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SSL Errors

fernandog edited this page Mar 16, 2016 · 7 revisions

What are SSL errors.?

SSL errors are connection errors to a secured HTTPS website. Sickrage uses this method to ensure your connection is secure and private. However that also means you need to have a recent OpenSSL version installed on your OS. If its outdated you can suffer from SSL connection errors.

Some examples of SSL errors :

POSTPROCESSER :: Boxcar2 notification failed.error ('_ssl.c:574: The handshake operation timed out',) [3f0efd1]
POSTPROCESSER :: Boxcar2 notification failed.error EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:590) [3f0efd1]
Postprocessing fails with SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED
[NZBGeek] :: Connection error to getURL*KEY REMOVED*&tvdbid=262765&season=3&maxage=500&cat=5030%2C5040&q=The.Valleys&limit=100&t=tvsearch&offset=0&ep=7 Error: u'error (\'Connection aborted.\', BadStatusLine("\'\'",))' [4423fe9] 
 _ssl.c:499: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
[TvChaosUK] :: [d775a91] Traceback (most recent call last): AAAttributeError: '_socketobject' object has no attribute 'set_tlsext_host_name'

What versions should i use.?

We advice to use a minimum of OpenSSL version 1.01e. Versions below this dont support TLS1.1 or TLS1.2 that is needed for a site like thepiratebay.
Additionally we advice to use Python v 2.7.10 as that includes a recent version that works fine with SSL.

Summery :

  • Python < 2.7.9 needs a working pyOpenSSL to handle SNI and certificate verification.
  • You have pyOpenSSL > v0.13.1 and do not have the Python cryptography module installed so you have no SNI, and are trying to access a site on shared hosting
  • Your system OpenSSL version is less than 1.0.1e and you are trying to access a site using TLS1.1 or TLS1.2

How can i see what version i have installed.?

If you browse to the Help & Info page (screenshot below) inside Sickrage, you can check the field Python Version: & SSL Version:. Those will show you the version currently in use by Sickrage/OS.


How would i fix an SSL error.?

There are multiple way's. But the most obviously is update your OpenSSl & Python versions. Some Solutions you find below.

However you might be in a situation where you have and old device and updating isn't possible. Than there are some work-around's , but we advice to use them as a last resort as they aren't the best practice.

  • Go to Settings --> General --> Advanced Settings. And disable the function Verify SSL Certs. This will prevent the checking if an certificate is valid or not.
  • Change the URL(s) from https to http. Most providers have a custom URL field, so just enter the http URL there. Same for the notifiers etc. However be aware that you are not using a secure connection then.



  1. Make sure you have OpenSSL 1.0.1e or newer. Check with openssl version. Google how to upgrade OpenSSL on your system.

  2. Install Python 2.7.10 and remove pyOpenSSL, or Downgrade pyOpenSSL to 0.13.1 or install missing modules.

a. Downgrade pyOpenSSL (Best/Easiest Solution, should work on all platforms with apt)

sudo apt-get install --reinstall build-essential python-pip python-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev
sudo pip2.7 install -U setuptools pip pyasn1 ndg-httpsclient pyopenssl==0.13.1

b. Install the Python cryptography module (PITA, Does not work on all platforms) This will build and install all of the packages needed to use pyOpenSSL from Medusa:

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
wget -O - | sudo python2
sudo pip install -U cryptography ndg-httpsclient pyopenssl

Why don't we just include the correct version of pyOpenSSL?

  • Architecture. pyOpenSSL compiles some shared objects when installed, and for example x64 .so files will not work with x86 and vice versa, or other architectures.


  • The wget line is because some distributions do not even have setuptools available.
  • Some platforms have a funky wget, if you have problems with the wget command do this in place of that step:
curl -O -L
sudo python2
  • urllib3 does not run using pyopenssl unless ndg-httpsclient, pyasn1, and pyopenssl modules are installed, it runs with the standard ssl built into python. The other packages, and libraries, are dependencies or build dependencies for upgrading some python packages.

Sometimes a user that just migrated from sickbeard asks the question I never had any issues with sickbeard Well that's because sickbeard didn't use secure connections at all...

Please add any platform specific instructions for completing these tasks below