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Patrick Beisler edited this page Jul 10, 2015 · 10 revisions

Comvert Documentation


By default Comvert will convert all .CBR files to .CBZ, if ran without any switches.

By default Comvert will also write 2 log files in the current working directory:

  1. comvert.log - Contains standard output from execution

  2. missed_files.log - Archives that Comvert wasn't able to locate scan credits in (whether or not they existed)

For those that may drop the executable into the working directory and double click it ( or ran in the background via CLI ), the script and output would not be seen, so a log file of what happened is wanted.

At the same time, those than execute it from the CLI in the foreground will see the output and may not want an addition log file, so we would run quietly. ( -q )


There are several switches to help get the most out of Comvert:

-s [ source directory ]

-i [ input file type {cbr,cbz,cbt,cb7} ]

-o [ output file type {cbz,cbt,cb7} ]

  7-Zip doesn't support .rar ouput


  quiet, no log file in working directory


While working with archives Comvert will also search for junk files we don't need and remove them.

  1. Removes Thumbs.db

  2. Removes .DS_Store

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