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Patrick Beisler edited this page Aug 4, 2016 · 10 revisions

Comvert User Guide


By default Comvert will convert all .CBR files to .CBZ, if ran without any switches.

By default Comvert will write 1 log file in the working directory:

  1. suspicious_files.txt - Files that are named like scan credits, but might not be


There are several switches to help get the most out of Comvert:

-s [ source directory ]

-i [ input file type {cbr,cbz,cbt,cb7} ]

-o [ output file type {cbz,cbt,cb7} ]

  7-Zip doesn't support .rar ouput


While working with archives Comvert will also search for junk files we don't need and remove them.

  1. Removes Thumbs.db

  2. Removes .DS_Store

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