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[Blog post] New Step API #1

pseudo-rnd-thoughts opened this issue Aug 1, 2022 · 2 comments

[Blog post] New Step API #1

pseudo-rnd-thoughts opened this issue Aug 1, 2022 · 2 comments


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pseudo-rnd-thoughts commented Aug 1, 2022


In openai#2752, we have recently changed the Gym Env.step API.

In gym versions prior to v25, the step API was

>>> obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

In gym versions 26, the step API was changed to

>>> obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
>>> done = terminated or truncated

For training agents, where done was used previously, then terminated should be used.

In v26, all internal gym environments and wrappers solely support the (new) terminated / truncated step API with support for the (old) done step API being provided through the EnvCompatibility wrapper for converting between the old and new APIs, accessible through gym.make(..., apply_api_compatibility=True).

It should be noted that v25 has the changes listed below but is turned off by default and require parameters not discussed in this blog post. Therefore, we recommend users to either update to v26 or use v23.1 that do not include these changes.

For a detailed explanation of the changes and reasoning, read the rest of this post.

(New) Terminated / Truncated Step API

In this post, we explain the motivation for the change, what the new Env.step API is, why alternative implementations were not selected and the suggested code changes for developers.


To prevent an agent from wandering in circles forever, not doing anything, and for other practical reasons, Gym lets environments have the option to specify a time limit that the agent must complete the environment within. Importantly, this time limit is outside of the agent’s knowledge as it is not contained within their observations. Therefore, when the agent reaches the time limit, the environment should be reset however this type of reset should be treated differently from when the agent reaches a goal and the environment ends. We refer to the first type as truncation, when the agent reaches the time limit (maximum number of steps) for the environment, and the second type as termination, when the environment state reaches a specific condition (i.e. the agent reaches the goal). For a more precise discussion of how Gym works in relation to RL theory, see the theory section.

The problem is that most users of Gym have treated termination and truncation as identical. Gym's step API done signal only referred to the fact that the environment needed resetting with info, “TimeLimit.truncation”=True or False specifying if the cause is truncation or termination.

This matters for most Reinforcement Learning algorithms [1] that perform bootstrapping to update the Value function or related estimates (i.e. Q-value), used by DQN, A2C, etc. In the following example for updating the Q-value, the next Q-value depends on if the environment has terminated.

If terminated:  # case 1
    Next q-value = reward
Else:  # case 2
    Next q-value = reward + discount factor * max action of the Q (next state, action)

# This can more efficiently be written
Next q-value = reward + (not terminated) * discount factor * max action of the Q(next state, action)

This can be seen in Algorithm 1 (Page 5) of the original DQN paper, however, we noted that this case is often ignored when writing the pseudocode for Reinforcement Learning algorithms.

Therefore, if the environment has truncated and not terminated, case 2 of the bootstrapping should be computed, however, if the case is determined by done, this can result in the wrong implementation. This was the main motivation for changing the step API to encourage accurate implementations, a critical factor for academia when replicating work.

The reason that most users are unaware of this difference between truncation and termination is that documentation on this issue was missing. As a result, a large amount of tutorial code has incorrectly implemented RL algorithms. This can be seen in the top 4 tutorials found searching google for “DQN tutorial”, [1], [2], [3], [4] (checked 21 July 2022) where only a single website (Tensorflow Agents) implements truncation and termination correctly. Importantly, the reason that Tensorflow Agent does not fall for this issue is that Google has recognised this issue with the Gym step implementation and has designed their own API where the step function returns the discount factor instead of done. See time step code block.

(New) Terminated / Truncated Step API

In this Section, we discuss the (new) terminated / truncated step API along with the changes made to Gym that will affect users. We should note that these changes might not be implemented by all python modules or tutorials that use Gym. In v0.25, this behaviour will be turned off by default (in a majority of cases) but in v0.26+, support for the old step API is provided solely through the EnvCompatibility and StepAPICompatibility wrapper.

  1. All environments, wrappers, utils and vector implementations within Gym (i.e., CartPole) have been changed to the new API. Warnings, this might not be true outside of gym.
# (old) done step API
def step(self, action) -> Tuple[ObsType, float, bool, dict]:

# (new) terminated / truncated step API
def step(self, action) -> Tuple[ObsType, float, bool, bool, dict]:
  1. Changes in phrasing - In the vector environments, terminal_reward, terminal_observation etc. is replaced with final_reward, final_observation etc. The intention is to reserve the 'termination' word for only if terminated=True. (for some motivation, Sutton and Barto use terminal states to specifically refer to special states whose values are 0, states at the end of the MDP. This is not true for a truncation where the value of the final state need not be 0. So the current usage of terminal_obs etc. would be incorrect if we adopt this definition)

Suggested Code changes

We believe there are primarily two changes that will have to be made by developers updating to the new Step API.

  1. Stepping through the environment - You need to change the env.step to take 5 elements, obs, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.step(action). To loop through the environment then you need to check if the environment needs resetting with done = terminated or truncated.
env = gym.make(“CartPole-v1”)
done = False
while not done:
	action = env.action_space.sample()
	obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
	done = terminated or truncated
  1. Training of Agents - As explained before, differentiating between termination and truncation is critical for the training of bootstrap-based agents. Using the (old) done step API required determining terminated and truncated from info["TimeLimit.truncated"] to correctly implement many RL algorithms. We should note that it is not possible for both terminated and truncated to be both true with the (old) done step API which is possible for the new API. For the (new) terminated / truncated step API, terminated and truncated is known immediately from env.step. To use terminated and truncated is unique for each algorithms implementation but the termination information is generally critical for bootstrapped estimated training algorithms and in replay buffers can generally replace done. However, check if the training code has been updated.

