Changelog 0.2.3 (2022-07-17) Fixed 🐛 fix duplicate path addition [b2d32dc] 0.2.2 (2022-07-17) Fixed 🐛 Fix a duplicate path addition [46ddca3] Miscellaneous Merge pull request #4 from a5ob7r/fix_duplicate_path_addition [6888b6d] 0.2.1 (2022-04-06) Miscellaneous Merge pull request #2 from vv3d0x/fix-double-slash [73bd75c] Prevent double slash in paths [8c97924] 0.2.0 (2021-09-03) Fixed 🐛 resolve download URL + new path [5fed859] 0.1.0 (2021-08-18) Added ✨ add pre-commit + makefile [70eaf68] ✨ add alias + update doc [890dd36] 🎉 first commit [b1fabc9] Changed ⚡ use releases/latest to retrieve last version [4b25bf3] 🚚 rename plugin file [23c28ed] Miscellaneous 📝 update Readme to match pre-commit md-toc [092c4e9] 📝 update Licence [e2ce560] 📝 add Changelog + Contributing [c51e458] 🛂 add exec permission [3f28e53] 📝 add licence badge [99834c1]