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ANSI escape codes for colored output not handled correctly with, pytrace=False) #12849

4 tasks done
benverhees opened this issue Oct 1, 2024 · 2 comments · Fixed by #12959
4 tasks done
topic: reporting related to terminal output and user-facing messages and errors type: bug problem that needs to be addressed


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benverhees commented Oct 1, 2024

  • a detailed description of the bug or problem you are having


There seems to be an inconsistency with how ANSI escape codes for colored output are handled in the failure reason when using with pytrace=True versus pytrace=False.

In the case where pytrace=True, the colored output is rendered correctly in the failure message. However, when pytrace=False, the ANSI escape codes are not processed, and they partly appear as raw text in the terminal output.

  • minimal example if possible

Steps to Reproduce

from pytest import fail

def test_color_pytrace_true():
    fail(reason="\n\x1b[34mThis should be blue\x1b[0m", pytrace=True)

def test_color_pytrace_false():
    fail(reason="\n\x1b[34mThis should be blue\x1b[0m", pytrace=False)

Expected Behavior:

For pytrace=True: The ANSI escape codes for blue text (\x1b[34m...) should render correctly, resulting in the phrase "This should be blue" being displayed in blue.
For pytrace=False: The ANSI escape codes should still render the text in blue.

Actual Behavior:

For pytrace=True: The colored output is handled correctly, and the text "This should be blue" is displayed in blue.
For pytrace=False: The ANSI escape codes are partly displayed as raw text ([34mThis should be blue[0m), and the text is not colored.

Output from running the test

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------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------
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  • pytest and operating system versions
pytest 8.3.3
ProductName:            macOS
ProductVersion:         14.2.1
BuildVersion:           23C71
@RonnyPfannschmidt RonnyPfannschmidt added type: bug problem that needs to be addressed topic: reporting related to terminal output and user-facing messages and errors labels Oct 3, 2024
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I'm looking into this

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The issue here is that when pytrace=False, the value is passed to TerminalWriter._write_source which in turn is passed to TerminalWriter._highlight.

Working on a PR to fix this

nicoddemus pushed a commit that referenced this issue Nov 25, 2024
- When ` == "value"` (happens when calling `, pytrace=False)`, the message should not be printed to terminal using `TerminalWriter._write_source` because then it'll try to highlight the message as source code
- The message should be printed to terminal directly using `TerminalWriter.line` or `TerminalWriter.write`, I went with the later for testing purposes #12959 (comment)

Closes #12849
patchback bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Nov 25, 2024
- When ` == "value"` (happens when calling `, pytrace=False)`, the message should not be printed to terminal using `TerminalWriter._write_source` because then it'll try to highlight the message as source code
- The message should be printed to terminal directly using `TerminalWriter.line` or `TerminalWriter.write`, I went with the later for testing purposes #12959 (comment)

Closes #12849

(cherry picked from commit 76e0444)
nicoddemus pushed a commit that referenced this issue Nov 25, 2024
- When ` == "value"` (happens when calling `, pytrace=False)`, the message should not be printed to terminal using `TerminalWriter._write_source` because then it'll try to highlight the message as source code
- The message should be printed to terminal directly using `TerminalWriter.line` or `TerminalWriter.write`, I went with the later for testing purposes #12959 (comment)

Closes #12849

(cherry picked from commit 76e0444)

Co-authored-by: Leonardus Chen <[email protected]>
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topic: reporting related to terminal output and user-facing messages and errors type: bug problem that needs to be addressed
None yet
3 participants