LIP: 0039
Title: Introduce sparse Merkle trees
Author: Alessandro Ricottone <[email protected]>
Status: Draft
Type: Informational
Created: 2021-04-22
Updated: 2021-12-01
In this LIP, we specify the sparse Merkle tree implementation for the Lisk protocol and the format for inclusion proofs. A sparse Merkle tree is an authenticated data structure that allows to validate a key-value dataset with a single hash value, the Merkle root. It differs from a regular Merkle tree in that every element of the dataset occupies a fixed position in the tree, given by its key, and the resulting Merkle root depends only on the final dataset and not on the order of insertion.
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A sparse Merkle tree (SMT) is a data structure used to accumulate a key-value dataset into a single root [1]. The main differences between SMTs and regular Merkle trees are that in a SMT the final Merkle root does not depend on the order of insertion of the data, since all elements occupy a fixed position in the tree structure (given by the key). SMTs allow for efficient proofs-of-non-inclusion, where the Prover can convince the Verifier that a certain key-value pair is not part of the underlying dataset.
In this LIP, we specify the SMT data structure for the Lisk protocol. We do not describe specific use-cases, which will be presented in other LIPs. We describe the format for inclusion proofs, the verification protocol, and the proof serialization.
For the rest of the LIP, we indicate with N the number of elements present in the tree, with L the binary length of a key, with Log the base 2 logarithm, and with the symbol ||
the bytes-concatenation operation.
A sparse Merkle tree is an authenticated data structure organized as a tree. Unlike regular Merkle trees (specified in LIP 0031 for the Lisk protocol), a SMT contains a distinct leaf node for every possible key. Therefore, the size of the tree is exponential in the length of the keys. For example, for 32-byte keys, a SMT contains 2256 leaves and 256 layers. Such an enormous number of nodes cannot actually be generated and stored, hence the tree is only ''simulated''.
The defining property of a SMT is:
- History independence: the Merkle root is independent of the insertion history and depends only on the final dataset.
The goal of our specification of a SMT is to have the following properties:
- Dynamic: the tree can be updated efficiently, i.e. with O(Log(N)) operations.
- Universal: the implementation supports efficient inclusion and non-inclusion proofs.
- Efficient storage: only O(N) elements are stored explicitly.
It is sufficient that these properties hold when the keys are randomly distributed, but not necessarily attained in general (for example when the keys are chosen adversarially).
We apply the following optimizations, similar to the one defined in the Diem protocol [2]:
- Each subtree with exactly one non-empty leaf is replaced by the leaf itself.
- Each subtree containing only empty nodes is replaced by a constant node with hash value equal to
Here, an empty node is a node storing no value (or value=0). A new tree is initialized with all empty nodes. An example of a tree resulting from these optimizations is given in Figure 1.
Figure 1: a tree consisting of 11 non-empty leaves. Leaf keys (indicated in green) have a length of 1 byte. We show only the first 4 bytes of the node hashes for convenience and we display the keys in their binary representation. β denotes default empty nodes. Branch nodes do not have a key, but here we indicate in red the common prefix of the leaf nodes below the branch.
As mentioned, the tree height is O(Log(N)) if the keys are randomly distributed. It is easy to fulfill this condition by hashing the keys prior to insertion in the tree. The average number of operations needed to update the tree after inserting a node approaches Log(N), while it equals L (256 for 32-byte keys) in the worst case (two consecutive leaf nodes differing only on their last key digit). The additional introduction of extension nodes could eliminate empty nodes and therefore bring the number of operations down to O(Log(N)) also for the worst case. However, this optimization introduces extra complexity in the non-inclusion proof protocol, and as explained, this drawback is not relevant for randomly distributed keys.
We use proof compression to guarantee that the proof size also scales as O(Log(N)). We only pass non-empty hashes as part of the proof, and include an extra bitmap to indicate which nodes in the proof path are non default empty nodes. In summary, this construction supports update, proof generation, and verification in O(Log(N)) operations, with height, number of nodes, and proof length also scaling as O(Log(N)).
In this section, we introduce some terminology and explain two general protocols for inclusion proofs. The Verifier holds merkleRoot
, the Merkle root of the tree built from the dataset, and a set of keys, queryKeys
, for which they wish to obtain an inclusion proof.
