Document: "elasticPools"
Represents a database elastic pool.
azure_elastic_pool {
api_version => "api_version",
location => "location (optional)",
parameters => "parameters",
properties => $azure_elastic_pool_properties
resource_group_name => "resource_group_name",
server_name => "server_name",
subscription_id => "subscription_id",
tags => "tags (optional)",
Name | Type | Required | Description |
api_version | String | true | The API version to use for the request. |
location | String | false | Resource location. |
parameters | Hash | true | The required parameters for creating or updating an elastic pool. |
properties | ElasticPoolProperties | false | The properties representing the resource. |
resource_group_name | String | true | The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. |
server_name | String | true | The name of the server. |
subscription_id | String | true | The subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription. |
tags | Hash | false | Resource tags. |
Represents the properties of an elastic pool.
$azure_elastic_pool_properties = {
databaseDtuMax => "1234 (optional)",
databaseDtuMin => "1234 (optional)",
dtu => "1234 (optional)",
edition => "edition (optional)",
storageMB => "1234 (optional)",
zoneRedundant => "zoneRedundant (optional)",
Name | Type | Required | Description |
databaseDtuMax | Integer | false | The maximum DTU any one database can consume. |
databaseDtuMin | Integer | false | The minimum DTU all databases are guaranteed. |
dtu | Integer | false | The total shared DTU for the database elastic pool. |
edition | String | false | The edition of the elastic pool. |
storageMB | Integer | false | Gets storage limit for the database elastic pool in MB. |
zoneRedundant | Boolean | false | Whether or not this database elastic pool is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this database will be spread across multiple availability zones. |
Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the ElasticPool
Operation | Path | Verb | Description | OperationID |
Create | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/%{server_name}/elasticPools/%{elastic_pool_name} |
Put | Creates a new elastic pool or updates an existing elastic pool. | ElasticPools_CreateOrUpdate |
List - list all | `` | |||
List - get one | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/%{server_name}/elasticPools/%{elastic_pool_name} |
Get | Gets an elastic pool. | ElasticPools_Get |
List - get list using params | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/%{server_name}/elasticPools |
Get | Returns a list of elastic pools in a server. | ElasticPools_ListByServer |
Update | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/%{server_name}/elasticPools/%{elastic_pool_name} |
Put | Creates a new elastic pool or updates an existing elastic pool. | ElasticPools_CreateOrUpdate |
Delete | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/%{server_name}/elasticPools/%{elastic_pool_name} |
Delete | Deletes the elastic pool. | ElasticPools_Delete |