diff --git a/pyiron_contrib/jobfactories/__init__.py b/pyiron_contrib/jobfactories/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e51c8c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyiron_contrib/jobfactories/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+from pyiron_base import HasStorage, GenericJob
+from pyiron_atomistics import Atoms
+from pyiron_contrib import Project
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+import contextlib
+from typing import Optional, Callable
+class JobFactory(HasStorage, ABC):
+    """
+    A small class for high throughput job execution.
+    This class and its sub classes can be used to specify pyiron jobs and their
+    options with instantiating the actual job classes.  They can be easily
+    saved into HDF.  Actual jobs can be created from them with :meth:`.run` or
+    :meth:`.make`.  This allows them to be passed around in complex workflows
+    which can then be written without reference to actual job classes, so that
+    the underlying calculation can be swapped out easily.
+    >>> from pyiron_atomistics import Project
+    >>> pr = Project('.')
+    >>> cu = pr.create.structure.bulk('Cu')
+    >>> f = GenericJobFactory('Lammps')
+    >>> f.attr.potential = 'my_potential'
+    >>> f.calc_md(n_ionic_steps=1_000, temperature=100)
+    >>> f.project = pr
+    >>> j = f.run('my_lammps', modify=lambda job: job, structure=cu)
+    would be roughly equivalent to
+    >>> if 'my_lammps' not in pr.list_nodes() or pr.get_job_status(name) not in ['finished', 'submitted']:
+    ...   j = pr.create.job.Lammps('my_lammps')
+    ...   j.potential = 'my_potential'
+    ...   j.structure = cu
+    ...   j.calc_md(n_ionic_steps=1_000, temperature=100)
+    ...   # modify is called here
+    ...   j.run()
+    ... else:
+    ...   j = None
+    For a single job this is ok syntax sugar, but for large numbers of
+    submitted jobs this can become a substantial simplification, i.e.
+    >>> import numpy as np
+    >>> strains = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, 500)
+    >>> for eps in strains:
+    ...   j.run(f'my_lammps_{eps}', modify=lambda j: j['user/strain'] := eps and j, structure=cu.apply_strain(eps-1, return_box=True))
+    is much easier to understand than a loop around the above "standard"
+    construct.  While one could use functions to save a similar amount of
+    typing, functions are much harder to compose and serialize long term.
+    To call any method on a to be created job, just call the same method on the
+    job factory.  To set any attribute on it, set it on :attr:`.attr` of the
+    job factory.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.storage.create_group('input')
+        self._project_nodes = None
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _get_hamilton(self):
+        """
+        Name of the job class that should be used, as registered to the
+        pyiron_base job factory.
+        """
+        pass
+    @property
+    def hamilton(self):
+        return self._get_hamilton()
+    @property
+    def attr(self):
+        """
+        Access to attributes, that should be set on the job after creation.
+        """
+        return self.storage.create_group('attributes')
+    @property
+    def project(self) -> Project:
+        """
+        Project that jobs should be created in by :meth:`.make`.
+        """
+        return self._project
+    @project.setter
+    def project(self, value: Project):
+        self._project = value
+        self._project_nodes = None
+    @property
+    def server(self):
+        """
+        Access to run time related options, the following are recognized:
+            - queue
+            - cores
+            - run_time
+        """
+        return self.storage.create_group('server')
+    @property
+    def cores(self):
+        return self.server.get('cores', self.storage.get('cores', None))
+    @cores.setter
+    def cores(self, cores):
+        self.server.cores = cores
+    @property
+    def run_time(self):
+        return self.server.get('run_time', self.storage.get('run_time', None))
+    @run_time.setter
+    def run_time(self, cores):
+        self.server.run_time = cores
+    @property
+    def queue(self):
+        return self.server.get('queue', self.storage.get('queue', None))
+    @queue.setter
+    def queue(self, cores):
+        self.server.queue = cores
+    def copy(self):
+        """
+        Return a deep copy.
+        """
+        copy = type(self)()
+        copy.storage.clear()
+        copy.storage.update(self.storage.copy())
+        copy.project = self.project
+        return copy
+    def set_input(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Set attributes on the job's input after it is created.
+        """
+        for key, value in kwargs.items():
+            self.input[key] = value
+            # self.storage.input[key] = value
+    @property
+    def input(self):
+        return self.storage.create_group("input")
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
+            raise AttributeError(name)
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            d = self.storage.create_group(f'methods/{name}')
+            d['args'] = args
+            d['kwargs'] = kwargs
+        return wrapper
+    def _prepare_job(self, job, structure):
+        if structure is not None:
+            job.structure = structure
+        if self.queue is not None:
+            job.server.queue = self.queue
+        if self.cores is not None:
+            job.server.cores = self.cores
+        if self.run_time is not None:
+            job.server.run_time = self.run_time
+        for k, v in self.storage.input.items():
+            job.input[k] = v
+        if 'methods' in self.storage:
+            for meth, ka in self.storage.methods.items():
+                getattr(job, meth)(*ka.args, **ka.kwargs)
+        if 'attributes' in self.storage:
+            for attr, val in self.storage.attributes.items():
+                setattr(job, attr, val)
+        return job
+    def _project_list_nodes(self):
+        if self._project_nodes is None:
+            self._project_nodes = self.project.list_nodes()
+        return self._project_nodes
+    def make(self,
+             name: str, modify: Callable[[GenericJob], GenericJob],
+             structure: Atoms,
+             delete_existing_job=False, delete_aborted_job=True,
+    ) -> Optional[GenericJob]:
+        """
+        Create a new job if necessary.