An inclusion proof is characterized by the following properties:
: An array of keys whose presence in the dataset has to be verified.proof
: The proof itself, consisting of 2 parts:siblingHashes
: An array of bytes necessary to compute the Merkle root.queries
: An array of objects, one per key inqueryKeys
. Each object describes the inclusion proof of the corresponding key and contains the following properties:key
: A byte value indicating the presence or not of the corresponding key in the tree.bitmap
: A byte value whose binary expansion indicates the presence of a branch or leaf node (digit 1) or an empty node (digit 0) in the path from the leaf node to the root (see Figure 2).value
: A byte value giving the value of the node associated withkey.
The protocol for an inclusion proof is similar to the one specified for regular Merkle trees:
- Verifier: The Verifier knows
and sends the Prover an array of keys,queryKeys
, for which they wish to obtain a proof-of-inclusion; - Prover:
- The Prover finds the leaf node corresponding to each key
and assigns to each aquery
object with a key, a bitmap, and a value. The bitmap indicates the presence of default empty nodes along the path to the Merkle root. If the node exists,query.key
is set tok
to the node value; if the node does not exist, the Prover returns an inclusion proof for another leaf or a default empty node in the path of thek
. In this case,query.key
are set to the leaf key and leaf value or tok
and empty value, respectively. - The Prover generates
by merging together the sibling hashes of the single paths in the correct order of application, and transmits the complete proof to the Verifier. The complete proof contains a common arraysiblingHashes
and an arrayqueries
, containing a query object for each key inqueryKeys
, respecting the same order.
- The Prover finds the leaf node corresponding to each key
- Verifier: The Verifier uses
to recalculate the Merkle root starting from the leaf nodes derived fromqueryKeys
, and checks that it equalsmerkleRoot
As shown, a non-inclusion proof is generated by providing a proof of inclusion for another leaf or a default empty node in the path of the target leaf node, indicating that there are no other leaves in the subtree (see Figure 2).
For the rest of this proposal, we define the following constants:
Name | Type | Value |
EMPTY_HASH | bytes | SHA-256("") |
LEAF_PREFIX | bytes | 0x00 |
BRANCH_PREFIX | bytes | 0x01 |
KEY_LENGTH_BYTES | integer | Length of keys in bytes. Set when initializing the data structure |
Each node in the tree has a data
and a hash
property. Leaf nodes store the key and value in their data property, while branch nodes store the hashes of the child nodes. Default empty nodes have a constant hash EMPTY_HASH
. In summary, we define 3 different nodes:
leafNode(key, value) = {
data: key || value,
hash: leafHash(data)
branchNode(child1, child2) = {
data: child1.hash || child2.hash,
hash: branchHash(data)
defaultEmptyNode() = {
Similar to what we do for regular Merkle trees, we use a different hash function for leaf and branch nodes to protect against second preimage attacks:
leafHash(msg) = hash(LEAF_PREFIX || msg)
branchHash(msg) = hash(BRANCH_PREFIX || msg).
Here the function hash
returns the SHA-256 hash of the input. Leaf nodes are ''hardened'' by hashing their keys together with their values. Otherwise, in a subtree with only one non-empty node several keys would correspond to the same leaf node.
The Merkle tree is built on top of an underlying dataset consisting of a set of (key, value) tuples. The key fixes the position of each dataset element in the tree: starting from the root, each digit in the binary expansion indicates whether we should follow the left child (next digit is 0) or the right child (next digit is 1), see Figure 1. The length of the key (in bytes) is a fixed constant of the tree, KEY_LENGTH_BYTES
, larger than 0. The value property must be non-empty.
As explained in the rationale, rather than explicitly creating a full tree, we simulate it by inserting only non-zero leaves into the tree whenever a new data block (a key-value pair) is added to the dataset, using the two optimizations:
- Each subtree with exactly one non-empty leaf is replaced by the leaf itself.
- Each subtree containing only empty nodes is replaced by a constant node with hash value equal to
We define the utility function:
function binaryExpansion(k):
return the binary expansion of k. Enough leading 0s are prepended until the binary expansion has length=8*KEY_LENGTH_BYTES
The functions defined in the following sections are methods of the tree, i.e. we assume that the tree is a global data structure that can be modified by these functions.
The Merkle root of a dataset is computed as follows:
- The Merkle root of an empty dataset is set to the constant value
. - The Merkle root of a dataset with a single element is set to the leaf hash of that element.
