Expressions could be used in parameter data
, label
, and extLabel
Pie chart with labels showing percentages
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
title: Pie Chart
label: '{{2/30*100}}%, {{4/30*100}}%, {{6/30*100}}%, {{8/30*100}}%, {{10/30*100}}%'
data: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
dataColor: '#4daf4a,#377eb8,#ff7f00,#984ea3,#e41a1c'
ratioInnerRadius: 0.0
Pie chart with labels showing percentages
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
datasetName: Done, NotDone
title: Arithmetic
data: '{{1 + 1}}, {{2 * 2}}, {{12/ 2}}, {{1+(2+3*2)-1}}, {{27%17}}'
label: '{{2/30*100}}%, {{4/30*100}}%, {{6/30*100}}%, {{8/30*100}}%, {{10/30*100}}%'
dataColor: '#4daf4a,#377eb8,#ff7f00,#984ea3,#e41a1c'
ratioInnerRadius: 0.5
Use parameter dataName
for the name on the legend
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
datasetName: Done, NotDone
title: Manual Input Data
label: '{{2/30*100}}%, {{4/30*100}}%, {{6/30*100}}%, {{8/30*100}}%, {{10/30*100}}%'
data: '2, 4, 6, 8, 10'
dataColor: '#4daf4a,#377eb8,#ff7f00,#984ea3,#e41a1c'
dataName: Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5
ratioInnerRadius: 0.5
showLegend: true
legendPosition: right
legendOrientation: vertical
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
title: Pie Chart
label: '{{2/30*100}}%, {{4/30*100}}%, {{6/30*100}}%, {{8/30*100}}%, {{10/30*100}}%'
data: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
ratioInnerRadius: 0.0
Using function dataset() to get Dataset then use function sum() to get the summation
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
folder: diary
datasetName: Done, NotDone
title: Love is Action
data: '{{sum(dataset(0))}},{{sum(dataset(1))}}'
dataColor: '#4daf4a,#377eb8'
label: Say👍,Not Say💔
ratioInnerRadius: 0.3
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
folder: diary
template: "How many days I said love: {{sum(dataset(0))::i}}\nHow many days I didn't say love: {{sum(dataset(1))::i}}"
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
datasetName: Done, NotDone
label: '{{0.5/28.5*100}}%, {{4/28.5*100}}%, {{6/28.5*100}}%, {{8/28.5*100}}%, {{10/28.5*100}}%'
extLabel: 'DataA {{0.5/28.5*100}}%, DataB, DataC, DataD, DataE'
data: '0.5, 4, 6, 8, 10'
dataColor: '#4daf4a,#377eb8,#ff7f00,#984ea3,#e41a1c'
ratioInnerRadius: 0.6
- Label for the first data was hidden because the fraction of it is too small (less than 0.03, 3%).
- showExtLabelOnlyIfNoLabel was set to true, thus the external label of the first data was shown due to the hidden label.
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
datasetName: Done, NotDone
label: '{{0.5/28.5*100}}%, B {{4/28.5*100}}%, C {{6/28.5*100}}%, D {{8/28.5*100}}%, E {{10/28.5*100}}%'
extLabel: 'A {{0.5/28.5*100}}%, {{4/28.5*100}}%, {{6/28.5*100}}%, {{8/28.5*100}}%, {{10/28.5*100}}%'
data: '0.5, 4, 6, 8, 10'
dataColor: '#4daf4a,#377eb8,#ff7f00,#984ea3,#e41a1c'
ratioInnerRadius: 0.4
hideLabelLessThan: 0.03
showExtLabelOnlyIfNoLabel: true
When there are multiple external labels, make sure they won't overlap with each other
searchType: task.done, task.notdone
searchTarget: Say I love you, Say I love you
datasetName: Done, NotDone
label: '{{0.5/11*100}}%, B {{0.4/11*100}}%, C {{0.1/11*100}}%, D {{8/11*100}}%, E {{9.7/11*100}}%, F {{0.3/28.5*100}}'
extLabel: 'A {{0.5/11*100}}%, B {{0.4/11*100}}%, C {{0.1/11*100}}%, D {{8/11*100}}%, E {{9.7/11*100}}, F {{0.3/11*100}}%'
data: '0.5, 0.4, 0.1, 8, 9.7, 0.3'
dataColor: '#4daf4a,#377eb8,#ff7f00,#984ea3,#e41a1c,#aaaaaa'
ratioInnerRadius: 0.4
hideLabelLessThan: 0.03
showExtLabelOnlyIfNoLabel: true