Backward compatibility

To allow conversions between the done step API and termination / truncation step API, we provide convert_to_terminated_truncated_step_api and convert_to_done_step_api in utils/ These functions work with vector environments (with both list and dictionary-based info). These functions are incorporated with the StepAPICompatibility and EnvCompatibility wrappers.

step_api_compatibility function
This function is similar to the wrapper, it is used for backward compatibility in wrappers, vector envs. It is used at interfaces between environments, wrappers, vectorisation and outside code. Example usage,

# wrapper's step method
def step(self, action):

    # here self.env.step is made to return in new API, since the wrapper is written in new API
    obs, reward, done, info = convert_to_done_step_api(self.env.step(action)) 

    if done:
        ### terminated / truncated code
    ### more wrapper code

    # here the wrapper is made to return in API specified by convert_to_terminated_truncated_step_api
    return convert_to_terminated_truncated_step_api((obs, reward, done, info)) 

With the step compatibility functions, whenever an environment (or sub-environment with vectorisation) is terminated or truncated, "TimeLimit.truncated" is added to the step info. However, as the info cannot specify if terminated and truncated is True only one being True, in cases of converting, termination is favored over truncation. I.e. if terminated=True and truncated=True then done=True and info['TimeLimit.truncated']=False. The revert is also assumed if done=True and info["TimeLimit.truncated"]=True, then terminated=False and truncated=True.

Alternative Implementations

While developing this new Step API, a number of developers asked why alternative implementations were not taken. There are four primary alternative approaches that we considered:

  • No change: With changes to the documentation alone, it is possible for developers to accurately implement Reinforcement Learning algorithms with termination and truncation. However, due to the prevalence of this misunderstanding within the Reinforcement Learning community (as shown in the short survey of tutorials at the end of the introduction), we are sceptical that solely creating documentation and some blog posts would cause a significant shift within the community to fix the issue in the long term. Therefore, we believe no change would not cause the community to fix the root issue.
  • Custom Boolean: It is feasible to replace done which is a python bool with a custom bool implementation that can act identically to boolean except in addition encoding the truncation information. Similar to this is a proposal to replace done as an integer to allow the four possible termination and truncation states. However, the primary problem with both of these implementations is that it is backwards compatible meaning that (old) done code that is not properly implemented with new custom boolean or integer step API could cause significant bugs to occur. As a result, we believe this proposal could cause significantly more issues.
  • Discount factor: For Deepmind Env and TensorflowAgent, the step function return the discount_factor instead of done. This allows them to have variable discount_factors over an episode and can address the issue with termination and truncation. However, we identify two problems with this proposal. The first is similar to the custom boolean implementation that while the change is backwards compatible this can instead cause assessing if the tutorial code is updated to the new API. The second issue is that Gym provides an API solely for environments, and is agnostic to the solving method. So adding the discount factor would change one of the core Gym philosophies.
  • 5 elements: While we agree that our proposed 5-element tuple is not optimal (there are many things like the step API in Gym which if developed in 2022 with the goal of making a de facto standard for Reinforcement Learning, we would certainly change), we believe our proposal is the best for the future. One of the primary reasons is that the change makes assessing if code follows the new or old API easy and avoids the issue of being partially backward compatible allowing new bugs to occur.

Related Reinforcement Learning Theory

Reinforcement Learning tasks into grouped into two - episodic tasks and continuing tasks. Episodic tasks refer to environments that terminate in a finite number of steps. This can further be divided into Finite-Horizon tasks which end in a fixed number of steps and Indefinite Horizon tasks which terminate in an arbitrary number of steps but must end (eg. goal completion, task failure). In comparison, Continuing tasks refer to environments which have no end (eg. some control process tasks).

The state that leads to an episode ending in episodic tasks is referred to as a terminal state, and the value of this state is 0. The episode is said to have terminated when the agent reaches this state. All this is encapsulated within the Markov Decision Process (MDP) which defines a task (Environment).

A critical difference occurs in practice when we choose to end the episode for reasons outside the scope of the agent (MDP). This is typically in the form of time limits set to limit the number of timesteps per episode (useful for several reasons - batching, diversifying experience etc.). This kind of truncation is essential in training continuing tasks that have no end, but also useful in episodic tasks that can take an arbitrary number of steps to end. This condition can also be in the form of an out-of-bounds limit, where the episode ends if a robot steps out of a boundary, but this is more due to a physical restriction and not part of the task itself.

We can thus differentiate the reason for an episode ending into two categories - the agent reaching a terminal state as defined under the MDP of the task, and the agent satisfying a condition that is out of the scope of the MDP. We refer to the former condition as termination and the latter condition as truncation.

Note that while finite horizon tasks end due to a time limit, this would be considered a termination since the time limit is built into the task. For these tasks, to preserve the Markov property, it is essential to add information about ‘time remaining’ in the state. For this reason, Gym includes a TimeObservation wrapper for users who wish to include the current time step in the agent’s observation.

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araffin commented Aug 17, 2022

for the TL;DR, I was more thinking if how pytorch does it for breaking changes, for instance: (see "Backwards Incompatible changes" section)

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araffin commented Aug 17, 2022

the sentence "Gym API’s done signal only referred to the fact that the environment needed resetting with info, “TimeLimit.truncation”=True or False specifying if truncation or termination." sounds weird, should be probably cut in two.

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