+        Args:
+            name (str): name of the new job
+            modify (str): a function to make individual changes to the job if it is created
+            structure (Atoms): the structure to set on the job
+            delete_existing_job, delete_aborted_job: passed through normal job creation
+        Returns:
+            GenericJob: if job newly created
+            None: if job already existed and no action was taken
+        """
+        # short circuit if job already successfully ran
+        if not delete_existing_job and (
+                name in self._project_list_nodes() \
+                    and self.project.get_job_status(name) in ['finished', 'submitted']
+        ):
+            return None
+        job = getattr(self.project.create.job, self.hamilton)(
+                name,
+                delete_existing_job=delete_existing_job,
+                delete_aborted_job=delete_aborted_job
+        )
+        if not job.status.initialized: return None
+        # FIXME: think about; when submitting large number of jobs with this
+        # function that are all new, we can lose up 25% of run time by
+        # recomputing this every time
+        # adding new jobs, invalidate node cache
+        # self._project_nodes = None
+        job = self._prepare_job(job, structure)
+        job = modify(job) or job
+        return job
+    def run(self,
+            name: str, modify: Callable[[GenericJob], GenericJob],
+            structure: Atoms,
+            delete_existing_job: bool = False, delete_aborted_job: bool = True,
+            silence: bool = True
+    ) -> Optional[GenericJob]:
+        """
+        First make a job, then run it if necessary.
+        Args:
+            name (str): name of the new job
+            modify (str): a function to make individual changes to the job if it is created
+            structure (Atoms): the structure to set on the job
+            delete_existing_job, delete_aborted_job: passed through normal job creation
+            silence (bool): redirect standard output while calling `job.run()`.
+        Returns:
+            GenericJob: if job newly created
+            None: if job already existed and no action was taken
+        """
+        job = self.make(
+                name, modify, structure,
+                delete_existing_job, delete_aborted_job
+        )
+        if job is None:
+            return
+        if silence:
+            with open('/dev/null', 'w') as f, contextlib.redirect_stdout(f):
+                job.run()
+        else:
+            job.run()
+        return job
+class GenericJobFactory(JobFactory):
+    def __init__(self, hamilton=None):
+        super().__init__()
+        if hamilton is not None:
+            self.storage.hamilton = hamilton
+    def _get_hamilton(self):
+        return self.storage.hamilton
+class MasterJobFactory(GenericJobFactory):
+    def set_ref_job(self, ref_job):
+        self.storage.ref_job = ref_job
+    def _prepare_job(self, job, structure):
+        job.ref_job = self.storage.ref_job
+        super()._prepare_job(job, structure)
+        return job
+class DftFactory(JobFactory):
+    def set_empty_states(self, states_per_atom):
+        self.storage.empty_states_per_atom = states_per_atom
+    def _prepare_job(self, job, structure):
+        job = super()._prepare_job(job, structure)
+        if 'empty_states_per_atom' in self.storage:
+            job.input['EmptyStates'] = \
+                    len(structure) * self.storage.empty_states_per_atom + 3
+        return job
+class VaspFactory(DftFactory):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.storage.incar = {}
+        self.storage.nband_nelec_map = None
+    @property
+    def incar(self):
+        return self.storage.incar
+    def enable_nband_hack(self, nelec: dict):
+        self.storage.nband_nelec_map = nelec
+    def _get_hamilton(self):
+        return 'Vasp'
+    def minimize_volume(self):
+        self.calc_minimize(pressure=0.0, volume_only=True)
+    def minimize_cell(self):
+        self.calc_minimize()
+        self.incar['ISIF'] = 5
+    def minimize_internal(self):
+        self.calc_minimize()
+    def minimize_all(self):
+        self.calc_minimize(pressure=0.0)
+    def _prepare_job(self, job, structure):
+        job = super()._prepare_job(job, structure)
+        for k, v in self.incar.items():
+            job.input.incar[k] = v
+        if self.storage.nband_nelec_map is not None:
+            # weird structure sometimes require more bands
+            # HACK: for Mg/Al/Ca, since Ca needs a lot of electrons
+            elems = {'Mg', 'Al', 'Ca'}
+            if elems.union(set(structure.get_chemical_symbols())) == elems:
+                nelect = sum(self.storage.nband_nelec_map[el] for el in structure.get_chemical_symbols())
+                job.input.incar['NBANDS'] = nelect + len(structure)
+        return job
+class SphinxFactory(DftFactory):
+    def _get_hamilton(self):
+        return 'Sphinx'
+class LammpsFactory(JobFactory):
+    @property
+    def potential(self):
+        return self.storage.potential
+    @potential.setter
+    def potential(self, value):
+        self.storage.potential = value
+    def _get_hamilton(self):
+        return "Lammps"
+    def _prepare_job(self, job, structure):
+        super()._prepare_job(job, structure)
+        job.potential = self.potential
+        return job
+class MlipFactory(LammpsFactory):
+    def _get_hamilton(self):
+        return "LammpsMlip"