#both players clone the repository
git clone <repo uri>
#change directories to the root of the repository
cd tictactoe
#Player 1 create a branch for your game
git checkout -b game1
#push your branch to the server
git push --set-upstream origin game1
#Player 2 checkout the branch for the game
git fetch --all
git checkout game1
#Player 1
#Open the _gameTemplate.txt file
#Make your first move by entering an X in one of the squares
#Check in your move and push to the server
git status
git diff
git add .
git commit -m "Player1's first move"
git push
#Player 2
#pull commits from the server
git pull
#Open the _gameTemplate.txt file
#Make your first move by entering an O in one of the squares
git status
git diff
git add .
git commit -m "Player1's first move"
git push
#Each Player continue's this process until the game is over
#pull commits from the server
git pull
#Open the _gameTemplate.txt file
#Make your next move by entering an X or O in one of the squares
git status
git diff
git add .
git commit -m "Player1's first move"
git push
#Each player delete your local branch
git checkout main
git branch -D game1
#Player 1 delete your branch from the server
git push origin :game1
#A referee will create a tournament branch from the main branch and push it to the server
git checkout main
git pull
git checkout -b tournament1
git push --set-upstream origin tournament1
#each pair will play 2 games of tic tac toe as in Challenge #1 with the following modifications
1. Checkout the tournament branch
2. Create a seperate branch for each game.
3. Copy _gameTemplate.txt for each game and name it <player1><player2>game<gameid>.txt
4. Play your game as in Challenge #1
5. Fill out who won the game
6. Pull request your completed game into the tournament1 branch
7. The referee will review and approve your game
8. Merge your game branch with the delete branch checkbox checked.
9. Start your next game.
#A referee will create a tournament branch from the main branch and push it to the server
git checkout main
git pull
git checkout -b tournament1
git push --set-upstream origin tournament1
#each pair will play 2 games of tic tac toe as in Challenge #1 with the following modifications
1. Checkout the tournament1 branch
2. Create a seperate branch for each game.
3. Play your game on _gameTemplate.txt
4. Add your results to the _tournamanetResults.txt file on the tournament1 branch and push your changes
1. The winners adds their name to the winner list
2. The loser adds their name to the loser list
3. If the cat wins add your team name to the cat list
5. Start your next game.
This challenge is the same as Challenge #3 with a focus on rebasing
During step 4 when you add your results to the _tournamanetResults.txt file on the tournament1 branch and push your changes:
1. git fetch --all --prune
2. git checkout tournament1
3. git pull --rebase
4. Fix and merge conflicts
5. The winners adds their name to the winner list
6. The loser adds their name to the loser list
7. If the cat wins add your team name to the cat list
8. Push your changes to the server
9. If you get and merge conflicts go to step 3 and repeat
Rebase commands you may need:
git pull --rebase
git rebase --continue
git rebase --abort
There should be no merge commits.
Another way to say this is each commit only has one parent.
Another way to say this is when I look at git lg or gitk there should be no merge lines in the graph
This is an individual challenge.
#A referee will create a tournament branch from the main branch and push it to the server
1. Checkout the tournament branch
2. Open the _pushChampion.txt file
3. Add your name to highest place not taken. Commit. Push.
4. If you get a merge conflict on your line resolve it taking the next available place and push again.
5. The first person to successfully push their name to the server at a place claims it and you must take the next available place when you resolve your conflict.