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Document: "virtualNetworkGateway"

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A common class for general resource information.

azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection {
  api_version => "api_version",
  etag => "etag (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  location => "location (optional)",
  parameters => "parameters",
  properties => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection_properties_format
  resource_group_name => "resource_group_name",
  subscription_id => "subscription_id",
  tags => "tags (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
api_version String true Client API version.
etag String false Gets a unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.
id String false Resource ID.
location String false Resource location.
parameters Hash true Parameters supplied to the create or update virtual network gateway connection operation.
properties VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionPropertiesFormat true Properties of the virtual network gateway connection.
resource_group_name String true The name of the resource group.
subscription_id String true The subscription credentials which uniquely identify the Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
tags Hash false Resource tags.


VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection properties.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection_properties_format = {
  authorizationKey => "authorizationKey (optional)",
  connectionProtocol => $azure_connection_protocol
  connectionStatus => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection_status
  connectionType => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection_type
  enableBgp => "enableBgp (optional)",
  expressRouteGatewayBypass => "expressRouteGatewayBypass (optional)",
  ipsecPolicies => $azure_ipsec_policy
  localNetworkGateway2 => $azure_local_network_gateway
  peer => $azure_sub_resource
  resourceGuid => "resourceGuid (optional)",
  routingWeight => "1234 (optional)",
  sharedKey => "sharedKey (optional)",
  tunnelConnectionStatus => $azure_tunnel_connection_health
  usePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors => "usePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors (optional)",
  virtualNetworkGateway1 => $azure_virtual_network_gateway
  virtualNetworkGateway2 => $azure_virtual_network_gateway
Name Type Required Description
authorizationKey String false The authorizationKey.
connectionProtocol ConnectionProtocol false Connection protocol used for this connection.
connectionStatus VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus false Virtual Network Gateway connection status.
connectionType VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType true Gateway connection type.
enableBgp Boolean false EnableBgp flag.
expressRouteGatewayBypass Boolean false Bypass ExpressRoute Gateway for data forwarding.
ipsecPolicies IpsecPolicy false The IPSec Policies to be considered by this connection.
localNetworkGateway2 LocalNetworkGateway false The reference to local network gateway resource.
peer SubResource false The reference to peerings resource.
resourceGuid String false The resource GUID property of the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection resource.
routingWeight Integer false The routing weight.
sharedKey String false The IPSec shared key.
tunnelConnectionStatus TunnelConnectionHealth false Collection of all tunnels' connection health status.
usePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors Boolean false Enable policy-based traffic selectors.
virtualNetworkGateway1 VirtualNetworkGateway true The reference to virtual network gateway resource.
virtualNetworkGateway2 VirtualNetworkGateway false The reference to virtual network gateway resource.


Gateway connection protocol.

$azure_connection_protocol = {
Name Type Required Description


Virtual Network Gateway connection status.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection_status = {
Name Type Required Description


Gateway connection type.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection_type = {
Name Type Required Description


An IPSec Policy configuration for a virtual network gateway connection.

$azure_ipsec_policy = {
  dhGroup => $azure_dh_group
  ikeEncryption => $azure_ike_encryption
  ikeIntegrity => $azure_ike_integrity
  ipsecEncryption => $azure_ipsec_encryption
  ipsecIntegrity => $azure_ipsec_integrity
  pfsGroup => $azure_pfs_group
  saDataSizeKilobytes => "1234",
  saLifeTimeSeconds => "1234",
Name Type Required Description
dhGroup DhGroup true The DH Group used in IKE Phase 1 for initial SA.
ikeEncryption IkeEncryption true The IKE encryption algorithm (IKE phase 2).
ikeIntegrity IkeIntegrity true The IKE integrity algorithm (IKE phase 2).
ipsecEncryption IpsecEncryption true The IPSec encryption algorithm (IKE phase 1).
ipsecIntegrity IpsecIntegrity true The IPSec integrity algorithm (IKE phase 1).
pfsGroup PfsGroup true The Pfs Group used in IKE Phase 2 for new child SA.
saDataSizeKilobytes Integer true The IPSec Security Association (also called Quick Mode or Phase 2 SA) payload size in KB for a site to site VPN tunnel.
saLifeTimeSeconds Integer true The IPSec Security Association (also called Quick Mode or Phase 2 SA) lifetime in seconds for a site to site VPN tunnel.


The DH Groups used in IKE Phase 1 for initial SA.

$azure_dh_group = {
Name Type Required Description


The IKE encryption algorithm (IKE phase 2).

$azure_ike_encryption = {
Name Type Required Description


The IKE integrity algorithm (IKE phase 2).

