Document: "service"
Protection container mapping object.
azure_protection_container_mapping {
api_version => "api_version",
creation_input => "creationInput",
fabric_name => "fabric_name",
location => "location (optional)",
mapping_name => "mapping_name",
properties => $azure_protection_container_mapping_properties
protection_container_name => "protection_container_name",
resource_group_name => "resource_group_name",
resource_name => "resource_name",
subscription_id => "subscription_id",
Name | Type | Required | Description |
api_version | String | true | Client Api Version. |
creation_input | Hash | true | Mapping creation input. |
fabric_name | String | true | Fabric name. |
location | String | false | Resource Location |
mapping_name | String | true | Protection container mapping name. |
properties | ProtectionContainerMappingProperties | false | The custom data. |
protection_container_name | String | true | Protection container name. |
resource_group_name | String | true | The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present. |
resource_name | String | true | The name of the recovery services vault. |
subscription_id | String | true | The subscription Id. |
Protection container mapping properties.
$azure_protection_container_mapping_properties = {
health => "health (optional)",
healthErrorDetails => $azure_health_error
policyFriendlyName => "policyFriendlyName (optional)",
policyId => "policyId (optional)",
providerSpecificDetails => $azure_protection_container_mapping_provider_specific_details
sourceFabricFriendlyName => "sourceFabricFriendlyName (optional)",
sourceProtectionContainerFriendlyName => "sourceProtectionContainerFriendlyName (optional)",
state => "state (optional)",
targetFabricFriendlyName => "targetFabricFriendlyName (optional)",
targetProtectionContainerFriendlyName => "targetProtectionContainerFriendlyName (optional)",
targetProtectionContainerId => "targetProtectionContainerId (optional)",
Name | Type | Required | Description |
health | String | false | Health of pairing. |
healthErrorDetails | HealthError | false | Health error. |
policyFriendlyName | String | false | Friendly name of replication policy. |
policyId | String | false | Policy ARM Id. |
providerSpecificDetails | ProtectionContainerMappingProviderSpecificDetails | false | Provider specific provider details. |
sourceFabricFriendlyName | String | false | Friendly name of source fabric. |
sourceProtectionContainerFriendlyName | String | false | Friendly name of source protection container. |
state | String | false | Association Status |
targetFabricFriendlyName | String | false | Friendly name of target fabric. |
targetProtectionContainerFriendlyName | String | false | Friendly name of paired container. |
targetProtectionContainerId | String | false | Paired protection container ARM ID. |
Health Error
$azure_health_error = {
creationTimeUtc => "creationTimeUtc (optional)",
customerResolvability => "customerResolvability (optional)",
entityId => "entityId (optional)",
errorCategory => "errorCategory (optional)",
errorCode => "errorCode (optional)",
errorId => "errorId (optional)",
errorLevel => "errorLevel (optional)",
errorMessage => "errorMessage (optional)",
errorSource => "errorSource (optional)",
errorType => "errorType (optional)",
innerHealthErrors => $azure_inner_health_error
possibleCauses => "possibleCauses (optional)",
recommendedAction => "recommendedAction (optional)",
recoveryProviderErrorMessage => "recoveryProviderErrorMessage (optional)",
summaryMessage => "summaryMessage (optional)",
Name | Type | Required | Description |
creationTimeUtc | String | false | Error creation time (UTC) |
customerResolvability | String | false | Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. |
entityId | String | false | ID of the entity. |
errorCategory | String | false | Category of error. |
errorCode | String | false | Error code. |
errorId | String | false | The health error unique id. |
errorLevel | String | false | Level of error. |
errorMessage | String | false | Error message. |
errorSource | String | false | Source of error. |
errorType | String | false | Type of error. |
innerHealthErrors | InnerHealthError | false | The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException. |
possibleCauses | String | false | Possible causes of error. |
recommendedAction | String | false | Recommended action to resolve error. |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | String | false | DRA error message. |
summaryMessage | String | false | Summary message of the entity. |
Implements InnerHealthError class. HealthError object has a list of InnerHealthErrors as child errors. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException.
$azure_inner_health_error = {
creationTimeUtc => "creationTimeUtc (optional)",
entityId => "entityId (optional)",
errorCategory => "errorCategory (optional)",
errorCode => "errorCode (optional)",
errorLevel => "errorLevel (optional)",
errorMessage => "errorMessage (optional)",
errorSource => "errorSource (optional)",
errorType => "errorType (optional)",
possibleCauses => "possibleCauses (optional)",
recommendedAction => "recommendedAction (optional)",
recoveryProviderErrorMessage => "recoveryProviderErrorMessage (optional)",
summaryMessage => "summaryMessage (optional)",
Name | Type | Required | Description |
creationTimeUtc | String | false | Error creation time (UTC) |
entityId | String | false | ID of the entity. |
errorCategory | String | false | Category of error. |
errorCode | String | false | Error code. |
errorLevel | String | false | Level of error. |
errorMessage | String | false | Error message. |
errorSource | String | false | Source of error. |
errorType | String | false | Type of error. |
possibleCauses | String | false | Possible causes of error. |
recommendedAction | String | false | Recommended action to resolve error. |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | String | false | DRA error message. |
summaryMessage | String | false | Summary message of the entity. |
Container mapping provider specific details.
$azure_protection_container_mapping_provider_specific_details = {
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the ProtectionContainerMapping
Operation | Path | Verb | Description | OperationID |
Create | /Subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/%{resource_name}/replicationFabrics/%{fabric_name}/replicationProtectionContainers/%{protection_container_name}/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/%{mapping_name} |
Put | The operation to create a protection container mapping. | ReplicationProtectionContainerMappings_Create |
List - list all | `` | |||
List - get one | /Subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/%{resource_name}/replicationFabrics/%{fabric_name}/replicationProtectionContainers/%{protection_container_name}/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/%{mapping_name} |
Get | Gets the details of a protection container mapping. | ReplicationProtectionContainerMappings_Get |
List - get list using params | /Subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/%{resource_name}/replicationProtectionContainerMappings |
Get | Lists the protection container mappings in the vault. | ReplicationProtectionContainerMappings_List |
Update | /Subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/%{resource_name}/replicationFabrics/%{fabric_name}/replicationProtectionContainers/%{protection_container_name}/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/%{mapping_name} |
Put | The operation to create a protection container mapping. | ReplicationProtectionContainerMappings_Create |
Delete | /Subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/%{resource_name}/replicationFabrics/%{fabric_name}/replicationProtectionContainers/%{protection_container_name}/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/%{mapping_name} |
Delete | The operation to purge(force delete) a protection container mapping | ReplicationProtectionContainerMappings_Purge |