Change the default dateFomat on Tracker settings panel and then check the following trackers in the preview mode. Only the one fit dateFomat settings will get rendered.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
startDate: 2021-01-01
endDate: 2021-01-05
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
startDate: 1-20210101
endDate: 5-20210105
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
startDate: 2021-01-01-Friday
endDate: 2021-01-05-Tuesday
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
startDate: 2021-01-01_Fri
endDate: 2021-01-05_Tue
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
startDate: 01-01-2021
endDate: 05-01-2021
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
startDate: 01.01.2021
endDate: 05.01.2021
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
dateFormat: iso-8601
startDate: 2021-01-01T14:53:25+00:00
endDate: 2021-01-05T14:53:25+00:00
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
The string provided in dateFormatPrefix and dateFormatSuffix will be removed before parsing dates.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
dateFormat: YYYYMMDD
dateFormatPrefix: D-
startDate: D-20210101
endDate: D-20210105
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
dateFormat: YYYYMMDD
dateFormatSuffix: -D
startDate: 20210101-D
endDate: 20210105-D
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
Examples of file name
- Jeffrey-20210101-Journal
- Jeffrey-20210102-Diary
- Lucas-2021-0103-Journal
- Lucas-2021-0104-Diary
Data from the same days will be summed up.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: exercise-pushup
folder: diary
dateFormat: YYYYMMDD
dateFormatPrefix: '(Jeffrey-|Lucas-)'
dateFormatSuffix: '(-Journal|-Diary)'
startDate: 20210101
endDate: 20210105
title: PushUp
yAxisLabel: Count
yAxisUnit: times
lineColor: yellow
The reference date of the relative date input is 'today' (The current date of your computer), So
- 0d ==> today
- -1d ==> yesterday
- -1w ==> last week
- -1M ==> last month
- -1y ==> last year
- small 'm' represent 'minute'
- If the date range is less than 1 day, you will get the error message 'No valid date as X value found in notes'.
searchType: tag
searchTarget: weight
folder: diary
startDate: -1M
endDate: 0d
title: Weight Log
yAxisLabel: Weight
yAxisUnit: kg
lineColor: yellow
Please also check those search targets in markdown files under folder 'diary'.