$azure_ike_integrity = {
Name Type Required Description


The IPSec encryption algorithm (IKE phase 1).

$azure_ipsec_encryption = {
Name Type Required Description


The IPSec integrity algorithm (IKE phase 1).

$azure_ipsec_integrity = {
Name Type Required Description


The Pfs Groups used in IKE Phase 2 for new child SA.

$azure_pfs_group = {
Name Type Required Description


A common class for general resource information.

$azure_local_network_gateway = {
  etag => "etag (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  location => "location (optional)",
  properties => $azure_local_network_gateway_properties_format
  tags => "tags (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
etag String false A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.
id String false Resource ID.
location String false Resource location.
properties LocalNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat true Properties of the local network gateway.
tags Hash false Resource tags.


LocalNetworkGateway properties.

$azure_local_network_gateway_properties_format = {
  bgpSettings => $azure_bgp_settings
  gatewayIpAddress => "gatewayIpAddress (optional)",
  localNetworkAddressSpace => $azure_address_space
  resourceGuid => "resourceGuid (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
bgpSettings BgpSettings false Local network gateway's BGP speaker settings.
gatewayIpAddress String false IP address of local network gateway.
localNetworkAddressSpace AddressSpace false Local network site address space.
resourceGuid String false The resource GUID property of the LocalNetworkGateway resource.


BGP settings details.

$azure_bgp_settings = {
  asn => "1234 (optional)",
  bgpPeeringAddress => "bgpPeeringAddress (optional)",
  peerWeight => "1234 (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
asn Integer false The BGP speaker's ASN.
bgpPeeringAddress String false The BGP peering address and BGP identifier of this BGP speaker.
peerWeight Integer false The weight added to routes learned from this BGP speaker.


AddressSpace contains an array of IP address ranges that can be used by subnets of the virtual network.

$azure_address_space = {
  addressPrefixes => "addressPrefixes (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
addressPrefixes Array false A list of address blocks reserved for this virtual network in CIDR notation.


Reference to another subresource.

$azure_sub_resource = {
  id => "id (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
id String false Resource ID.


VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection properties.

$azure_tunnel_connection_health = {
  connectionStatus => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_connection_status
Name Type Required Description
connectionStatus VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus false Virtual Network Gateway connection status.


A common class for general resource information.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway = {
  etag => "etag (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  location => "location (optional)",
  properties => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_properties_format
  tags => "tags (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
etag String false Gets a unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.
id String false Resource ID.
location String false Resource location.
properties VirtualNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat true Properties of the virtual network gateway.
tags Hash false Resource tags.


VirtualNetworkGateway properties.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway_properties_format = {
  activeActive => "activeActive (optional)",
  bgpSettings => $azure_bgp_settings
  customRoutes => $azure_address_space
  enableBgp => "enableBgp (optional)",
  gatewayDefaultSite => $azure_sub_resource
  gatewayType => "gatewayType (optional)",
  ipConfigurations => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_ip_configuration
  resourceGuid => "resourceGuid (optional)",
  sku => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_sku
  vpnClientConfiguration => $azure_vpn_client_configuration
  vpnType => "vpnType (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
activeActive Boolean false ActiveActive flag.
bgpSettings BgpSettings false Virtual network gateway's BGP speaker settings.
customRoutes AddressSpace false The reference of the address space resource which represents the custom routes address space specified by the customer for virtual network gateway and VpnClient.
enableBgp Boolean false Whether BGP is enabled for this virtual network gateway or not.
gatewayDefaultSite SubResource false The reference of the LocalNetworkGateway resource which represents local network site having default routes. Assign Null value in case of removing existing default site setting.
gatewayType String false The type of this virtual network gateway.
ipConfigurations VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfiguration false IP configurations for virtual network gateway.
resourceGuid String false The resource GUID property of the VirtualNetworkGateway resource.
sku VirtualNetworkGatewaySku false The reference of the VirtualNetworkGatewaySku resource which represents the SKU selected for Virtual network gateway.
vpnClientConfiguration VpnClientConfiguration false The reference of the VpnClientConfiguration resource which represents the P2S VpnClient configurations.
vpnType String false The type of this virtual network gateway.


IP configuration for virtual network gateway.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway_ip_configuration = {
  etag => "etag (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  name => "name (optional)",
  properties => $azure_virtual_network_gateway_ip_configuration_properties_format
Name Type Required Description
etag String false A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.
id String false Resource ID.
name String false The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource.
properties VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat false Properties of the virtual network gateway ip configuration.