- Otherwise, the Merkle root is the root of the tree resulting from inserting each key-value pair in the dataset using the update protocol outlined here.
function update(k, v):
if v is empty:
throw error
if length of k != KEY_LENGTH_BYTES:
throw error
let newLeaf=leafNode(k,v)
let ancestorNodes be an empty array
let currentNode be the tree root node
let binaryKey=binaryExpansion(k)
let h = 0
while currentNode is branchNode:
append currentNode to ancestorNodes
let d be the digit at position h of binaryKey
if d == 0:
set currentNode to the left child of currentNode
else if d == 1:
set currentNode to the right child of currentNode
set h to h+1
// currentNode is an empty default node or a leaf node
// currentNode is an empty node
if currentNode is defaultEmptyNode:
// newLeaf will replace the default empty node
set bottomNode=newLeaf
// node has the same key, we need to update the value
else if currentNode.key==k:
// currentNode will be updated to newLeal
set bottomNode=newLeaf
// currentNode has a different key, we insert the new leaf
// we need to create new branches in the tree to fulfill the
// condition of one leaf per empty subtree
// note: h is set to the last value from the previous loop
let d be the digit at position h of binaryKey
let currentNodeBinaryKey=binaryExpansion(currentNode.key)
let t be the digit at position h of currentNodeBinaryKey
while d == t:
// create branch node with empty value
let defaultBranch=branchNode(defaultEmptyNode, defaultEmptyNode)
append defaultBranch to ancestorNodes
set h to h+1
set d to the next digit of binaryKey
set t to the next digit of currentNodeBinaryKey
// create last branch node, parent of node and newLeaf
if d == 0:
set bottomNode=branchNode(newLeaf,currentNode)
else if d == 1:
set bottomNode=branchNode(currentNode,newLeaf)
// finally update all branch nodes in ancestorNodes,
// starting from the last
while h>0:
let d be the digit at position h-1 of binaryKey
let p be the element of ancestorNodes at position h-1
if d == 0:
let siblingNode be the right child node of p
update to bottomNode.hash || siblingNode.hash
update p.hash to branchHash(
else if d == 1:
let siblingNode be the left child node of p
update to siblingNode.hash || bottomNode.hash
update p.hash to branchHash(
set bottomNode to p
set h to h-1
// the final value of bottomNode is the root node of the tree
return bottomNode.hash
A certain key-value pair can be removed from the tree by deleting the corresponding leaf node and rearranging the affected nodes in the tree. The following protocol can be used to remove a key k
from the tree.
function remove(k):
if length of k != KEY_LENGTH_BYTES:
throw error
let ancestorNodes be an empty array
let currentNode be the tree root node
let binaryKey=binaryExpansion(k)
let h = 0
while currentNode is branchNode:
append currentNode to ancestorNodes
let d be the digit at position h of binaryKey
if d == 0:
set currentNodeSibling to the right child of currentNode
set currentNode to the left child of currentNode
else if d == 1:
set currentNodeSibling to the left child of currentNode
set currentNode to the right child of currentNode
set h to h+1
// currentNode is an empty default node or a leaf node
// currentNode is empty, nothing to do here
if currentNode is defaultEmptyNode:
return root hash
// key not in the tree, nothing to do here
else if currentNode.key != key:
return root hash
// currentNode has a branch sibling, delete currentNode
else if currentNodeSibling is branchNode:
delete currentNode
let bottomNode=defaultEmptyNode
// currentNode has a leaf sibling, move sibling up the tree
else if currentNodeSibling is leafNode:
delete currentNode
let bottomNode=currentNodeSibling
set h to h-1
while h > 0:
let p be the element of ancestorNodes at position h-1
if neither of the children of p is defaultEmptyNode:
delete p
set h to h-1
// finally update all branch nodes in ancestorNodes.
// note that h now is set to the correct height from which
// nodes have to be updated
while h > 0:
let d be the digit at position h-1 of binaryKey
let p be the element of ancestorNodes at position h-1
if d == 0:
let siblingNode be the right child node of p
update to bottomNode.hash || siblingNode.hash
update p.hash to branchHash(
else if d == 1:
let siblingNode be the left child node of p
update to siblingNode.hash || bottomNode.hash
update p.hash to branchHash(
set bottomNode to p
set h to h-1
// the final value of bottomNode is the root node of the tree
return bottomNode.hash
Figure 2: the inclusion proof for queryKeys=[00110101, 00111111, 01011010, 10111000]
. Elements of proof.queries
are indicated in bold, while elements of proof.siblingHashes
are highlighted in red. The complete proof is given by (hash values are shortened to the first 4 bytes and key and bitmap values are hex-encoded):
proof={siblingHashes:[cc956a85, 3c516152, e041e1c0, 6400721e, 3c32b131],
queries: [
{key:33, value:4e074085, bitmap:17},
{key:3f, value:8a8de823, bitmap:37},
{key:5a, value:bbeebd87, bitmap:07},
{key:a9, value:9e8e8c37, bitmap:07}]}.
