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Release checklist

Chris Holdgraf edited this page Apr 21, 2020 · 25 revisions

Release instructions

the pydata-sphinx-theme follows semantic version numbers. Here are the steps to release a new version:

Release instructions from [the release checklist wiki](

## Pre-requisites
- [ ] Ensure that you have [`twine` installed](
- [ ] [Create a new issue]( to track the release and copy this list into it. Use this as a checklist for your release.

## Version bump
- [ ] Remove `dev0` from the version in [```` ``__version__``](
- [ ] Make a release commit: ``git commit -m 'RLS: v0.2.0'``
- [ ] Push the RLS commit ``git push upstream master``

## Create wheels and publish to PyPI
- [ ] ``python sdist``
- [ ] ``python bdist_wheel --universal``
- [ ] Upload to PyPI [using `twine`]( ``twine upload dist/*``

## Confirm uploads
(wait a few minutes to let the package pages update)
- [ ] Confirm that [the PyPI version is updated](
- [ ] [The conda-forge version]( will be updated automatically after pushing to PyPI

## GitHub release
- [ ] [Make a GitHub release](
- [ ] Call the release the current version, e.g. `v0.2.0` and pin it to `master`
- [ ] Add some simple release notes. If you wish, use [`github-activity` to generate a changelog](

## Update master for new dev version
- [ ] Bump the [```` ``__version__``]( and add `dev0` to it. e.g.: `v0.2.1dev0`.
- [ ] Push to master.
- [ ] Celebrate, you're done!
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