Properties of VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfiguration.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway_ip_configuration_properties_format = {
  privateIPAllocationMethod => $azure_ip_allocation_method
  publicIPAddress => $azure_sub_resource
  subnet => $azure_sub_resource
Name Type Required Description
privateIPAllocationMethod IPAllocationMethod false The private IP address allocation method.
publicIPAddress SubResource false The reference of the public IP resource.
subnet SubResource false The reference of the subnet resource.


IP address allocation method.

$azure_ip_allocation_method = {
Name Type Required Description


VirtualNetworkGatewaySku details.

$azure_virtual_network_gateway_sku = {
  capacity => "1234 (optional)",
  name => "name (optional)",
  tier => "tier (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
capacity Integer false The capacity.
name String false Gateway SKU name.
tier String false Gateway SKU tier.


VpnClientConfiguration for P2S client.

$azure_vpn_client_configuration = {
  aadAudience => "aadAudience (optional)",
  aadIssuer => "aadIssuer (optional)",
  aadTenant => "aadTenant (optional)",
  radiusServerAddress => "radiusServerAddress (optional)",
  radiusServerSecret => "radiusServerSecret (optional)",
  vpnClientAddressPool => $azure_address_space
  vpnClientIpsecPolicies => $azure_ipsec_policy
  vpnClientProtocols => "vpnClientProtocols (optional)",
  vpnClientRevokedCertificates => $azure_vpn_client_revoked_certificate
  vpnClientRootCertificates => $azure_vpn_client_root_certificate
Name Type Required Description
aadAudience String false The AADAudience property of the VirtualNetworkGateway resource for vpn client connection used for AAD authentication.
aadIssuer String false The AADIssuer property of the VirtualNetworkGateway resource for vpn client connection used for AAD authentication.
aadTenant String false The AADTenant property of the VirtualNetworkGateway resource for vpn client connection used for AAD authentication.
radiusServerAddress String false The radius server address property of the VirtualNetworkGateway resource for vpn client connection.
radiusServerSecret String false The radius secret property of the VirtualNetworkGateway resource for vpn client connection.
vpnClientAddressPool AddressSpace false The reference of the address space resource which represents Address space for P2S VpnClient.
vpnClientIpsecPolicies IpsecPolicy false VpnClientIpsecPolicies for virtual network gateway P2S client.
vpnClientProtocols Array false VpnClientProtocols for Virtual network gateway.
vpnClientRevokedCertificates VpnClientRevokedCertificate false VpnClientRevokedCertificate for Virtual network gateway.
vpnClientRootCertificates VpnClientRootCertificate false VpnClientRootCertificate for virtual network gateway.


VPN client revoked certificate of virtual network gateway.

$azure_vpn_client_revoked_certificate = {
  etag => "etag (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  name => "name (optional)",
  properties => $azure_vpn_client_revoked_certificate_properties_format
Name Type Required Description
etag String false A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.
id String false Resource ID.
name String false The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource.
properties VpnClientRevokedCertificatePropertiesFormat false Properties of the vpn client revoked certificate.


Properties of the revoked VPN client certificate of virtual network gateway.

$azure_vpn_client_revoked_certificate_properties_format = {
  thumbprint => "thumbprint (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
thumbprint String false The revoked VPN client certificate thumbprint.


VPN client root certificate of virtual network gateway.

$azure_vpn_client_root_certificate = {
  etag => "etag (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  name => "name (optional)",
  properties => $azure_vpn_client_root_certificate_properties_format
Name Type Required Description
etag String false A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.
id String false Resource ID.
name String false The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource.
properties VpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat true Properties of the vpn client root certificate.


Properties of SSL certificates of application gateway.

$azure_vpn_client_root_certificate_properties_format = {
  publicCertData => "publicCertData",
Name Type Required Description
publicCertData String true The certificate public data.

CRUD operations

Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection

Operation Path Verb Description OperationID
Create /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/%{virtual_network_gateway_connection_name} Put Creates or updates a virtual network gateway connection in the specified resource group. VirtualNetworkGatewayConnections_CreateOrUpdate
List - list all ``
List - get one /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/%{virtual_network_gateway_connection_name} Get Gets the specified virtual network gateway connection by resource group. VirtualNetworkGatewayConnections_Get
List - get list using params /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections Get The List VirtualNetworkGatewayConnections operation retrieves all the virtual network gateways connections created. VirtualNetworkGatewayConnections_List
Update /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/%{virtual_network_gateway_connection_name} Put Creates or updates a virtual network gateway connection in the specified resource group. VirtualNetworkGatewayConnections_CreateOrUpdate
Delete /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/connections/%{virtual_network_gateway_connection_name} Delete Deletes the specified virtual network Gateway connection. VirtualNetworkGatewayConnections_Delete