Given these keys and values, the hash of the node can be recomputed. For example, to the leaf node with key=00110011
corresponds the hash leafHash(33 || 4e07408562bedb8b60ce05c1decfe3ad16b72230967de01f640b7e4729b49fce) = 00be9f2ec46f47e14965f0cb9903f09bc6fe30244109c7c5310180a2251c75cc
The properties and protocol for an inclusion proof have been introduced in the Rationale section, above. In this section, we specify how these properties are calculated. We assume that the queried keys have a fixed length KEY_LENGTH_BYTES
The following function generates the query response to a single key, including the sibling hashes and the hash of the visited nodes.
function generateQueryProof(queryKey):
let ancestorHashes be an empty array
let siblingHashes be an empty array
let queryBitmap be an empty string
let currentNode be the tree root node
if currentNode is defaultEmptyNode:
let response be a data structure with:
value=empty buffer,
binaryBitmap=empty string,
return response
let binaryKey=binaryExpansion(queryKey)
let h = 0
while currentNode is branch:
append currentNode.hash to ancestorHashes
let d be the digit at position h of binaryKey
if d == 0:
set currentNode to the left child of currentNode
set currentNodeSibling to the right child of currentNode
else if d == 1:
set currentNode to the right child of currentNode
set currentNodeSibling to the left child of currentNode
if currentNodeSibling is defaultEmptyNode:
prepend 0 to queryBitmap
prepend 1 to queryBitmap
append currentNodeSibling.hash to siblingHashes
set h to h+1
// currentNode is an empty default node or a leaf node
if currentNode is defaultEmptyNode:
// queryKey is not part of the tree
let response be a data structure with:
value=empty buffer,
let response be a data structure with:
return response
Note that the first digit of queryBitmap
is always a 1, else the tree would have been invalidly constructed. As a consequence, the hex encoded value of queryBitmap
corresponds to a unique series of digits.
To generate a complete inclusion proof, several query responses are combined together, and their sibling hashes are merged in a single array. We first define the utility function sortByBitmapAndKey
function sortByBitmapAndKey(queries):
sort queries by the longest binaryBitmap, breaking ties by smaller key.
// this corresponds to a bottom-up left-right ordering of the corresponding leaf nodes
Given an array of keys queryKeys
, the inclusion proof is obtained from the function generateProof(queryKeys)
function generateProof(queryKeys):
// queries hold the individual responses, respecting
// the same order of queryKeys
let queries be an empty array
// sortedQueries is used to merge together the siblingHashes
let sortedQueries be an empty array
let ancestorHashes be an empty array
for each key k in queryKeys:
let r=generateQueryProof(k)
append r to sortedQueries
let q be a data structure with:
bitmap=r.binaryBitmap encoded as byte array}
append q to queries
append r.ancestorHashes to ancestorHashes
let siblingHashes be an empty array
while sortedQueries is non-empty:
sortedQueries = sortByBitmapAndKey(sortedQueries)
let q be the first element of sortedQueries
if q.binaryBitmap is empty string:
remove p from sortedQueries
let b to the first digit of q.binaryBitmap
remove the first digit of q.binaryBitmap
if b == 1:
let siblingHash be the last element of q.siblingHashes
remove the last element from q.siblingHashes
// only append to siblingHashes if it cannot be computed
if siblingHash not in union(siblingHashes, ancestorHashes):
append siblingHash to siblingHashes
let proof be a data structure with:
return proof
To check the proof, the Verifier calls the verify(queryKeys, proof, merkleRoot)
function. This function is not a method of the tree, and can be run just by holding the Merkle root. Here, queryKeys
is the same array of keys used to generate proof
, while merkleRoot
is the root of the SMT, known to the Verifier.
