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Lanchon edited this page Sep 19, 2017 · 2 revisions


these tools were removed and are no longer supported in dex2jar version 2.0 and later.

if you know of alternative tools for renaming identifiers in Java bytecode using a map file, please add them here.


dex-tool- add support to DeObfuscate a jar


The Problem

for a Obfuscated jar like this

package a;
public class a
  static String a = "Hello";
  static void a() {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

all package,class,field,method names are 'a', which is difficult to read.

DeObfuscate It

run the following command

#generate a 'suggest' config for rename
d2j-init-deobf -f -o init.txt a.jar

we got a init.txt

p a=pa
c a/a=C000_a
m a/a.a()=Ma
m a/a.a=Fa

which means

#rename package a to pa
p a=pa
#rename class a to C000_a
c a/a=C000_a
#rename method a to Ma
m a/a.a()=Ma
#rename field a to Fa
m a/a.a=Fa

modify init.txt to

#rename package a to hello
p a=hello
#rename class a to World
c a/a=World
#rename method a to say
m a/a.a()=say
#rename field a to message
m a/a.a=message

and run

d2j-jar-remap -f -c init.txt -o a-deobf.jar a.jar

now we get the comfortable source

package hello;


public class World
  static String message = "Hello";

  static void say() {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

or run the program with

java -cp a-deobf.jar hello.World
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