th    0           all       shared +1 spare 19th-26th
Dave Hunt/Mozilla             19th   25th    0           all       private
Oleg Pidsadnyi/Paylogic       19th   25th    0-€125      xxx       shared/wanted
Oliver Bestwalter/Avira       19th   26th    0           no-meat   private
Raphael Pierzina/FanDuel      19th   25th    0         vegetarian  private
Ronny Pfannschmidt/Redhat     19th   25th    0           no-pork   tba
Stefan Farmbauer              19th   25th    0           vegan     private
Stephan Obermann/Dolby        19th   26th                all       private
Andrzej Ostrowski/Dolby       19th   26th                all       private
Steffen Allner/gocept         19th   26th    0           all       private
Vasily Kuznetsov/Eyeo         19th   26th    0         vegetarian  private
Ted Xiao/Splunk               19th   26th    0           all       private
Ana Ribeiro/Mozilla(intern)   20th   26th    €200        all       w/hpk
Danielle Jenkins/Splunk       20th   26th    0           all       private
Stefan Zimmermann/ADVA        20th   24/25th 0           all       private
Florian Schulze               21st   24th    0           all       shared/wanted
Thomas Lotze                  23th   26th    €0–€150     all       shared/wanted
Sebastian Noack/Eyeo          23th   26th    0           all       private
Jon Sonesen/Eyeo              23th   26th    0           vegan     private

* These are my flights to/from Europe, but (1) they were not the cheapest fare (cheapest was AU$1400) and (2) I am spending additional time travelling, so I would not expect to be reimbursed the full amount. -Brianna

Sprint place

The sprint will take place at "Haus am Schönberg", Zechenweg 6, 79111 Freiburg, Germany. We'll have a 68qm room plus access to a nice garden. We can use this place from Monday, 20th June till Saturday, 25th June. For anyone arriving earlier or staying later than that we can use Holger's living room or other places.


You can book any hotel in the city center of Freiburg im Breisgau and then take a train which takes five minutes to get to the sprint place each day. The sprint place "Haus am Schoenberg" itself has a list of accommodation places which are somewhat close (walking distance mostly):

Travel, getting To Freiburg (im Breisgau)

The closes airport is BSL (Basel) from which you can take an airport bus to Freiburg which takes around 60 minutes. You can also fly to Frankfurt (FRA), Zurich (ZRH) or Stuttgart (STR) and take a train from there, all taking less than 3 hours. The destination is "Freiburg (im Breisgau) Hauptbahnhof". You can use the Deutsche Bahn english Website to book your train travel. Such train tickets usually include a free ride with the public transport system after you arrived (marked as "+city" on your train ticket). If you need help contact holger.

coding with conduct

If any issues in terms of feeling harrassed arise you can talk to Holger or Brianna privately, they will be around. Please also read the Python Software Foundations "code of conduct" which is effective for this testing sprint.


Depending on details we will have have lunch and coffee/tea at the sprint venue during the day. Dinner we will typically do in the city.

remaining questions

Please list here any remaining or special questions.

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