We define the utility functions filterQueries
, areSiblingQueries
, and calculateRoot
. The general strategy is to recompute the Merkle root using proof
and queryKeys
in calculateRoot
. The verify
function then checks if the provided proof is valid against queryKeys
and that the calculated root equals merkleRoot
// This function filters the array of queries by keeping only those
// with a different key prefix, i.e., by removing queries that have
// merged together
function filterQueries(queries):
for each query q in queries:
let h=length of q.binaryBitmap
let binaryKey=binaryExpansion(q.key)
let q.keyPrefix be the first h digits of binaryKey
if there exists another p in queries s.t. p.keyPrefix == q.keyPrefix:
if p.hash != q.hash:
// the two merging queries have mismatching hashes
throw error
// filter queries by keeping only unique values of q.keyPrefix
remove p from queries
return queries
// This function checks whether two queries correspond to nodes that are
// children of the same branch node, with q1 and q2 the left and right
// child respectively
function areSiblingQueries(q1, q2):
if length of q1.binaryBitmap != length of q2.binaryBitmap:
return false
let h=length of q1.binaryBitmap
let binaryKey1=binaryExpansion(q1.key)
let binaryKey2=binaryExpansion(q2.key)
let keyPrefix1 be the first (h-1) digits of binaryKey1
let keyPrefix2 be the first (h-1) digits of binaryKey2
if keyPrefix1 != keyPrefix2:
return false
let d1 be the digit at position h of binaryKey1
let d2 be the digit at position h of binaryKey2
return d1==0 and d2==1
function calculateRoot(siblingHashes, queries):
// we add the hash property to each query, used to recompute the tree root
for each query q in queries:
set q.binaryBitmap to binaryExpansion(q.bitmap) without leading zeros
// if value is empty, it is a defaultEmptyNode
if q.value is empty bytes:
set q.hash to EMPTY_HASH
let qLeaf=leafNode(q.key,q.value)
set q.hash to qLeaf.hash
let sortedQueries=sortByBitmapAndKey(queries)
while sortedQueries is non-empty:
let q be the first element of sortedQueries
// if the binaryBitmap is empty string, we reached the top of the tree
if q.binaryBitmap is empty string:
return q.hash
let b to the first digit of q.binaryBitmap
// h equals the height of the node; e.g., the root has h=0
let h=length of q.binaryBitmap
let binaryKey=binaryExpansion(q.key)
// we distinguish three cases for the sibling hash:
// 1. sibling is next element of sortedQueries
let nextQuery = next element of sortedQueries
if nextQuery exists and areSiblingQueries(q, nextQuery):
set siblingHash to nextQuery.hash
remove nextQuery from sortedQueries
// 2. sibling is default empty node
else if b == 0:
set siblingHash to EMPTY_HASH
// 3. sibling hash comes from siblingHashes
else if b == 1:
set siblingHash to the first element of siblingHashes
remove the first element of siblingHashes
let d be the digit at position (h-1) of binaryKey
if d == 0:
update q.hash to branchHash(q.hash, siblingHash)
else if d == 1:
update q.hash to branchHash(siblingHash, q.hash)
remove the first digit of q.binaryBitmap
throw error
function verify(queryKeys, proof, merkleRoot):
// check that the proof is valid with respect to queryKeys
if length of queryKeys != length of proof.queries:
return false
for each query q in proof.queries:
let k be the corresponding key in queryKeys (the element of queryKeys with same index)
// q is an inclusion proof for k or a default empty node
if q.key == k:
// q is an inclusion proof for another leaf node
let binaryResponseBitmap = binaryExpansion(q.bitmap) without leading zeros
let binaryResponseKey=binaryExpansion(q.key)
let binaryQueryKey=binaryExpansion(k)
let sharedPrefix = the common prefix of binaryResponseKey and binaryQueryKey
if length of binaryResponseBitmap > length of sharedPrefix:
// q does not give an non-inclusion proof for k
return false
// calculate the new Merkle root from the proof
let calculatedRoot = calculateRoot(proof.siblingHashes, proof.queries)
return calculatedRoot == merkleRoot
The inclusion proof is serialized according to the specifications defined in LIP 0027 using the following JSON schema:
proof = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"siblingHashes": {
"type": "array",
"items": {"dataType": "bytes"},
"fieldNumber": 1 },
"queries": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"fieldNumber": 2,
"properties": {
"key": {
"dataType": "bytes",
"fieldNumber": 1 },
"value": {
"dataType": "bytes",
"fieldNumber": 2 },
"bitmap": {
"dataType": "bytes",
"fieldNumber": 3 },
"required": ["key", "value", "bitmap"]
"required": ["siblingHashes", "queries"]
This proposal does not introduce any fork(s) in the network, as it only defines the specification of sparse Merkle trees in the Lisk protocol.
[1] Rasmus Dahlberg, Tobias Pulls, and Roel Peeters, Efficient Sparse Merkle Trees
[2] Jellyfish Merkle tree,